University News - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 5, 2010 - Among many others, the following chemical courses are to be given for the school year 1948-49 at the National Bureau of Standards, Washi...
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Now you can shovel a gallon of liquid

AEC Announces


The Atomic Energy Commission has announced the award of 162 new research fellowships in the physical, biological, and agricultural sciences to applicants from 30 states who will study in 43 different educational and research institutions. This brings to a total of 206 GRANTED TO



University of California

Malvin D. Stern Lewis Friedman

Harvard University Institute for Nuclear University of Chicago University of Illinois Institute for Nuclear Studies, University of Chicago University of Chicago University of California University of Chicago New York University University of Chicago

Jerome L. Rosenberg William Robert Sinclair Augustus Earl Wilson Gerald Schiffman Frank B. Colton

Organic chemistry Physical chemistry


Courses at Bureau of


Among many others, the following chemical courses are to be given for the school year 1948-49 at the National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C : petrographic microscope methods, fundamental properties of high polymers, chemical thermodynamics, phase equilibria, technology of organic and fibrous materials—textiles, cellulose, and special topics—and principles of mineralogy. General courses include administration for scientists, and mathematical symbolism and terminology.

sions. Roger Adams of the University of Illinois will deliver the opening address Oct. 11, and subsequent lecturers and subjects will be: Oct. 18. W. H. ZACHARIASBN. Crystal

Chemistry of the 5F Series of Elements. Oct. 25. F. H. WESTHBIMER. A Quan-

titative Theory of Steric Effects. Nov. 1. WILLIAM S. JOHNSON.

B R O W N COMPANY Brown Corp. Sun-Life Bldg. Montreal, Canada







A Frontiers in Chemistry Symposium will again be held this fall at Wayne University in Detroit. Outstanding chemical scientists from midwestern and eastern universities will lecture and lead discusCHEMICAL


to be announced.) Nov. 8.



chemistry of the Metal Amines. Nov. 15.



Mechanism of Reduction. Nov.



Developments Chemistry. Nov. 29.

5 0 0 Fifth A v e n u e , N e w York 18 r N . Y .


Cellulose and the mechanism of the utilization by fermenting bacteria Antigen-antibody complex formation Studies, Physical chemistry

Physical chemistry Physical chemistry Physical chemistry Tracer techniques in biochemistry Mechanism of certain organic free radical reactions Richard Stancliffe Corley Organic chemistry Harvard University David L. Douglas California Institute of Technology Physical chemistry Kurt Max Dubowski Chemical engineering Ohio State University Frank Charles Fatora, Jr. Organic chemistry University of Notre Dame Dale Miller Griffin, Jr. Organic chemistry University of Colorado Paul Frederick Gunberg Chemistry Purdue University Joseph Halperin Chemistry University of Chicago Robert Hutchison Harris Chemistry Purdue University Raymond L. Hayes Preparation of organic aromatic comUniversity of North Carolina pounds containing radioactive elements to be used in determination of rate of blood flow Kalman M. Held Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn Theory of ion exchange processes Carroll A. Hochwalt, Jr. Ohio State University Chemistry W. J. Klapproth, Jr. Mechanism of mercuration of aroUniversity of Chicago matic compounds Chemistry Albert Henry Markhart, Jr. University of California Donald Francis Mastick Chemistry University of California Edwin C. Mertz Chemistry University of Notre Dame Harold Podolsky Physical chemistry Illinois Institute of Technology Howard Joseph Ringold Organic chemistry University of Washington Charles L. Rulfs Physicochemical study of anomalous Purdue University valence states of rhenium and structure of ferrous-dimethylglyoxime complex Andrew Frank Steheny Chemistry University of Chicago Martin Steinberg Polarography techniques in study of University of Chicago fused salt solutions Primary processes in the radiolysis Thomas John Sworski University of Notre Dame of organic compounds Eugene E. Voiland Chemical effects of isomeric transition University of Notre Dame processes Iron-porphyrin complexes in solution Robert Irving Walter University of Chicago John A. Wethington, Jr. Chemistry Northwestern University

around like so much powder


the number of graduate students who have been selected for training under the AEC program during the 1948-49 academic year. Additional awards will be made later in the year and next spring. Below is a list of those receiving grants for work in the chemical field.

Richard Harding McBee

I. Moyer Hunsberger Henry Andrew Kierstead

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late Complexes in Analytical Chemistry. Requests for registration cards should be sent to Neil E. Gordon at Wayne University. Abstracts of each address will be mailed in advance to all registered students so that discussions may be facilitated. AND ENGINEERING