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Nov 5, 2010 - Wichita Foundation Fellowships. In order to encourage research pertinent to the industrial activities of the Wichita area, the Universit...
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Wichita Foundation Fellowships In order to encourage research p e r t i n e n t iu τ lie industrial activities of t h e Wichita area, the University of Wichita F o u n d a ­ tion for Industrial Research is offering two graduate fellowships leading to t h e mas­ ter's degree at t h e University of Wichita for t h e academic year 1947-4S. One will he granted in chemistry, and t h e other in \)v\ roleum geology. E a c h carries a stipend of SI,000 for the degree, plus tuition a n d fees. The one in chemist ry will p e r m i t fulltime work and t h e ohtaining of t h e decree in one year if requirements are m e t . T h e recipient of the fellowship in petroleum geology will he required to assist in the elementary courses in geology q u a r t e r time, for which h e will be paid &187.50 per semester in addition. T h e m a s t e r ' s d e ­ gree may be obtained in three semesters under this a r r a n g e m e n t . In each in­ stallée, it is required that t h e thesis be based on a subject of industrial importance, m t h e Wichita area. Although it is not required, it is hoped ihaî recipients find desirable industrial

positions in this area after they h a v e o b tained their degrees. These fellowships will be awarded on the basis of merit t o graduates of accredited colleges or u n i versities. F u r t h e r details m a y be secured from H u g o Wall, c h a i r m a n of t h e C o m mittee in Scholarships a n d S t u d e n t Aid. University of Wichita, Wichita 6, K a n .

Waste Disposal Investigation T h e American Electroplaters Society has announced t h e establishment of a new research project on disposal of plating room wastes, at Yale University. T h i s is the t e n t h of a series of projects which h a v e been set u p as fellowships or g r a n t s a t leading universities a n d research institutions throughout the country, relating t o various practical aspects of the electroplating a n d metal finishing i n d u s t r y . T h e s e projects are supported b y allotm e n t s from regular membership dues, b y v o l u n t a r y contributions, a n d by industrial concerns. T h e project comprises a n extensive survey and critical review of the existing






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literature in this field. T h i s will be followed b y laboratory and pilot-plant investigations, a n d by cooperative work in industrial t r e a t m e n t p l a n t s . Progress and final r e p o r t s will be published in t h e Monthly Review, official j o u r n a l of t h e society, a n d as A E S Research R e p r i n t s .

OSU Research Foundation Announces Contracts T h e Ohio S t a t e Universit3 r Research F o u n d a t i o n , Columbus, h a s announced 15 new c o n t r a c t s t o t a l i n g $428,171 for scientific studies to b e conducted a t t h e university for g o v e r n m e n t agencies and industrial firms. T e n projects totaling $320,341 will be carried o u t for t h e A r m y Air Force's Air Matériel C o m m a n d , t h e Office of Naval Research, the Cleveland Ordnance District and the Army engineer Board, Ft. Bel voir, Va. Research c o n t r a c t s for five industrial firms t o t a l $107,830. F i v e projects in t h e OSU chemistry dep a r t m e n t will involve studies of fuels, antibiotics, and low-temperature research a t a cost of $147,900. T w o contracts for work at t h e Engineering Ε-*périment Station, totaling $103,660, call for investigations in t h e fields of ceramics a n d photogramme t r y . T h e Research F o u n d a t i o n was incorporated in 1936 as a nonprofit organization t o broaden t h e Ohio s t a t e research program a n d to correlate it with industrial and governmental interests. N o t only does it supervise scientific investigations and research, b u t it also trains and develops personnel to further this work. Research covering a wide range of advanced developments is n o w being conducted in 25 d e p a r t m e n t s of the university under contracts between t h e foundation and industry a n d government.

Fellowships in Cement Chemistry T h e chemistry d e p a r t m e n t of t h e University of Toledo announces t h a t , beginning Sept. 1, 1947, it h a s available t o qualified candidates two research fellowships for studies of h y d r a t i o n p r o d u c t s of Portland cements. T h e s e a r e t o be a w a r d e d t o g r a d u a t e s t u d e n t s who wish to pursue studies leading t o the master of science degree. Research fellows a r e expected to spend a m i n i m u m of 15 hours weekly on t h e a s signed problem but are entitled to t a k e sufficient course work to enable completion of t h e degree r e q u i r e m e n t s in 12 m o n t h s . T h e s e fellowships carry stipends of $1,000 per a n n u m a n d allow one m o n t h ' s vacation. Application forms a n d additional information m a y be o b t a i n e d from Harold G. Oddy, head of t h e d e p a r t m e n t of chemistry, University of Toledo, Toledo 6, Ohio. AND