University News - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 5, 2010 - A program designed to provide facilities for all types of research on the products of the drug, chemical, and allied trades industry has...
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Tùtéwiàtty Q Nutrition

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Twenty new grants-in-aid, totaling $121,917 to 15 universities and medical centers in the United States and Canada, have been authorized by the Nutrition Foundation, Chrysler Bldg., New York 17, Ν. Υ., as follows:

c. F. Κ

Amount S 7,950 9,000

Granted to H. Best J. Stare

Place University of Toronto Harvard University

E. Mason

University of Rochester


C. G. King C. A. Elvehjem a n d P . H. Phillips C. A. Elvehjem

Columbia University University of Wiscon­ sin University of Wiscon-

14,000 3,500

V. McCollum

Johns Hopkins Univer­ sity State College of Wash­ ington University of Wiscon-


T. J. Cunha and M . E . Ensminger Η A. Lardy M . Luck and C . P. Stone F. Lipmann and W . Bauer R. R. Sealock F. C. Steward


V. J. Η

Stanford University

3.5O0 2.5O0 2,000 850


Massachusetts General Hospital Iowa State College University of Rochester

3,000 1.8O0

H. Cheldelin

Oregon S t a t e College


L. Wood

University of Tennessee

C. Sherman

Ε. M. Scott F. J. Stare


Columbia University


University of Pittsburgh Harvard University

1.5O0 3.8O0

F o r Research in Physiological lipotropic factoTs Effect of diabetes upon, nutritional require­ ments; experimental production of ar­ teriosclerosis; effect of n u t r i t i o n a l defi­ ciencies o n heart muscle Chemical n a t u r e and metabolic significance of a pigment associated w i t h vitamin Ε deficiency. Functions of vitamin Be and C Relation of nutrition to dental caries Effects of o t h e r dietary components on the quantitative requirements of amino acids Procedures for separating amino acids Nutritional importance of v i t a m i n Β com­ plex for t h e pig Metabolism .of fats Effect of feeding glutamic acid upon learning process in r a t s Role of acetates in synthesis of body con­ stituents Metabolic role of vitamin C Separation and determination of nitrogenous constituents of plants Assay methods and t h e functional role of vitamins of t h e Β complex Role of alpha keto acids in intermediary metabolism Quantitative relation of vitamin A intake to bodily store and well-being at different ages Self-selection of diets Nutrition education in elementary and secondary schools

were used for the de\ r elopment and as­ sembly of the bombs later used at Alamagordo, Japan, and Bikini.

Unique IndustryAid Program at Hopkins A program designed to provide facili­ ties for all types of research on the prod­ ucts of the drug, chemical, and allied trades industry has been established at the Johns Hopkins University Medical School, Baltimore. Perrin H. Long, professor of preventive medicine, is chairman of the committee which will govern the new organization and which is supported by a group of prominent Johns Hopkins alumni. The fund is to be known as "The Fluid Fund for Education and Research in the Fields of Chemistry, Physics, and Medicine." Details of its operation are to be worked out with each individual contributor. All reputable concerns in the drug, chemical, and al­ lied industries have been asked to par­ ticipate in this program.

Pan American


T h e . P a n American Kefining Co. has increased the number of its graduate fel­ lowships in chemistry and chemical en­ gineering to seven for the academic year 1948-49. Fellowships in chemical engi­ neering will be at the Universities of Illinois and Wisconsin, at M I T , and the Rice Institute. Chemistry fellowships will be a t Ohio State University and the Universities of Oklahoma and Texas.


At the request of the Atomic Energy Commission, the University of California has agreed to operate for another four years the atomic development facilities at Los Alamos, N . JVC. The university operated this laboratory for the Manhat­ tan Engineer District from its inception until the end of 1946, when the Atomic Energy Commission took over the dis­ trict's activities. It was during this ear­ lier period that the Los Alamos facilities V O L U M E


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University StudyArranged for AEC

An opportunity for employees of the Atomic Energy Commission's Hanford Works a t Richland, Wash., to engage in college work is afforded by a cooperative arrangement concluded with five nearby colleges and universities. Starting last year on the undergraduate level with two institutions, and with some. 500 students enrolled, it has been extended at the graduate level to include five cooperating institutions, and more than 70 graduate students have signed up. T h e Hanford Works, the world's only plant devoted ex­ clusively to the manufacture on an indus­ trial scale of plutonium, is operated by General Electric Co. under a contract with the Atomic Energy Commission.

UC Signs New Atom Contract

'Time-it" readings are direct to l io second. Counter can be instantly reset to zero from any reading or successive readings can be totalled to 10 000 seconds. Requires no computations. Eliminates eyestrain and reading errors^ Also availabte in minute model which totals 1000 minutes by Viooths.




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