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Public Health
Public Health Service fellowships, made possible by a grant of $228,400 from t h e National Foundation for Infantile Paraly sis through funds contributed t o its March of Dimes, are available, and applications will be received by the Surgeon General, U. S. Public Health Service, 19th and Con stitution Ave., N. W., Washington 25, D . C , at any time prior to May 1, 1947. T h e y provide an academic year's graduate training of approximately nine months in an accredited school of public health or an acceptable school of sanitary engineer ing followed by three months of field train ing, and are open to men and women, citizens of the United States, under 45 years of age. Physician applicants must have completed at least a year's intern ship. Engineering graduates with a bachelor's or higher degree in sanitary, civil, or chemical engineering are eligible; and those with other engineering degrees who have had experience in the public health or sanitary engineering field may also submit applications. T h e specific purpose of the fellowships is to aid in the recruitment of trained health officers, directors of special services, and engineers to help fill hundreds of vacan cies in state and local health departments. T h e y are intended for newcomers to the public health field, and are not open to employees of state and local health de partments, for whom federal grant-in-aid funds are already available to the states.
International Establishes
.Mexico, respectively, selected b y the stu dents receiving the awards. The winners will be permitted to s e l e c t any course of instruction leading to a degree, although top-quarter scholastic standing must be maintained by the students to continue their eligibility throughout the four-year period. T h e first scholarships will be awarded for the fall term beginning Sep tember 1947.
Colleges Benefit by WAA Surplus
Wisconsin to Buy Thordarson Library
Seven colleges in Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Texas are obtaimng surplus govern ment buildings for increased nonhousing facilities for UI education. They are Xavier University, >