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Nov 5, 2010 - Dr. Schuerch received his Ph.D. in 1947 from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The fellowship is awarded "in recognition of proven ...
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University NewsTjeurt 'TttUv&uitct


llibbert Awarded

Ortho-di-ethoxy benzene

The first award lias been made a t McGill University, Montreal, Que., of the Harold llibbert Memorial fellowship, estab­ lished through a §100,000 bequest from the late Finest llibbert, Toronto, to perpetuate the memory of t h e pro­ fessor of industrial and cellulose chem­ istry a t McGill. Conrad Schuerch T h e w i n n e r is Conrad Schuerch, who has been carrying on an important investigation into the structure of lignin in the department of chemistry at McGill. D r . Schuerch re­ ceived his P h . D . in 1947 from Massa­ chusetts Institute of Technology. T h e fel­ lowship is awarded "in recognition of proven ability in science."



Ortho-di-propoxy benzene

COOCHa Di-methyl-terephthalate : 0 0 C Hi





CH»-CHÎ~C\ Send for list of 45 other rare organics. Inquiries invited.


572 Lyell Ave., Rochester 6, Ν. Υ.




I '

Electrostatic Being Built


Generator MIT

Construction of a 12-million-volt elec­ trostatic generator to bombard t h e nuclei of atoms a t voltages several times higher than those produced by any existing ma­ chine of its type has been s t a r t e d at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Atomic particles accelerated in the new generator will have sufficient energy to penetrate and break up even the heaviest atomic nuclei. A unique feature of the machine is that the energy of these faslmoving electrified particles will be readily variable from zero to maximum voltage to cover a wide range of experimental re­ quirements. An outgrowth of the original generator designed in 1933 by Robert J . Van de (ïraaff of the institute's department of


physics, the new machine has been developed largely through the researches of John G. T r u m p and his associates in the department of electrical engineering. This research group has been active in working out new techniques for insulating highvoltage a p p a r a t u s through the use of gas under high pressure.



The Lalor Foundation fellowship program at the Marine Biological Laboratory, inaugurated in 1947, will continue in 1949. Postdoctoral summer fellowships in the fields of biophysics, biochemistry, and physiological chemistry will be available. T h e fellowships are designed primarily to aid promising young investigators who can make maximum use of the facilities a n d opportunities provided a t the Marine Biological Laboratory. I n addition to laboratory facilities, the g r a n t s are intended to cover approximately the living expenses of the investigators a t Woods Hole and necessary traveling expenses to a n d from Woods Hole. Inquiries a n d applications should be addressed t o the Director of the Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Mass., a n d a p plications should be received b y D e c . 3 1 , 1918.

Celanese Fellowships in Chemistry T h e Celanese Corp. has granted a fellowship to t h e University of Texas for t h e s t u d y of the thermodynamic properties of gases, particularly organic compounds. TJie sum of S4,000 per year for twx> years will be divided between work done under the direction of Kenneth A. Kobe in t h e department of chemical engineering a n d F . A. Mat-sen in the department of chemistry. Fellow in chemical engineering is Ernest G. Long, a n d the fellow in chemical physics is William F . H a m n e r .

Architect's drawing of the neiv $2 lo $3 million science building of Marshall C