Unmasking Anticooperative DNA-Binding ... - ACS Publications

Unmasking energetic coupling between enzyme interactions with two different regions of a DNA substrate requires both selective and combined perturbati...
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Biochemistry 2007, 46, 192-199

Unmasking Anticooperative DNA-Binding Interactions of Vaccinia DNA Topoisomerase I† Rajesh Nagarajan and James T. Stivers* Department of Pharmacology and Molecular Sciences, The Johns Hopkins UniVersity School of Medicine, 725 North Wolfe Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21205-2185 ReceiVed August 21, 2006; ReVised Manuscript ReceiVed NoVember 1, 2006

ABSTRACT: Vaccinia DNA topoisomerase (vTopo) catalyzes highly specific nucleophilic substitution at a single phosphodiester linkage in the pentapyrimidine recognition sequence 5′-(C/T)+5C4+C3+T+2T+1pVN-1 using an active-site tyrosine nucleophile, thereby expelling a 5′ hydroxyl leaving group of the DNA. Here, we report the energetic effects of subtle modifications to the major-groove hydrogen-bond donor and acceptor groups of the 3′-GGGAA-5′ consensus sequence of the nonscissile strand in the context of duplexes in which the scissile strand length was progressively shortened. We find that the major-groove substitutions become energetically more damaging as the scissile strand is shortened from 32 to 24 and 18 nucleotides, indicating that enzyme interactions with the duplex region present in the 32-mer but not the 24- or 18-mer weaken specific interactions with the DNA major groove. Regardless of strand length, the destabilizing effects of the major-groove substitutions increase as the reaction proceeds from the Michaelis complex to the transition state for DNA cleavage and, finally, to the phosphotyrosine-DNA covalent complex. These length-dependent anticooperative interactions involving the DNA major groove and duplex regions 3′ to the cleavage site indicate that the major-groove binding energy is fully realized late during the reaction for full-length substrates but that smaller more flexible duplex substrates feel these interactions earlier along the reaction coordinate. Such anticooperative binding interactions may play a role in strand exchange and supercoil unwinding activities of the enzyme.

Cellular DNA is found in a high-energy superhelical state that facilitates many processes, including DNA replication, transcription, site-specific recombination, and other genome rearrangements (1). DNA topoisomerases are the essential and remarkable enzyme machines that regulate the topology of supercoiled DNA, thereby influencing all of these DNA transformations. The key mechanistic feature of all topoisomerases and related recombinase enzymes is their reversible formation of a phosphotyrosine linkage between the DNA backbone and an active-site tyrosine (Figure 1A). For eukaryotic type IB topoisomerases, this covalent linkage is with a single strand of the DNA and produces a 5′deoxyribose hydroxyl as the leaving group (Figure 1A). This linkage provides the molecular hinge that allows these enzymes to perform diverse DNA transformations ranging from supercoil relaxation to strand exchange and Holliday junction resolution reactions (2-7). The vaccinia virus topoisomerase (vTopo)1 is a prototypic eukaryotic type IB topoisomerase but is unique in that it catalyzes reversible site-specific cleavage and religation of † This work was supported by the National Institutes of Health Research Grant GM 68626 (to J.T.S.). * To whom correspondence should be addressed: Department of Pharmacology and Molecular Sciences, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, 725 North Wolfe Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21205-2185. Telephone: 410-502-2758. Fax: 410-955-3023. E-mail: [email protected]. 1 Abbreviations: vTopo, vaccinia DNA topoisomerase IB; FAM, 6-carboxyfluorescein; N, 2-aminopurine; H, deazaguanine; buffer A, 20 mM Tris-HCl, 200 mM NaCl, and 1 mM DTT at pH 8.0.

the phosphodiester backbone of duplex DNA at 5′-(C/T)CCTTVN sites (8). vTopo is active with positively or negatively supercoiled DNA (9) or, alternatively, with linear DNA duplexes, such as those depicted in Figure 1A (10, 11). The reactions with linear DNA fall into two general categories. The first category is characterized by freely reversible DNA cleavage and religation such that an internal cleavage equilibrium (Kcl) is maintained (Figure 1A). The second is characterized by irreversible DNA cleavage, resulting in the formation of a stable enzyme-DNA phosphotyrosine complex (Figure 1A). This so-called “suicide” cleavage reaction is facilitated by short scissile DNA strand lengths 3′ to the cleavage site, such that the unstable DNA leaving strand dissociates from the complex, preventing strand ligation (12). Despite the structural differences between suicide and equilibrium cleavage substrates and the observation that the vTopo DNA footprint extends at least 13 nucleotides 3′ to the cleavage site (i.e., beyond the length of a typical suicide leaving strand) (13), the single-turnover cleavage rates (kcl) for suicide and equilibrium substrates are similar (11). Thus, additional binding interactions present in the larger equilibrium substrate do not decrease the activation barrier for cleavage. We recently synthesized a series of 32/32-mer equilibrium substrates that displayed different hydrogen-bond donor and acceptor groups (X, Figure 1B) in the major groove of the nonscissile strand GGGAA consensus sequence (14). The general effect of these substitutions was to decrease the equilibrium constant for cleavage (Kcl ) kcl/kr) by increasing

10.1021/bi061706u CCC: $37.00 © 2007 American Chemical Society Published on Web 12/06/2006

Anticooperative DNA Binding by Topo I

FIGURE 1: Cleavage reactions and modified substrates for vTopo. (A) Reversible and suicide cleavage reactions. Strands with less than six nucleotides 3′ to the cleaved position spontaneously dissociate, making the reaction irreversible. (B) Substrate series with truncated scissile strands and base substitutions at the +5, +4, and +3 guanine positions. Nucleotides that extend 3′ to the cleavage site on the scissile strand are given negative numbers, and those that extend 5′ are given positive numbers.

the religation rate (kr) without altering the cleaVage rate (kcl). Because reversible cleavage and religation occur through the same transition state, the substitutions must have selectively destabilized the covalent complex, resulting in the selective increases in the religation rate. However, we also noted that the same base substitutions resulted in decreases in the cleavage rate in the context of 18/32-mer suicide substrates (14). The distinct effects of major-groove alterations using the suicide and equilibrium substrates suggested that the GGGAA major-groove interactions were energetically coupled to interactions of the enzyme with the DNA duplex region that is present in the equilibrium substrate but absent in the suicide substrate. That is, the presence of more extensive duplex interactions weakens and delays the formation of the major-groove interactions until the covalent complex is reached. These intriguing initial observations prompted us to thoroughly investigate the combined effects of scissile strand length and major-groove substitutions on DNA binding, cleavage, and religation by vTopo. MATERIALS AND METHODS Enzymes. The cloning and purification of wild-type vaccinia topoisomerase has been previously described (11). The enzyme concentration was determined by UV absorption using an extinction coefficient of 41 797 M-1 cm-1 in a buffer containing 20 mM sodium phosphate at pH 6.0. DNA Substrates. The sequences of the substituted 32/32-, 24/32-, and 18/32-mer duplex DNA substrates containing

Biochemistry, Vol. 46, No. 1, 2007 193 the consensus cleavage sequence are shown in Figure 1B, where FAM is 6-carboxyfluorescein. The synthesis of the nonscissile strand with modified bases incorporated at various sites was accomplished by substituting the modified base during solid-phase DNA synthesis. All oligonucleotides were synthesized using an ABI 394 synthesizer using nucleoside phosphoramidites obtained from Glen Research. The oligonucleotides were purified using anion-exchange HPLC and then desalted using C-18 reverse-phase chromatography. The purity of oligonucleotides was confirmed using electrophoresis through a 20% polyacrylamide gel containing 7 M urea and MALDI-TOF analysis. The DNA duplexes were prepared in buffer A [20 mM Tris-HCl, 200 mM NaCl, 1 mM dithiothreitol (DTT) at pH 8.0] by mixing the two strands in a molar ratio of 1:2 (nonscissile strand was in excess). Equilibrium Binding and CleaVage Measurements. The equilibrium cleavage measurements with the 5′-FAM-labeled 32/32- and 24/32-mers were performed using buffer A by titrating each DNA (60 nM) with increasing concentrations of Topo (40-600 nM). The covalent complexes were trapped by the addition of 1 volume of 10% sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) after 1 h. The fraction covalent complex at each enzyme concentration [counts in the covalent complex/ (counts in the covalent complex plus counts in free DNA)] was quantified using ImageQuant software. The fraction covalent complex was plotted against the enzyme concentration to obtain the values of the binding constant (KD) and cleavage-religation equilibrium constant (Kcl) using the following equation (eq 1) (11):

fraction convalent complex )

b - xb2 - 4a2[E][S] 2a2[S]


where a ) 1 + 1/Kcl, b ) a[E] + a[S] + KD/Kcl, Kcl ) (kcl/kr), and [E] and [S] are the total enzyme and substrate concentrations, respectively. In this analysis, the counts that migrate as free DNA represent the sum of the counts that were bound noncovalently to the enzyme and those of the unbound DNA. All measurements were repeated 2 or 3 times to estimate errors. Approach to Equilibrium Kinetics. The rate constant for approach-equilibrium for the 5′-FAM-labeled 32/32- and 24/32-mers was measured using a KinTek rapid-quench instrument. The final enzyme and DNA concentrations were maintained at 1 µM and 100 nM, respectively. The enzyme and DNA were mixed, and the reactions were quenched using 10% SDS at time intervals ranging between 2.5 and 750 ms. The samples were subjected to electrophoresis on a 10% SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) gel. The FAM fluorophore in the free DNA and enzyme-DNA covalent adduct was quantified using a Typhoon scanner. Because the dye front ran along with the free DNA band, giving rise to inner-filter effects, the samples were loaded onto the gel without the dye component. The fraction of the covalent complex formed at each time was fitted to a firstorder rate equation to obtain kobs, which equals the sum of the cleavage and religation rate constants (i.e., kobs ) kcl + kr) (11). Thus, using the Kcl obtained from equilibrium cleavage measurements, the cleavage and religation rate constants (kr) may be calculated using the equations kcl )

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Nagarajan and Stivers

kobs/(1/Kcl + 1) and kr ) kobs/(Kcl + 1). All measurements were repeated 2 or 3 times to estimate errors. Single-TurnoVer CleaVage Measurements. Dependent upon the 18/32-mer under study, either stopped-flow fluorescence or manual chemical-quench-reaction kinetic methods were used (11, 14). The stopped-flow reactions were performed using an Applied Photophysics stopped-flow fluorescence instrument in the two-syringe mode. Equal volumes of 1 µM vTopo and 50 nM substrate were rapidly mixed, and the increase in 2-aminopurine fluorescence of the substrate was followed using excitation at 315 nm with monitoring at emission wavelengths greater than 360 nm using a cut-off filter (11). On average, five or more kinetic transients were averaged to obtain the reported rate constants and errors. Observed rate constants (kobs) were plotted against [vTopo], and KD and kcl were determined form nonlinear least-squares fitting to eq 2.

kobs ) kcl[vTopo]/(KD + [vTopo])


For 18/32-mers with fairly slow cleavage rates (