Science, Hokkaido University, Kita 10-Jo Nishi 8-Chome, Sap- poro, Hokkaido 060, Japan. Design of a Glucose Minisensor Based on Streptavidin—. Gluco...
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UPCOMING RESEARCH Detection and Evaluation of Fragrances by Human Reactions Using a Chemical Sensor Based on Adsorbate Detection The responses of a set of eight piezoelectric sensors cor­ relate significantly with two h u m a n reactions to fra­ grances. Multiple correlation coefficients of more than 0.6 (P < 0.02) are achieved, which suggests the possibility of developing an artificial olfactory sensor. Kenji Yokoyama* and Fumihiro Ebisawa, Photonic Materi­ als Laboratory, NTT Optoelectronics Laboratory, Tokai, Ibaraki 319-11, Japan Voltammetric Study on a Condensed Monolayer of a Long Alkyl Cyclodextrin Derivative as a Channel Mimetic Sensing Membrane A condensed monolayer of a long alkyl chain derivative of β-cyclodextrin is used as a channel mimetic sensing membrane in which the permeability is controlled by blocking the channel with organic guests. Kazunori Odashima, Minora Kotato, Masao Sugawara, and Yoshio Umezawa*, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University, Kita 10-Jo Nishi 8-Chome, Sap­ poro, Hokkaido 060, Japan Design of a Glucose Minisensor Based on StreptavidinGlucose Oxidase Complex Coupling with Self-Assembled Biotinylated Phospholipid Membrane on Solid Support A simple and fast procedure for construction of the amperometric glucose minibiosensor is described. The method is based on a biotin-modified phospholipid bilayer to which a streptavidin-glucose oxidase complex is coupled. Response to glucose is linear to concentrations as high as 7 mmol/L. Maja Snejdarkova*, Marian Rehak, and Matthias Otto, In­ stitute of Animal Biochemistry and Genetics, Slovak Academy of Sciences, 900 28 Ivanka pri Dunaji, Czechoslovakia CS2 Charge Exchange as a Low -Energy Ionization Technique for Hydrocarbon Characterization CS 2 charge exchange is recommended over low-voltage electron-impact ionization as a low-energy ionization technique for hydrocarbon characterization because it af­ fords ease of optimizing ionization conditions, high preci­ sion in accurate mass measurement, and uniform molar sensitivity over a wide range of hydrocarbon types. Chang S. Hsu* and Kuangnan Qian, Analytical Sciences Laboratory, Exxon Research and Engineering Company, Clinton Township, Route 22 East, Annandale, NJ 08801

Fiber Optic pH Sensor Based on Phase Fluorescence Lifetimes A fiber optic pH sensor based on phase fluorometry is ca­ pable of remote continuous monitoring of pH with accu­ racy and precision of ~ 0.020 pH units. Richard B. Thompson* and Joseph R. Lakowicz, Center for Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Department of Biological Chem­ istry, School of Medicine, University of Maryland, 108 N. Greene Street, Baltimore, MD 21201 Effect on Electrothermal Atomization Signals of Contoured Tube Shapes and Isothermality Monte Carlo simulation of electrothermal atomization is used to evaluate the impact on the analytical signal when various furnace shapes are used. Isothermally heated tubes and contoured shapes are studied. The interference of 0 2 and chlorides with these tubes is also considered. Oscar A. Guell and James A. Holcombe*, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Texas, Austin, TX 78712, and Cornelius J. Rademeyer, Department of Chemis­ try, University of Pretoria, Pretoria 0002, South Africa Temporal Signal Profiles of Analytical Species in Modulated Glow Discharge Plasmas Results from real-time optical and mass spectrometric investigations of modulated glow discharge plasmas indi­ cate a surge in the metastable argon population leading to enhanced Penning ionization during the time following the termination of discharge power. F. L. King* and C. Pan, Department of Chemistry, West Vir­ ginia University, Morgantown, WV 26506-6045 Determination of Total Polyamines in Tumor Cells by High-Performance Capillary Zone Electrophoresis with Indirect Photometric Detection Polyamines in PC-12 tumor cells can be detected at the femtomole level and reproducibly quantified u s i n g HPCZE with indirect photometric detection. The signal response is linear over 2 orders of magnitude. Rulin Zhang, Cynthia L. Cooper, and Yinfa Ma*, Division of Science, Northeast Missouri State University, Kirksville, MO 63501 Photon Burst Detection of Single Near-Infrared Fluorescent Molecules Observation of photon bursts from single near-IR fluo­ rescent molecules using a mode-locked near-IR laser and time-gated detection is reported. The detection efficiency for the single dye molecules is - 97%, with a n error rate from false positives in the solvent blank of 0.02/s. Steven A. Soper*, Quincy L. Mattingly, and Pradeep Vegunta, Department of Chemistry, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803-1804

These articles are scheduled to appear in AC RESEARCH in the near future. *Corresponding author ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 65, NO. 5, MARCH 1, 1993 • 239 A