US Food and Drug Administration, 326 University College London

1,31,119,248. University of Lund, 89. University of Maryland-College Park, 308. University of Maryland School of Medicine, 197. University of New Orle...
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Immunoanalysis of Agrochemicals Downloaded from by on 12/22/18. For personal use only.



Cornell University, 210 ECOCHEM Research, Inc., 140 U.S. Department of Agriculture, 72,308,326 Institute of Food Research, 22 M. V. Lomonosov State University, 223 Terrapin Technologies, Inc., 98 Texas A&M University, 72 The Scripps Research Institute, 50 Tufts University, 186 U.S. Army Research Development and Engineering Center, 197 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 197

U.S. Food and Drug Administration, 326 University College London, 153 University of California-Albany, 50 University of California-Berkeley, 50,72,235 University of California-Davis, 1,31,119,248 University of Lund, 89 University of Maryland-College Park, 308 University of Maryland School of Medicine, 197 University of New Orleans, 109

Subject Index A Aatrex, ozonated, biodégradation, 316 Acceptance, immunodetection of ecosystem contaminants, 345-346 Acetylcholinesterase-based fiber-optic biosensors, pesticide detection, 198-202 Aflatoxins, toxicity and analysis, 326-333 Alachlor design as immunizing haptens, 132-136 liposome-amplified immunoanalysis, 210-221 AM7B2.1, sequence analysis, 31-47 Ambient analyte immunoassay description, 159 dual label, microspot, 165-167,168/ Amidochlor, design as immunizing hapten, 133-136 Amino acids, heavy and light chains in antigen binding, 40-41 Analyte profiling, type reactivity, 99-106 Analytes, structural modeling, 10-11 Analytical Environmental Immunochemical Consortium, operations, 301-307 Antibodies binding specificity, 72 diversity, 89 immunopolymerase chain reaction, 176-177 production strategies, 51 recombinant, 4-7,22-29

Antibodies—Continued regions, 73,74/ structural modeling, 10-11 Antibodies to triazine herbicides, sequence analysis of individual chains, 31-47 Antibody affinity, relationship to sensitivity, 162-164 Antibody-based biosensors pesticide detection, 200-208 technology, 12 Antibody combining site, molecular modeling, 72-87 Antibody genes advantages of manipulation, 50 molecular cloning, 34,36-38 Antibody mimics, noncovalent molecular imprinting, 89-95 Antibody molecule, structure, 32,33/ Antibody occupancy principle of immunoassay, description, 159-161,163/ Antibody supply problem, immunoassays, 32 Antidioxin monoclonal antibodies, molecular modeling studies of crossreactive congeners and antibody combining site, 72-87 Antigen binding role in framework regions, 46



Antigen binding—Continued role of amino acids in complementarity determining regions of heavy and light chains, 40-41 type reactivity for analyte profiling, 101-103,104/ Antigens, small, sensitive detection by immunopolymerase chain reaction, 181-184 Antigens with intrinsic fluorescence, continuous sensors, 192 Antiterbutryn antibody genes, molecular cloning, 39^10 Aqueous acidity, determination using general interaction properties function, 113,115 Aqueous buffers, binding affinity and selectivity of molecularly imprinted polymers, 93 Area, determination using general interaction properties function, 113 Artificial binding proteins, technology for use in immunoassays, 8 Arylurea herbicides design as coating and enzyme-labeled haptens, 131-132 design as immunizing haptens, 129-131 Assay, definition, 306 Atrazine design as immunizing hapten, 123-127 detection using polarization fluoroimmunoassay, 223-234 ozonation monitoring and biodégradation, 317,321-324 structure, 91,92/ Atrazine metabolites, design as immunizing haptens, 127-129 Atrazine ozonation, degradative pathway, 310,311/

Benzodiazepines, cross-reactivity, 91 Bias, definition, 306 Binding assays, applications, 153

Binding proteins, role in immunoassays, 2-9 Biosensors, technology, 12 Bridge heterology, definition, 146 Butachlor, design as immunizing hapten, 133-136 C Caffeine, structure, 91,92/ Canada, ecosystem, 336 2-Carboxyalkylthio-4,6-bis(alkylamino)triazines, design as immunizing haptens, 126-127 Catalytic polymers, antibody mimics, 94 Cell surface immunopolymerase chain reaction, description, 180 Charge separation, determination, 110-113 Chelate assay, mercury sandwich, 248-262 Chelation systems, technology for use in immunoassays, 9 Chiral stationary phases, chromatographic separations, 94 2-Chloro-4-alkylamino-6-(co-carboxyalkylamino)triazines, design as immunizing haptens, 125 Chloroacetanilide herbicides, design as immunizing haptens, 132-136 Chromatography for pesticide metabolism and residue analysis, immunoaffinity, 235-246 Cleanup systems, immunoassays, 14 Coating and enzyme-labeled haptens arylurea herbicides, 131-132 design strategies, 121-123 Cold-vapor atomic absorption spectrometry, analysis of toxic metals, 250-251 Commercial immunoassay kits, evaluation, 328-333 Competition with mercury-linked reagent, assay type, 256-262 Competitive immunoassay, description and sensitivities, 161-164 Competitive immunopolymerase chain reaction, description, 182-184



Competitor design, immunoassay development, 140-152 Complementarity determining regions of heavy and light chains, role of amino acids in antigen binding, 40-41,51 Complementary DNA libraries, construction and screening, 73,75 Complementary methods, examples, 291-292 Computational model of antibodies, importance, 66 Computer-assisted design, hapten synthesis, 9-10 Computer modeling, antibody genes, 38 Conjugate synthesis, competition with mercury-linked reagent assay, 258,259/ Contaminants, ecosystem, immunodetection, 335-351 Continuous immunosensors, design using imaging fiber bundles, 192-195 Controlled-release polymers, use in design of fiber-optic immunosensors, 190,192 Core heterology, description and design, 146-149 Corn, pesticide metabolism and residue analysis using immunoaffinity chromatography, 236-246 Correlation experiment, use for validation of immunochemical methods, 295 Covalent immobilization of antigen on solid supports, detection, 182 Criteria for immunoassay method, panel discussion, 354 Cross-reactive congeners, molecular modeling, 72-87 Cross-reactivity monoclonal antibodies, 34,35r panel discussion, 356-357 polarization fluoroimmunoassay, 227,229-230;

DDI and DD3, See Antidioxin mono­ clonal antibodies and Dioxin antibodies Deethylatrazine, design as immunizing hapten, 127-129 Degradable polymers, use in fiber-optic immunosensors, 187,189/ Degree of balance between positive and negative potentials on surface, 110-113 Deisopropylatrazine, design as immunizing hapten, 127-129 DELFIA, sensitivity, 164 Deoxynivalenol, toxicity and analysis, 327-333 Detection limit, definition, 295 Detection sensitivity, definition, 307 Detection time, fiber-optic immunosensors for pesticide detection, 206 Developing countries, use of immuno­ assays, 17-18 Diazepam, molecularly imprinted sorbent assay, 91 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, detection using polarization fluoroimmunoassay, 223-234 3-(3,4-Dichlorophenyl)-1,1 -dimethylurea, See Diuron Didealkylatrazine, design as immunizing hapten, 127-129 Dioxin antibodies, sequence analysis of individual chains, 34-46 Direct competitive ELISA methods, evaluation, 332 Distal end fiber-optic sensors, description, 187 Diuron design as immunizing hapten, 129-131 function, 51 Diuron, recombinant antibodies, 50-70 DNA, marker, immunopolymerase chain reaction, 177 Dual label ambient analyte microspot immunoassay, 165-167,168/

D Ε Data, immunoassay, interpretation, 266-285 Data generation, pesticide registration, Ecosystem contaminants, 288-300 immunodetection, 335-351



ELISA, See Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay Energy transfer, basis of homogeneous assay, 190,191/, 194/ Environmental analysis, role of technologies, 1-18 Environmental contamination, pesticides, 308-309 Environmental monitoring, advantages and disadvantages, 186-187 Enzyme-labeled and coating hapten design, See Coating and enzymelabeled hapten design Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay advantages and disadvantages for pesticide detection, 223,309 description, 9,314-315 format, 11-13 use for mycotoxin determination, 327 Errors in response measurement, determinant of assay sensitivity, 162 Evaluation of commercial immunoassay kits, 331-333,328,330; Evanescent fiber-optic wave sensors, description, 187 F Fab 481.1 molecular modeling, 56-68 sequences, 53,54i False negative, definition, 307 False positive, definition, 306 Fiber-optic immunosensors pesticide detection, 197-209 use for environmental monitoring, 187-195/ Field immunomigration strip assay for alachlor, 217-220/ Flow-injection liposome immunoassay, pesticide detection, 214-217 Food analysis, immunochemical methods for mycotoxins, 326-333 Fractional occupancy of antibody binding sites by analyte, 165,166/

Framework regions antigen binding role, 46 description, 51 Fumonisins, immunochemical methods for analysis, 327-333 Fungicides, immunodetection of ecosystem contaminants, 340 G Gas-phase acidity, determination using general interaction properties function, 115 General interaction properties function, representation and prediction of molecular interactions, 109-117

H Hapten-peptide conjugate, synthesis, 10 Hapten binding, type reactivity for analyte profiling, 103,105/ Hapten design, immunoassay development, 140-152 Haptenic mycotoxins, recombinant antibodies, 22-29 Haptens antibody binding, 103,105/ definition, 93 design considerations, 9-11 strategies for immunoassay design, 119-136 Herbicides, immunodetection of ecosystem contaminants, 340,34It Heterologous assay, polychlorinated biphenyl immunoassay, 146 High-performance LC, use with immunoassays, 14-15 Homogeneous immunoassay based on energy transfer, description, 190,191/194/ Homologous assay evaluation, polychlorinated biphenyl immunoassay development, 143,146i



2-Hydroxyatrazine, design as immunizing hapten, 127-129 Hydrogen bond basicities, determination using general interaction properties function, 115 Hyphenated technologies, immunoassays, 14-15

Immunochemical approach, pesticide waste treatment monitoring of s-triazines, 308-324 Immunochemical method mycotoxins in food, 326-333 validation, use for pesticide registration, 288-300 Immunodetection of ecosystem contaminants, 335-351 Immunoglobulin(s), description, 51,98 Immunoglobulin G, regions, 73,74/ Immunopolymerase chain reaction, antigen detection, 175-184 Immunoradiometric assay, design, 158 Immunosensors, fiber-optic, See Fiber-optic immunosensors Imprinting, noncovalent molecular, antibody mimics, 89-95 Instrumental analyses, analysis of toxic metals, 250 Interferences, definition, 307 Ionization energy, minimum values of average local, 111,113,115

Imaging fiber bundles, use in design of fiber-optic immunosensors, 192-195 Imidazolinone herbicides, metabolism and residue analysis, 235-246 Immunoaffinity chromatography, pesticide metabolism and residue analysis, 235-246 Immunoaffinity column assay, use for mycotoxin determination, 327,331-332 Immunoassay data, interpretation, 266-285 Immunoassay development, polychlorinated biphenyl immunoassay, 141-152 Immunoassay hapten design, strategies, 119-136 Immunoassay of substances of biological importance, trends, 153-154 Immunoassay systems, miniatured microspot multianalyte, 153-173 Immunoassay test kit description, 292 quality standards, 301-307 Immunoassays antibody occupancy principle, 159-161,163/ advantages for pesticide waste management, 309 antibody supply problems, 32 competitor and hapten role, 140-141 development for ecosystem containment detection, 335-336 impact of emerging technologies, 1-18 use for pesticide detection, 197 use for pesticide monitoring, 210 use of recombinant antibodies, 23

Κ K1F4, sequencing analysis, 31-47 Kassinin and KLH, binding, 101-103,104/ L Ligand-based assay for mercury analysis, sulfur containing, 248-262 Ligand-specific sensory devices, function, 94 Limit of detection definition, 275,307 determination, 277-280,283/ Limit of quantitation definition, 275,277,307 determination, 277,279-280 Liposome-amplified immunoanalysis, pesticide detection, 210-221 Liposomes, advantages in immunoassays, 210 Logit units, conversion equation, 270



M Macroscopic properties, analytical representation and prediction, 109-117 Marker DNA, immunopolymerase chain reaction, 177 Mass action laws, equations, 159 Mercury, analysis by sulfur-containing ligand-based assay, 248-262 Method bias, definition, 306-307 Method validation, steps, 292-294 Metolachlor, design as immunizing hapten, 133-136 Microspot multianalyte immunoassay systems, miniaturized, 153-173 Microliter plate format, immunopolymerase chain reaction, 177-179 Minamata disease, description, 248-249 Miniaturized microspot multianalyte immunoassay systems, 153-173 Minimum values of average local ionization energy definition, 111,113 determination using general interaction properties function, 113,115 Molecular cloning, antibody genes, 34,36-40 Molecular design, relevance of general interaction properties function, 115-117 Molecular electrostatic potential, definition, 110 Molecular imprinting, noncovalent, antibody mimics, 89-95 Molecular linkers, immunopolymerase chain reaction, 176 Molecular modeling of antidioxin monoclonal antibodies, 72-87 Molecular modeling of Fab 481.1, 50-70 Monoclonal antibodies antidioxin, 72-87 cross-reactivity, 34,35i specificity, 34,106 technology for use in immunoassays, 3-4 Monoclonal antibody affinity chromatography, application, 235

Monouron, design as immunizing hapten, 129-131 Morphine, molecular imprinting, 93 Mass spectroscopy, use with immunoassays, 14-15 Multianalyte ELISA analysis, pesticide waste and rinsate, 314-17,320i Multianalyte immunoassay systems, miniaturized, 153-173 Multianalyte sensors, use in fiber-optic immunosensors, 187 Mycotoxins haptenic, recombinant antibodies, 22-29 toxicity, 326-327 Ν Negative results, interpretation of immunoassay data, 284 Nonbiological polymers, technology for use in immunoassays, 8-9 Noncompetitive immunoassay, design, 158-164 Nonisotopic labels, advantages, 153 Nucleotide sequencing, antibody genes, 38 Ο Operating characteristic curves, evaluation of immunoassay kit, 333 Optical fiber immunosensors, See Fiber-optic immunosensors

Ρ Package inserts, quality standards, 301-307 Panel discussion, immunoassay method, 354-357 Percent reactivity, definition, 314 Pesticide, detection using polarization fluoroimmunoassay, 223-234 Pesticide registration, use of immuno­ chemical methods for generating data in support, 288-300



Pesticide waste treatment monitoring of s-triazines, immunochemical approach, 308-324 Pesticides detection using fiber-optic immunosensors, 197-208 detection using liposome-amplified immunoanalysis, 210-221 environmental contamination, 308-309 metabolism and residue analysis using immunoaffinity chromatography, 236-246 Phage-display systems, types, 22-23 Phage f 1 major coat protein, binding, 101-103,104/ Phenylurea combining site, model, 50-70 Polarization fluoroimmunoassay, use in pesticide detection, 223-234 Poly chlorinated biphenyl immunoassay, hapten vs. competitor design, 141-152 Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, toxicity, 72 Polyclonal antibodies, technology for use in immunoassays, 2-3 Polymers, degradable, use in fiber-optic immunosensors, 187,189/ Precision, definition, 307 Preconjugation format, immunopolymerase chain reaction, 180 Promotion, immunodetection of ecosystem contaminants, 347-348 Protein-based detector systems, possible sequences, 98


Q Qualitative immunochemical methods, evaluation, 332 Quality assurance/quality control, immunodetection of ecosystem contaminants, 349 Quality control, immunoassays, 15-17 Quality standards for immunoassay kits, 301-306 Quantitative immunoaffinity column methods, evaluation, 331-332

Radioimmunoassay advantages and development, 153 description and format, 9,11 use for mycotoxin determination, 327 Reagents, immunopolymerase chain reaction, 176-177 Receptor molecules, technology for use in immunoassays, 7-8 Recombinant antibodies haptenic mycotoxins, 22-29 immunoassays, 4-7,22-23 Recovery bias, definition, 306 Regenerating fiber-optic immunosensors, environmental monitoring, 186-193 Registration, panel discussion, 355 Registration of pesticides, guidelines to validation and use of immunochemical methods for generating data in support, 288-300 Reproducibility, definition, 307 Root-mean-square error, generation, 278 Ruggedness testing, use for validation of immunochemical methods, 295 S Sample preparation, immunoassays, 14 Sample stability, definition, 307 Sandwich assays, immunopolymerase chain reaction, 180,182 Selectivity antibody-based biosensors for pesticide detection, 206,208/ competition with mercury reagent assay, 258,259/ fiber-optic immunosensors for pesticide detection, 206 mercury sandwich chelate assay, 254,256,257/ use for validation of immunochemical methods, 295 Self-regenerating fiber-optic immunosensors, environmental monitoring, 186-193



Sensitive antigen detection, immunopolymerase chain reaction, 175-184 Sensitivity antibody-based biosensors for pesticide detection, 200,206-207 competitive and noncompetitive immunoassays, 161-164 definition, 156,307 DELFIA, 164 determination methods, 275-277 fiber-optic immunosensors for pesticide detection, 206 miniaturized microspot multianalyte immunoassay systems, 155-158,160/, 167,169/170 polarization fluoroimmunoassay, 227,230i,233-234 relationship to antibody affinity, 162-164 role of errors in response measurement, 162 Sequence analysis and alignments, antibody genes, 38 Shelf-life, definition, 307 Simazine design as immunizing hapten, 123-127 detection using polarization fluoroimmunoassay, 223-234 Site heterology, definition, 146 Solute hydrogen-bond acidity, determination, 115 Specificity acetylcholinesterase-based fiber-optic biosensors for pesticide detection, 198,202-202 antibodies, use in immunoassays, 235 monoclonal antibodies, 34 polarization fluoroimmunoassay, 227,229i use for validation of immunochemical methods, 295 Spread of surface potential, 110-113 Stability, definition, 307 Standard curve interpretation, use for immunoassay data, 267-276

Standardizing kit package inserts, quality control, 302-305 Structural modeling of antibodies, analytes, and proteins, technologies, 10-11 Sulfur-containing ligand-based assay, mercury analysis, 248-262 Synthesis, haptens, 9-10 Synthetic combinatorial Fabs, sequences, 53,55-56 Τ Technology, role in immunochemical methods for environmental analysis, 1-18 Terminology, immunoassay kits, 301-307 Theobromine, structure, 91,92/ Theophylline, function and structure, 91-93 Toxic metals, literature methods for analysis, 250-251 2,4,5-Trichlorophenoxyacetic acid, detection using polarization fluoroimmunoassay, 223-234 Triazine antibodies, sequence analysis, 31-47 Triazine metabolites, design as immunizing haptens, 123-129 s-Triazines, immunochemical approach for pesticide waste treatment monitoring, 308-324 Type reactivity, analyte profiling, 98-106

U UV-vis photometry, analysis of toxic metals, 250 V Validation of immunochemical methods, 291-294 Validation procedure, panel discussion, 355



Validation studies, immunodetection of ecosystem contaminants, 340,342-345

Written analytical method, 293-295



Waste treatment monitoring of s-triazines, Zearalenone, immunochemical methods immunochemical approach, 308-324 for analysis, 327-333 Wheat, pesticide metabolism and residue analysis using immunoaffinity chromatography, 236-246

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