US Government Publications - ACS Publications

Inquiries Manager, Hewlett-Packard Co.,. 1501 Page Mill Road, Palo Alto, CA. 94304. ... Beatrice Marrón, Elizabeth. Fong, and Dennis Fife. 56 pages. ...
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both comprehensive (in the reference list and in the tabular data) and spe­ cific (in the main text the authors have attempted to select those papers which are relevant to current needs). The contents include fundamentals and instrumentation (light sources, excitation sources and atomizing sys­ tems, optics, detector systems, data processing, and complete instruments) and methodology (general techniques and applications). Applied Spectroscopy Reviews, Vol. 8 (Part A): Spectroscopic Methods of Identification of Microquantities of Or­ ganic Materials. G. M. Ayling. vii + 147 pages. Marcel Dekker, Inc., 270 Madi­ son Ave., New York, NY 10016. 1974. $29.50

The aim of this book is to provide a critical survey of the literature per­ taining to the spectroscopic analyses of microquantities of organic materi­ als including flavors, pestcides, and al­ kaloids. The wide range of methods covers commonly used spectroscopic methods such as IR, UV, and visible spectrometry, GC/MS, and those at present being used mainly for research purposes (laser-Raman, NMR, and ORD). There are over 500 references to readily accessible journals. The text is reproduced from typed copy. Applied Spectroscopy Reviews, Vol. 8 (Part B). Edward G. Brame, Jr., Ed. xiv + 293 pages: Marcel Dekker, Inc., 270 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10016. 1974. $29.50

Part Β of volume eight contains dis­ cussions of the structure of water and its solutions, solvent effects on elec­ tronic spectra, and the infrared and Raman spectra and lattice vibrations of some ionic fluoride and oxide crys­ tals. The text is reproduced from typed copy. Advances in Photochemistry, Vol. 9. J. N. Pitts, Jr., G. S. Hammond, and K. Gollnick, Eds. 566 pages. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 605 Third Ave., New York, NY 10016. 1974. $24.95

This volume includes articles on the application of electron spin resonance spectroscopy to photochemistry, con­ sistent terms and definitions for pri­ mary processes and energy transfers, solution phase photochemistry of cyclobutanones, phosphorescence-mi­ crowave multiple resonance spectros­ copy, and the photochemistry of the troposphere. The text is reproduced from typed copy.

Organic Electronic Spectral Data, Vol. 10. J. P. Phillips, H. Feuer, and B. S. Thyagarajan, Eds. xiii + 1034 pages. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 605 Third Ave., New York, NY 10016. 1974. $40

The UV-VIS data given generally had to satisfy the following require­ ments: the compound had to be pure enough for satisfactory elemental analysis and for a definite empirical formula; solvent and phase had to be mentioned (some spectra are given even if the solvent were not specified, since the solvent was probably ethanol); and sufficient data to calculate molar absorptivities had to be avail­ able. Wavelength values for all maxi­ ma, shoulders, and inflections and the logarithms of the corresponding molar absorptivities are given.

Company Manuals HP-45 Applications Book. 218 pages. Inquiries Manager, Hewlett-Packard Co., 1501 Page Mill Road, Palo Alto, CA 94304. 1974. $10

For use with the HP-45 scientific calculator, this book gives the most ef­ ficient keystroke sequences for solving commonly encountered mathematical problems. Step-by-step solutions to more than 200 problems in mathemat­ ics, statistics, finance, and engineering are included. Hazardous Gases and Vapors: Infrared Spectra and Physical Constants, TR595. Brian Thompson. 340 pages. Beckman Instruments, Inc., Scientific In­ struments Division, 2500 Harbor Blvd., Fullerton, CA 92634. 1974. $35

This book presents IR spectra of 170 compounds for which threshold limit values (maximum allowable ex­ posure, 8-hr weighted average) have been established and spectra for an additional 100 compounds of general interest. Tn addition, the author exam­ ines calibration and measurement pro­ cedures, sampling methods, instru­ ment operation, and special tech­ niques.

U.S. Government Publications Order printed copies of the following prepaid at the price shown and by SD Cat. No. from Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. Foreign remittances must be in U.S. exchange and include an additional 25% of the publication price to cover mailing costs. Order microfiche copies prepaid by NTIS No. from National Technical


Information Center, Springfield, VA 22151; the price is $2.25 (domestic) or $3.75 (foreign) a copy. A Mechanized Information Services Catalog. Beatrice Marron, Elizabeth Fong, and Dennis Fife. 56 pages. 1974. $0.90 (SD Cat. No.: C13.46:814, NTIS No.: COM-74-50139)

A description of the National Bu­ reau of Standards' attempt at mecha­ nizing a catalog of currently available information sources and services is given. Reasons for establishing the catalog and the choice of the initial in­ formation are detailed, and the proto­ type implementation is described. Sample queries are included, as well as a current listing of the catalog. Plans for future development are discussed. Aerosol Measurements: Proceedings of Seminar on Aerosol Measurements, May 7, 1974. W. A. Cassatt and R. S. Maddock, Eds. 193 pages. 1974. $2.65 (SD Cat. No.: C13.10:412, NTIS No.: C0M-74-51148)

This book presents papers and dis­ cussions given in a seminar and work­ shop sponsored by NBS and FDA. The purpose is to define the state of development of aerosol measuring in­ struments. The instruments discussed are based upon a variety of operating principles including laser light scatter­ ing, optical imaging, Doppler shift, electromobility, piezoelectric effect, and beta-ray absorption. Standard Quartz Cuvettes for High Ac­ curacy Spectrophotometry. R. Mavrodineanu and J. W. Lazar. 26 pages. 1973. $0.55 (SD Cat. No. C13.10:260-32, NTIS No. COM-74-50018)

A description is given of the design and techniques developed at NBS for the production of quartz cuvettes hav­ ing a nominal radiation pathlength of 10 ± 0.03 mm. For each cuvette, the pathlength and parallelism are certi­ fied with an uncertainty of ±0.0005 mm. The method and instrumentation used to determine these parameters are also described. Publications of the National Bureau of Standards, 1973 Catalog: A Compilation of Abstracts and Key Words and Author Indexes. Betty L. Oberholtzer, Ed. 1974. $4.15 (SD Cat. No. C13.10:305 Supp. 5)

This catalog provides complete cita­ tions on all technical papers published from NBS in 1973. The subject matter of the 1,083 papers ranges from basic research to new information and stan­ dards on materials and processes in­ volved in vital areas of concern, such as pollution, product safety, energy conservation, housing, and health.