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US STONEWARE - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

May 16, 2012 - U. S. STONEWARE. Anal. Chem. , 1956, 28 (9), pp 34A–34A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60117a736. Publication Date: August 1956. ACS Legacy Archive...
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NEWS Properties of Materials, ROHN T R U E L L ,

Brown University; Ultrasonic Inspec­ tion of Aircraft Forgings, A. BABATH, Douglas Aircraft Co., Inc.; Non­ destructive Testing of Heavy Metals, GEKOLD H . T B N N E Y , LOS Alamos Scien­

tific Laboratory. September 18, afternoon, An Evaluation of Isotopes in Industrial Radiography, author t o be announced; Advanced Ultrasonic Testing in Europe and America,




Circuits, Inc.; Edd3' Current Testing in Industry, H. STAATS, Magnaflux Corp.; Development of Techniques for the Detection of Cracks in Small Cylindrical Specimens by Eddy Current and Re­

luctance Methods, E U G E N E


Frankford Arsenal. September 18, afternoon, SYMPOSIUM ON LUBRICATING OILS (spectrographic an­

alysis of lubricating oils) Introduction, C. M . GAMBILL, Ethyl Corp.; Direct-Reading Spectrographic Control of Lubricating Oil Additive Manufacture, R. E. RAMSAY, California Research Corp., and W. A. RAPPOLD, Oronite Chemical Co.; The Application of X-Ray Spectrography to Refinery Control of Additive Lubricating Oils, Ε. Ν . Davis, Sinclair Research Labora­ tories: Sampling of Lubricating Oil from Diesel Locomotives, W. K. SIMP­ SON, Electro-Motive Engineering, Divi­

sion of General Motors Corp. ; Section J Committee Report on Spectrographic Analyses of Lubricating Oil, FORD BRYAN, Ford Motor Co.; Direct D e ­ termination of Metals in Used Engine Oils by Emission Spectroscopy, W. D . PERKINS, Shell Oil Co.; Direct-Reading Spectrographic Evaluation of Used Railroad Oils, V. C. BARTH, Chicago and Northwestern Railroad System. September 18, afternoon, SYMPOSIUM ON LUBRICATING OILS (general papers)

Introduction, W. S. JAMES, Framm Corp.; Unsolved Problems in Analysis of Diesel Lubricating Oils, W. E . LASKY, Gulf Mobile and Ohio Railroad; Chromatography of Lubricating Oils for Locomotive Diesel Engines, E . R. THOMAS, Southern Pacific Railroad. Among papers of interest in a sym­ posium on properties, tests, a n d per­ formance of eleetrodeposited metallic coatings are Radioactive Isotope Dilu­ tion M e t h o d for Determining Sulfate Concentration in Chromium Plating Baths, b y L . 0 . Gilbert, Rock Island Arsenal, to be given in t h e morning of September 19, a n d also T h e S t a n d a r d Salt Spray T e s t — I s I t a Valid Accept­ ance Test?, b y A. Mendizza, Bell Tele­ phone Laboratories, t o be given in t h e afternoon of September 19. F u r t h e r details m a y be obtained from E . F . Green. Axelson ManufacturingCo., Box 58335. Vernon Station, Los Angeles, Calif.


Spectrographic Meeting in Paris


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