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istry and Medicine. June 19-21. Rimini, Italy. Contact: Alberto Fri- gerio, Istituto de Ricerche Far- macologiche, Mario Negri, Via Eri- trea 62, 2015...
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are newly

listed in A N A L Y T I C A L C H E M I S T R Y .

and Spectroscopy Societies. Oct. 30-Nov. 3. Boston. Contact: Paul Lublin, GTE Laboratories, 40 Syl­ van Rd., Waltham, Mass. 02154. 617-890-8460. Page 44 A, Jan.

The 1978 meetings listed earlier ap­ pear in the January issue • Symposium on H P L C w i t h Appli­ cation to the P h a r m a c e u t i c a l and Food Industries. Apr. 10-14. Sun­ derland, England. Contact: R. Den­ nis, School of Pharmacy, Sunder­ land Polytechnic, Chester Rd., Sunderland, Tyne & Wear, SRI 3SD, England • 9th International Symposium on Chromatography and Electro­ phoresis. May 15-16. Riva Del Garda, Lake of Garda, Italy. Con­ tact: Alberto Frigerio, Istituto de Ricerche Farmacologiche, Mario Negri, Via Eritrea 62, 20157 Milan, Italy. Page 44 A, Jan. • 5th International Symposium on Mass Spectrometry in B i o c h e m ­ istry and Medicine. J u n e 19-21. Rimini, Italy. Contact: Alberto Fri­ gerio, Istituto de Ricerche Far­ macologiche, Mario Negri, Via Eri­ trea 62, 20157 Milan, Italy. Page 44 A, Jan. • 6th Discussion Conference on Macromolecules: Chromatogra­ phy of P o l y m e r s and P o l y m e r s in Chromatography. July 17-21. Prague. Contact: P. M. M. Secre­ tariat, clo Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, 162 06 Prague 616, Czechoslovakia m Inter/Micro-78. July 24-27. McCormick Inn, Chicago. Spon­ sored by McCrone Research Insti­ tute. Emphasis on new techniques in acoustic, infrared, interference microscopy; uses of laser Raman microprobe; techniques of modula­ tion contrast, and combinations of microscopes and computers. Con­ tact: McCrone Research Institute, 2508 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, III. 60616. 312-842-7105 • 6th International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy. Sept. 4-9. Bangalore, India. Contact: J. R. Durig, College of Science & Mathe­ matics, U. of South Carolina, Co­ lumbia, S.C. 29208. 803-777-2505 m 176th A C S National Meeting. Sept. 10-15. Miami Beach, Fla. Contact: A. T. Winstead, American Chemical Society, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 m I S A / 7 8 . Oct. 15-19. Philadelphia. Contact: Instrument Society of America, 400 Stanwix St., Pitts­ burgh, Pa. 15222. Page 44 A, Jan. • 5th Annual Meeting of the F e d ­ eration of Analytical Chemistry



Short Courses ACS Courses. For more information, contact: Department of Educational Activities, American Chemical Soci­ ety, 1155 Sixteenth St., N.W., Wash­ ington, D.C. 20036. 202-872-4508 Column Selection in Gas Chroma­ tography Cleveland. Feb. 25-26. Harold M. McNair and Walter R. Supina. $165, ACS members; $205, nonmembers Capillary Gas Chromatography Cleveland. Feb. 25-26. S t u a r t Cram and Milos Novotny. $245, ACS mem­ bers; $295, nonmembers Thermal Methods of Analysis Cleveland. Feb. 25-26. Wesley W. Wendlandt and Ilya M. Sarasohn. $195, ACS members; $235, nonmem­ bers Statistics for Experimental D e s i g n Cleveland. Feb. 25-26. J o h n Hromi. $195, ACS members; $235, nonmem­ bers T h i n - L a y e r Chromatography Cleveland. Mar. 3-4. Victor W. Rodwell and Donald J. McNamara. $195, ACS members; $235, nonmembers Solving Problems w i t h Modern Liquid Chromatography Cleveland. Mar. 3-5. J. J. Kirkland a n d Lloyd R. Snyder. $225, ACS mem­ bers; $265, nonmembers Electroanalytical Chemistry Anaheim, Calif. Mar. 10-12. Dennis Evans and Paul Whitson. $225, ACS members; $305, nonmembers Carbon-13 N M R Spectroscopy Anaheim, Calif. Mar. 10-12. George Levy and Paul Ellis. $255, ACS mem­ bers; $305, nonmembers Modern T e c h n i q u e s in Gas Chro­ matography Anaheim, Calif. Mar. 11-12. Harold McNair a n d S t u a r t Cram. $195, ACS members; $235, nonmembers Statistics for Experimental D e s i g n Anaheim, Calif. Mar. 11-12. J o h n Hromi. $195, ACS members; $235, nonmembers