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sideration t o the measurement of acidity in DzO with ordinary electrodes. We have recently learned that this latter problem was considered some time ago by Hart, and by R. B. Fischer and R. A. Potter but the results are available only in special publications.’.*


0 0044

Experimental All measurements were made with a Beckman Model G pH meter rt.t 25’. The Beckman No. 39166 (old No..l9166)

d 0.0013



3 2




4o3/r. Fig. 1.-The

VOl. 64

log of


as a function of 1Os/T.

glass electrode and saturated calomel electrode combmatlon was used for all measurements, unless otherwise noted. The pH meter was standardized with conventional buffer mixtures chosen to be close to the range of the pH measurements. Reagent grade chemicals were used without further purification. Formic acid was redistilled and maleic acid, aniline hydrochloride and pyridinium perchlorate were recrystallized. The DzOwas 99.5 atom % ’ deuterium. Solutions of NaOD were made by passing water vapor over sodium. Other solutions in DzO were made by dissolving the anhydrous hydrogen compound (except for hydrochloric acid where a concentrated aqueous solution was diluted). For the low concentrations studied, this did not change the deuterium content by a significant amount. All concentrations are in moles (or equivalents) per liter.

Results and Discussion Results and Discussion Glass Electrode Measurements in Solutions of The results of these experiments are summa- Strong Acids.-Solutions of roughly 0.01 M rized in Table I. The uncertainty in the isotopic hydrochloric acid in H20 and in DzOwere prepared equilibrium constants is estimated to be less than by dilution and the exact concentration of acid was one digit in the last decimal place shown. As ex- determined by titration with standard base. The pected, the data show an inverse dependence upon averages of several pH meter readings with the temperature. standard electrode combination are given under (a) By plotting log a vs. 1/T, a straight line was ob- of Table I. For solutions of comparable acidity tained, as shown in Fig. 1. The heat of exchange TABLE I calculated from the slope of this line was 2.26 cal./ cal./mole degree a t GLASSELECTRODES mole and -AS was 1.81 X IN SOLUTIONS OF HYDROCHLORIC ACID 25”. These results are slightly higher than those I N &o AND I N D20 given by Glueckauf3 for the Na2z-Na24exchange, Solutions are 0.00976 M HC! in HnO and 0.00983 M DC1 and doubtless reflect the greater mass difference in D20;pH meter standarized mth pH 4.00 phthalate buffer ratio ( a M / M )which exists between the isotopes of -Av. rdg8.Diflithium as compared to NaZ2and NaZ4. HIO soh. DzO eoln. ference USE OF GLASS ELECTRODES TO MEASURE ACIDITIES IN DEUTERIUM OXIDE’,’ BY PAULK. GLASOE~ AND F. A. LONG Department o f Chemistry, Cornell University, Ilhaca, New York Received August 86, 1969

Recent studies have shown that a conventional glass electrode apparatus can be used to give fairly precise values of acidity in aqueous solutions, particularly when only relative values of the acidity are needed.4*6 One situation where it would be helpful to have additional data on relative acidities is for solutions of weak acids and bases in the solvents DzO and H20. We have therefore investigated the applicability of the glass electrode to measurement of acidity in D20 solutions. A general study is already available on some of the properties of glass electrodes in Dz0,6but it does not give much con(1) Supported in part by a grant from the Atomic Energy Commiesion. (2) Preaented a t the 136th meeting of the American Chemical Society, Atlantic City, September, 1959. (3) National Science Foundation Science Faculty Fellow a t Cornell University, 1958-1959. (4) E. Grunwald, J. Am. Chem. Sac., 73, 4934 (1951). ( 5 ) A. L. Bacarella, E. Grunwald, H. F. Marshall and E. L. P u r lee, THIS JOURNAL,62, 856 (1958).

(a) Standard glass electrodeBeckmann No. 39166; 39168 calomel (b) Beckmann 1190-80 glass electrode; 1170 calomel (c) Beckmann type E glass electrode; 1170 calomel (d) “Synthetic” 1190-80 glass electrode; 1170 calomel













the pH meter reading in DzO solution is 0.40 pH unit lower than in H 2 0 solution. To determine whether this difference was characteristic only of this particular electrode system, these same solutions were measured using various glass electrodecalomel electrode combinations. The results are given in (b), (c) and (d) of Table I. It is apparent that the difference is constant for the different electrodes, within the error of reading the meter. The “synthetic 1190-80“ electrode in (d), Table I, is an ordinary Beckman 1190-80 electrode from which the internal solution was poured out and replaced with a solution of 0.100 M HC1 in HzO. The (6) D. Hubbard and G. W. Cleek, J. Research Natl. Bur. Standarda. 49, 267 (1952).

(7) R. G . Hart, Nat. Res. Council, Canada, C R E 423, June 1949. (8) R. B. Fiacher and R. A. Potter, A.E.C. document NODC-715, Sept. 12, 1945.


Jan., 1960



-log cH+

yllOg CD+



-pH In HtO

( a ) NaOH 12.00 12.86 0.86 11.83 NaOD (b) NaOH 12.00 12.86 .86 12.00” NaOD 12.46 13.29 .83 12.38 (c) Ba(OH)z Ba(OD)2 (d) Ca(OH)z 12.28 13.14 .86 12.22 Ca(OD)2 Measurements made with type E (low sodium ion error) electrode.




In DzO

A exp.













actual potential of this electrode was markedly different from a normal 1190-80 electrode but even so the difference for the two solvents remains a t 0.40 pH unit.9 These measurements indicate that the difference of 0.40 pH meter unit is not dependent on the particular type of glass electrode and that the pD of a solution in DzO can be determined by use of the equation



- Aexp.)

the sodium ion error of the standard glass electrode depends on the pH a t a fixed concentration of sodium ion. From the Beckman chart of sodium ion error it is found that for 0.01 iM sodium ion a t 25” the correction is 0.13 pH unit a t pH 12.80 and 0.05 unit a t pH 12.00. The value of APD taking this into account is 0.48-4.08= 0.40 pH unit, the same as the value for acid solutions. I n agreement with this, a ApD value of 0.39 (Table IIb) was found for these same solutions with the Beckman type E pD = pH meter reading 0.40 (1) where the “pH meter reading” is obtained with an electrode which has a negligible sodium ion error at apparatus standardized to read pH in HzOsolutions. these concentrations. Further confirmation of the For convenience, we shall refer to the difference, pD similarity of ApD in acid and in base solutions is minus pH meter reading, in this case 0.40, as ApD.1° given by the results obtained with solutions of apFisher and Potter’ made studies of a glass elec- proximately 0.029 N barium hydroxide and 0.02 N trode system using buffer solutions in DzOand con- calcium oxide in HzO and DzO (Table 11, (c) and cluded that an equation like 1 could be used to (d). These solutions would be expected to show give pD. However, they proposed a numerical an insignificant cation effect a t these low concenconstant of 0.25 rather than 0.40. Hart* did a eim- trations. I n both cases the ApD is 0.40 pH unit, ilar study with solutions of hydrochloric acid in the within experimental error. KH/KD Ratios for Some Weak Acids and Bases. two solvent,sand also with phosphate buffers (pH of from 5 to 7). He found values for the constant of -To determine whether the correction term 0.40 equation 1 which range from 0.40 to 0.47. Hart is applicable in the pH range between the extremes also gave further consideration to the Fisher and of strong acids and strong bases, the pKa values for Potter results and noted difficulties in the latters’ some weak acids were determined in HzO and in work, both in the extrapolations and in the calcu- D20 using the glass electrode t o measure pH and ‘ ~KD’ lation of ionic strength. We conclude that the pD. For every acid, values of ~ K H or value of 0.40 for the constant of equation 1 agrees (where K‘ is the concentration equilibrium conwithin experimental error with all of the earlier re- stant) were calculated from the pH or pD value and the molar ratio of acid and conjugate base for each sults. Glass Electrode Measurements in Solutions of of several buffer ratios. Values of ApK’, defined ‘ always calculated from ~ K D ’ ‘ ~ K Hwere Strong Bases.-pH meter readings using the as ~ K D’ for solutions of equal ionic strength. standard electrodes were made on solutions of and ~ K Hvalues 0.001009 M NaOH in HzO and 0.001104 M NaOD In most measurements the ionic strength was less or ~ K D were calcuin D20. The resulting average values are given than 0.10. Values of ~ K H under (a) in Table 11. Calculation of the va.lue of lated from pK’ using the activity coefficient expres-log CD+ or -log CH+ for solutions of known con- sion centration of hydroxide ion involves the ion prod0 50941 uct of water. This was taken t o be 0.15 X 10-14 -1ogff = .L.---and 1.01 X 10-14 for DzO and HzO, respectively.ll 1 dl The value of ApD of 0.48for the sodium hydroxide solutions is significantly higher than that obtained where I is ionic strength for molar concentrations. for acid solutions. However, it is well known that It made no difference, within experimental error, whether the KH/KD ratio was calculated from the (91 In view of the frequent recommendation that a glass electrode should be equilibrated in water for several hours before m e , it is average of the ApK’ or the ApK values. worth noting that when a glass electrode waa transferred from a water Table I11 summarizes the values of KE/KD obaolution to a DnO solution (or vice o e m a ) the “ p H ’ difference of 0.40 tained for a variety of weak acids. I n general appeared to be established as rapidly aa rneaaurements could be made. (10) As is well known, the definition of pH is somewhat the agreement between the KH/KDratios from glass fuzzy. One can assume that the definition of pD is equally so. Our electrode studies and from other methods of measimplicit definition of pD is that it “means the same thing for solution8 urement is quite satisfactory, and it seems safe t o in pure DIO that pH does for HsO.” conclude that the factor of 0.40 for ApD is appli(11) R. W. Kingerley and V. K. Lahler, J . Am. Chsm. Soc., 63, 3256 (1941). cable to measurements a t intermediate acidities.






Vol. 64

THE K-kTURE OF THE S-0 BOXD IIi DISULFUR MONOXIDE BYP. 9.GIGEPRE Department of Chemistrv, Lava1 Vnzversaty, Qubbec, Canada Recezved October 14, 1.969

Recently Meschi and Myers1 have reported the de tailed microwave spectrum and molecular structure of disulfur inonoxide, S20. Mass spectroFi metric and other measurements2 had previously led them to positive identification of that unstable compound, which a t one time3 was mistaken for dimeric sulfur monoxide, From analysis of the spectra they found for the molecule a bent S-S-0 structure with the following parameters: 2.08 S-S distance, 1.884 A.; S-0, 1.465 A.;S-S-0 0 50 1C angle, 118 =t 0.5”. The authors also concluded: % D. ,~ “the S-0 bond is probably fairly close t o a single Fig. 1.-Dependence of p H meter reading for 0.01 M hydrochloric acid on atom per cent. deuterium of the aqueous bond.” However, this view is not supported by solvent. Meter standardized to read pH for H2O solutions. the existing data. il single covalent S-0 bond should be apQreciably longer than the above, TABLE I11 namely, 1.70 A,, from the sum of the covalent KD/KH FROM MEASUREMENTS OF pH AKD pD WITH GLASS radii of the S and 0 atoms4 (The revised values ELECTRODE corrected for partial ionic character of the boi;d6 KH/KD Acid pKB pKD ApKa other lead to nearly thc same bond length, 1.69 A,) The distance 1.51 A. quoted by AIeschi and Myers Acetic 4.73 5.25 0.52 3 . 3 3.3312 Formic 3.75 4.20 .45 2 . 8 2.513;2.714 for the single S-0 bond is in fact the interatomic distance in the tetrahedral SO4-- ion where conAniline.HC1 4.55 5.13 . j s 3 . 8 3.113 siderable double bond character is expected. Maleic, pKl 1.98 2.53 .55 3 . 6 4.2l5 Maleic, pK2 6.28 6.61 .33 2 . 1 2 . 4 5 As for the double-bond radii of the atoms, their Phosphoric, p K , 2 . 1 1 2.31 .20 1 . 6 1.613 ‘fiiormal’7values are much more uncertain that Carbonic, p K P 10.33 10.96 .63 4 . 3 4.4l6 those of the single b p d s . At, m y rate the S-0 m-Nitroaniline, bonds in S02, 1.432 A,, are definitely shorter t h q HC1 2 . 4 8 2.96 .48 3 . 0 3.817 the sum of the Pauling’s double-bond radii, 1.49 A. a Values of ApK’, calculated from measurements of similar The explanation for this has been given by Mofionic strengths are the same, within experimental error. fitt6 who analyzed the electronic structure of varDependence of ApD on Deuterium Content of ious sulfoxides and sulfones by means of his selfSolution.-Varying quant,ities of 0.010 M HCl in consistent LCAO method and showed that in HzO and 0.010 M DC1 in DzO were mixed to form a these molecules the S-0 bonds are largely double, series of solutioiis of the same acid concentration with the 3d orbitals of sulfur contributing apprecibut with different deuterium content,. The “pH’s” ably t o the r-bonding. The resulting hybrid bond of these solutions were measured with the stand- is stronger than one involving a pure p- or d-boiidard glass electrode. As Fig. 1 shows the reading of ing orbital of sulfur. Obviously, such is the case for the pH met’er is very nearly a linear function of the disulfur inonoxide where the central S atom can use its 3d orbital in hybridization (form I) rather than atom per cent. deuterium. Source of Potential Difference Giving Rise to forming so-called coordinatc boiicls nith large ApD.-The correction term ApD could arise from a formal chargc separation as in the cculonical forms change of potential in DzO compared to HzO for I1 and I11 either or both the glass electrode and the calomel Sf electrode. I n an exploratory experiment on this i point, after the pH meter was standardized with -S the standard electrodes, the calomel electrode was I I1 111 replaced by one containing a saturated solution of From the kiiowii vibratioiial frequencies of the potassium chloride in D,O. There was no significant change in the meter reading. It thus appears S 2 0molecule7 the force constant for t’he S-0 bond that the potential change is due solely to the glaes may be estimated roughly a t 9.3 x IO5 dynes cm.-‘ electrode. (1) D. J Neschi and R. J. Alyers, J. M o l . Spectroscopy, 3, 405 bk

-E 1.88

(12) S. Worman and V. K. LaMer, J . Am. Chem. Soc., 68, 1396 (1936). (13) G. Schwarzenbach, 2. Elektrochem., 44, 46 (1938). (14) J. C . Hornel and J. A. V. Butler, J. Chem. Soc., 1361 (1936). (15) G. Dahlgren and F. A. Long, J . Am. Chem. Soc., 82, in press (1960). (16) J. Curry and Z . 7. Hugus, ibid., 66, 653 (1844). This reference lists 3.95 but recalculation for molar concentrations leads to the value 4.4 (J. Curry, priyate communication). (17) E. IfozfeIdt and J. €%ige!eisen,J . Am. Chem. Soc., 81, 15 (19GO).

(1959). (2) D. J. Meschi and R. J. Myers, J . Am. Chem. Soc., 78, 6220 (1956). (3) For a review see P. ‘X. Schenk, Chem. Z., 67, 273 (1943). (4) L. Pauling, “The Nature of the Chemical Bond,” Cornel1 University Press, Ithaca. N. Y., 1945. (5) V. Schomaker and D. P. Stevenson. J . Am. Chena. Soc., 63, 37 (1941). (6) W. hloffitt, Proc. R o y . Soc. (London), A200, 409 (1960). (7) 4 . V. Jones, J . Chcm. PhTjs.. 18, 1263 (1950).