Useful Surfactants from Polar Fractions of Petroleum and Shale Oil

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Downloaded by UNIV OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO on December 31, 2015 | Publication Date: July 10, 1989 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1989-0396.ch020

Chapter 20

Useful Surfactants from Polar Fractions of Petroleum and Shale Oil Kazem M . Sadeghi, Mohammad-Ali Sadeghi, Dawood Momeni, Wen Hui Wu, and Teh Fu Yen 1

School of Engineering, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0231

Fossil fuel derived liquidsfromtwo different origins, shale oil and petroleum crude oil, were subjected to solvent fractionation through a silica gel column. The solvent system forfractionsconsisted of n-hexane, toluene, and toluene/methanol (for polarfractions).The polar frac­ tion of the samples were subfractioned by ion exchange chromatography. The columns used were anion exchange resin, cation exchange resin, and clay-FeCl to obtain the acid, base, and neutralfractions,respectively. The polar­ ity increased for each column as more polar solvents were used. In order to compare surface activity of subtractions derivedfromshale oil and crude oil, the interfacial tension (IFT) of each subtraction was measured against aqueous solutions with different amounts of sodium silicate con­ centrations. It was proven that representative samples ob­ tainedfromshale oilfractionationled to much lower inter­ facial tensions compared to the ones obtained with crude oilfractionationsamples. It was also shown that the most polarfractionof the anion exchange column was from shale oil. 3

Surface active agents, more commonly known as "surfactants," are the groups of chemical compounds that in the most common form constitute an ionic or polar portion (hydrophilic head) and a hydro­ carbon portion (hydrophobic tail). The ionic or polar portion interacts strongly with the water via dipole-dipole or ion-dipole interactions and Current address: Research Institute of Petroleum Processing, P.O. Box 914, Beijing, Peoples Republic of China 0097-6156/89/0396-0376$06.00/0 © 1989 American Chemical Society In Oil-Field Chemistry; Borchardt, John K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.

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Surfactants from Polar Fractions


is solvated. On the other hand, the strong interactions between the water molecules arisingfromdispersion forces and hydrogen bonding of the chain act cooperatively to squeeze the hydrocarbon out of water. Furthermore, the hydrophobic moiety is a single or double hydrocarbon chain and the hydrophilic moiety is either an anionic, cationic, non­ ionic or zwitterionic polar group (1). The unique property of surface active materials makes them able to react strongly at various interfaces (e.g., air-water, oil-water, water-solid, oil-solid, etc.) and to lower the interfacial surface energy. Surfactants in solution tend to accumulate and adsorb at interfaces between their solution and adjacent phases. The orientation of these molecules as well as molecular interaction and molecular packing result in an interfacial behavior different from that in bulk phases. The present state-of-the-art enhanced oil recovery processes reveals that of the potential oil reserves, about 60 percent are estimated to be compatible to chemicalfloodingwith surfactants (2). The surfactant selection for a tertiary oil recovery process is made on the basis of ultralow interfacial tension between the oil and the aqueous phase. Melrose and Brander (3) and Taber (4) have shown that successful immiscible oil displacement depends on the existance of a very low interfacial tension, between the oil and water phases. A value of about 10 dyne/cm or less is required to mobilize the oil. It is shown that the recovery of residual oilfromlaboratory test cases is greatly improved for systems with ultra low interfacial tension (3). The achievement and maintenance of low interfacial tensions during chemicalfloodingtherefore seems essential. Numerous methodologies have been developed for separation of polar compoundsfromcrude oils (5-7). Among these, the most wellknown is the scheme developed by the Bureau of Mines in Ameri­ can Petroleum Institute Research Project 60 (5,6) which involves ionexchange chromatographic and ferric chloride complexation techniques for removal of acids, bases, and neutral nitrogen compounds. However, this procedure is rather complex and tedious. The definition of acids or bases by ion-exchange methods is in terms of the hydrogen donating or accepting tendency of the molecule. Since many polar compounds are amphoteric, their definitions as acids or bases depend on the ana­ lytical sequence employed. Seifert et al. (8-10) have extracted acids from crude oil and showed that carboxylic acids are primarily respon­ sible for the observed surface activity. Some long-chain acids in the crude oil, however, exist as natural esters, amides, and other acid-base complexes. The presence of these compounds in crude oil has been identified by many investigators including Snyder (1_1,12) and McKay et al. (13). The current research objective is to evaluate the surface activity of the subtractions obtainedfromthe solventfractionatedcrude oil and shale oil samples as they are passed through the separation process developed for this work. The columns used are anion exchange resin, -3

In Oil-Field Chemistry; Borchardt, John K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.



cation exchange resin, and clay-FeCl to obtain the acid, base, and neutral fractions, respectively. The clay-FeCl3 complexation technique alone could specifically concentrate nitrogen and oxygen-containing compounds in shale oil. Although petroleum sulfonates (i.e., sodium salts of sulfonated crude oil) are known as main candidates in practical surfactantfloodsystems (14) they are usually very hard to structurally characterize and need to be combined with co-surfactants and blocking agents to enhance or protect the main surfactant. Besides having a broad range of molecular weights which make them more complex, their production is often cumbersome and very costly. The surface active compounds obtained from crude oil and especiallyfromshale oil samples in this work, are shown to be very stable and produce very low interfacial tension in an alkaline system. Structural characterization studies of these compounds are also discussed.

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Experimental Sample. Petroleum crude oil samplefromLong Beach Field (TUMS Well C-331, APF 20), California, and shale oil obtained by retorting at 500°C the Green River Oil Shale (Anvil Point Mine) were studied. About 20 g of shale oil was dissolved in 200 ml of THF and then filtered. The sample was recovered by a rotary evaporator. Although the same procedure was done on the other samples, the percent ash was different for each sample. All the samples were evaporated to a constant weight in a vacuum oven at 50°C. Silica Gel Chromatography. The ratio of sample to absorbent was about 1:35. The columns were exhaustively eluted with n-hexane, toluene, 4:1 toluene/methanol, and 2:1 toluene/methanol volume ra­ tios, to get Fractions I, n, HI, and IV, respectively (Figure 1). Fraction HI was then sub-fractionated futher by ion exchange chromatography. In order to separate polarfractionsfromthe samples, as discussed in detail in one of our works (Sadeghi, K.M.; Sadeghi, M.-A.; Wu, W.H.; Yen, T.F. Fuel, in press.), a column was slurry packed with the Baker analyzed reagent grade silica gel (60-200 mesh) in n-hexane and topped with a layer of sand before each experiment. Silica gel had neutral activity and was thermally activated before use. Ion Exchange Chromatography. The polar oil (Fraction IE) obtained from silica gel chromatography was mixed with cyclohexane. The slurry was then passed through an anion exchange resin column packed with Amberlyst A-27 (Aldrich Chemical Co.), a strongly basic, macroreticular resin. In order to obtain the acidicfractionsfromthe an­ ion exchange resin column, an eluting scheme based on the increasing polarity of the solvent system was employed. This scheme included the use of cyclohexane, toluene, a mixture of 3:2 toluene/methanol, and

In Oil-Field Chemistry; Borchardt, John K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.



Surfactants from Polar Fractions

a mixture of 3:2 toluene/methanol saturated with C0 , for extraction into the fourfractions.The one obtainedfromelution with cyclohexane was furtherfractionatedby passing it through a cation exchange resin column packed with an Amberlyst 15 (Aldrich Chemical Co.), which is a macroreticular resin and strongly acidic in its nature. The solution obtained was exposed to the same elution scheme in thefirststage with the exception of substituting the toluene methanol/C02 mixture with a mixture of 5.4:3.6:1.0 toluene/methanolAsopropylamine in the last phase. Three basicfractionsresultedfromthesefractionations.A col­ umn packed with clay-FeCl (Engelhard Minerals and Chemicals) was employed to further subfractionate the extracted sample obtained from cyclohexane eluting in the second stage. The solvent system used was cyclohexane and chchloromethane. The ratio of sample to absorbent was about 1:10 for the three absorbents used. Two neutral fractions were obtained at this last stage of separation process for each sample tested. The detailedflowchartof the separation procedure is shown in Figure 2.

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Interfacial Tension (IFT) Measurements. All IFT measurements were done using a University of Texas Model 300 Spinning Drop Interfacial Tensiometer. The basic principle is to introduce a drop (about 2 pd) of an oil sample into a glass capillary tube (1.5 mm I.D., 78 mm long)filledwith the aqueous medium. The tube is then spun about its main axis. The oil drop will elongate to a length determined by the IFT value of the system. Details of the theory and application can be found elsewhere (15,16). According to the equipment manufacturer, the formula used to calculate IFT value is: 3


IFT (dyne/cm) = [1.234(Ad) Ap]/p

where Ad = the thickness of the elongated oil drop in cm; Ap = density difference between the oil and the aqueous phase in gm/ml; p = period of spinning in seconds. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The weight percentage breakdown offractionsand subtractions ob­ tainedfromfractionationof both the crude oil and shale oil samples are shown in Figure 3 and 4, respectively. The percentage recoveries of Fraction IIIfromthe crude oil and shale oil samples were 16.5% and 24.1%, respectively. To investigate the interfacial activity of these subtractions upon reaction with alkali, IFT measurements were carried out with a 1% solution of eachfractionin toluene against aqueous

In Oil-Field Chemistry; Borchardt, John K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.




S i l i c o n Gel Column

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Fraction I

Toluene 80% Methanol 20%


Fraction II

Fraction I I I

Toluene 66% Methanol 33%

F r a c t i o n IV

Figure 1. Solvent Fractionation Scheme Using Silicon Gel Column for Crude Oil and Shale Oil. FRACTION I I I Anion Exchange R e s i n Column



Toluene C0% Methanol 40%

Toluer.e 60v Methanol 40% Saturated with C0





C a t i o n Exchange R e s i n Column Cyclohexane






Toluene 54% Methanol 36% Isopropylamine 10% 1



Clay-FeCl Column

Toluene 60% Methanol 40%

CH C1 2



Figure 2. Separation of Fraction III (see Figure 1) to Subtractions by Ion Exchange Chromatography (A = Acid, B = Base, and N = Neutral Fractions).

In Oil-Field Chemistry; Borchardt, John K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.


Surfactants from Polar Fractions


60 Crude Oil 50 Shale Oil

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~ 40 jj 30 c o O 20 10 0



Figure 3. Content of Fractions of Crude Oil and Shale Oil by Silicon Gel Column. 40


H i

Crude Oil


Shale Oil

20 o O 10




J I X L N1


Figure 4. Content of Subtractions of Crude Oil and Shale Oil by Ion Exchange Chromatography (A = Acid, B = Base, and N = Neutral Fractions).

In Oil-Field Chemistry; Borchardt, John K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.

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solutions of different sodium silicate contents. The results of these in­ vestigations are shown in Figures 5 through 7. As these results clearly indicate, thefractionsshow considerable interfacial activity under al­ kaline conditions. The separated shale oilfractionsresult in lower IFT values compared to the ones obtainedfromcrude oil fractions. The lowest IFT and therefore highest surface activity is achieved for fraction A3 separatedfromshale oil with the lowest concentration of sodium silicate in the aqueous solution. This is very significant when considering that thisfraction(A3) has the highest yield of recovery (31% of Fraction DI, equal to 7.4% of the original shale oil sample) among the others separatedfromboth the crude oil and shale oil sam­ ples. It is interesting to note that the same conditions were applied to crude oil; and thefractionA3 obtainedfromthis sample exhibits a low value of IFT but it is more than 40timeshigher than the one separated from the shale oil. The highest yield in this category, however, belongs to thefractionelutedfromthe anion exchange resin column with the toluene/methanol solvent system. Although many studies have been done in the past (17-20) to explain the interaction of alkali and acids in the oil for the lowering of IFT, the results of this study do not im­ ply a direct relationship between acidity of thefractionand its surface activity. Jang et al. (21) reported that non-reactive, naturally occuring esters, amides and acid-base complexes were present in sufficient quantities whenfractionsof crude oil were isolated and characterized. The results of experiments with crude oilfractionsin this study also suggest that several species were present in reaction interface. There are mainly long chain carboxylic acids. The difference in size and structure is expected to give them different pka values. As a result, different surface activity (i.e., IFT value) is obtained with different levels of alkali concentration. Crude oilfractionswith lower surface activity only yield surface inactive salts that may appear as precipitates at the interface. The highest surface activity offractionA3 extractedfromshale oil needs to be explored in detail in order to understand this very unique phenomena. The benchmark experiments performed by Lee et al. (22) in studies of dissociation phenomena of Stuart oil shale in an alkaline environment proved the formation of carboxylic acids as it was verified from GC results. In another study by Lee et al. (23), it was shown that the hydroxyl ionsfroman alkaline solution could decompose the silicate and aluminasilicate structures in oil shale samples, provided that ultrasonic radiation and electrolytic current were simultaneously applied. A hypothetical structural model developed by Yen (24) repre­ sented the organic components of Green River oil shale. The major components were isoprenoids, steroids, terpenoids and cartenoids. the common bridges consisted of disulfide, ether, ester, heterocyclic and alkadiene. Elemental analysis of typical oil shale samples has shown

In Oil-Field Chemistry; Borchardt, John K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.



Surfactants from Polar Fractions


Crude O i l

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E O \ CD

! .001 2 C





C R1

(E U_ Q: HI

A R2 • R3 i










Shale O i l


Figure 5. Interfacial Tension versus Alkali Concentrations for the Acid (Al to A3) Fractions of Crude Oil and Shale Oil.

In Oil-Field Chemistry; Borchardt, John K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.



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Crude O i l £ O \ CD C D)








Shale O i l




Figure 6. Interfacial Tension versus Alkali Concentrations for the Base (Bl to B3) Fractions of Crude Oil and Shale Oil.

In Oil-Field Chemistry; Borchardt, John K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.


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Surfactants from Polar Fractions


Crude O i l

c ZD

a CQ


u cr tier







Shale O i l




Figure 7. Interfacial Tension versus Alkali Concentrations for the Neu­ tral (Nl and N2) Fractions of Crude Oil and Shale Oil.

In Oil-Field Chemistry; Borchardt, John K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.



that they are very rich in nitrogen compounds (30-84%). Poulson and co-workers (25) reported that pyridines and pyrroles were the two major types of nitrogen compounds in shale oil. Cyclic amides and anilides were proposed as possible additional types of nitrogen com­ pounds in shale oil (26). The concentrating of the nitrogen-containing compounds in shale oil and related fossil fuels by clay-FeCl complexation chromatography techniques was reported previously by Yen et al. (27,28). Based on these studies and our research in progress, we ex­ pect that enriched nitrogen compounds in oil shale could facilitate the acid extraction, mainly carboxylic acids, and subsequently increase the surface activity of the acidfraction(A3) extractedfromthe shale oil sample. A hypothetical model is proposed (Figure 8) to show the asso­ ciation of molecules at the oil-water interface. It is postulated that the surfactant molecules will be oriented in such a way that each molecule lies on the oil side of the interface and each nitrogen compound lies on the aqueous side. When the interfacial tension falls in the alka­ line environment the surface pressure increases and the hydrocarbon chains of the surfactant molecules are preventedfrommoving close together because of the width of the nitrogen compounds. More re­ search work is essential to structurally characterize this surfactant, but these results would clearly indicate that methods are to be developed to aid in the in-situ generation of bio-surfactants in oil shale processing which could significantly reduce the interfacial tension and lead to the ultimate recovery of shale oil.

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CONCLUSION Surface active compounds were extractedfromboth the crude oil and shale oil samples through a separation scheme developed for this work. These substances could effectively decrease interfacial tension between them and aqueous alkaline phase one hundred thousand fold (Figure 5). The surface activity offractionsderivedfromshale oil samples were much higher than the ones obtainedfromcrude oil. The abun­ dance of nitrogen compounds in shale oil samples was considered to be the main reason for reducing the interfacial tension to its lowest value. A hypothetical model was developed to describe the interfa­ cial activity of the acidicfractionderivedfromshale oil. Experiments with thisfractionled to the lowest IFT value compared to the other fractions. Since the lowering of interfacial tension is thefirstmajor step in enhancement of heavy oil recoveryfromboth the shale oil and petroleum reservoir, it is strongly believed that application of those such surfactants, with their low cost and high stability, could lead to optimum recovery of residue oilsfromthese reservoirs in an alkaline environment. Employment of such new methods as proposed by Lee et al. (22) ultrasonic radiation and electrolytic dissociation processes,

In Oil-Field Chemistry; Borchardt, John K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.

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Surfactants from Polar Fractions



Figure 8. A Hypothetical Model of Shale Oil at the Oil-Water Interface.

In Oil-Field Chemistry; Borchardt, John K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.



could further enhance the generation of these surfactants and lead to the ultimate reserves recovery. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

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The authors thank Western Extraction Technology, Inc. and EER Labs, Inc. for their partial financial support. We also would like to thank Dr. H. L. Wong and Mr. Leon Lemons for the preparation of this manuscript. LITERATURE CITED 1. Schwartz, A.M.; Perry, J . W . Surface A c t i v e Agents, T h e i r Chemistry a n d Technology, Inter-Science Publishers, Inc.: N e w Y o r k , 1949. 2. Geffen, T.M. " H e r e ' s W h a t ' s N e e d e d to G e t Tertiary R e c o v e r y Going," W o r l d Oil 1975, M a r c h , 5 3 . 3. M e l r o s e , J . C . ; Brandner, C . F . " R o l e o f C a p i l l a r y Forces in Determ i n i n g M i c r o s c o p i c Displacement Efficiency for O i l - R e c o v e r y b y Water F l o o d i n g , " J. C a n a d i a n Petrol Tech. 1974, 13(1), 13. 4. Taber, J.J. " D y n a m i c and Static Forces R e q u i r e d to R e m o v e a D i s continuous Oil Phase from Porous M e d i a C o n t a i n i n g B o t h Oil and Water," Soc. Petrol E n g . J. 1969, 9(1), 3. 5. J e w e l l , D.M.; Weber, J . H . ; Bunger, J . W . ; Plancher, H.; L a t h a m , D . R . "Ion-Exchange, C o o r d i n a t i o n and A d s o r p t i o n Chromatographic Separation o f H e a v y - E n d Petroleum Distillates," Anal C h e m . 1972, 44, 1391. 6. H i r s c h , D.E.; H o p k i n s , R.C.; C o l e m a n , H.J.; C o t t o n , F . O . ; T h o m p son, C.J. "Separation o f H i g h - B o i l i n g Petroleum Distillates U s i n g Gradient E l u t i o n T h r o u g h D u a l - P a c k e d ( S i l i c a G e l - A l u m i n a G e l ) A d s o r p t i o n C o l u m n s , " Anal. C h e m . 1972, 44, 915. 7. Suatoni, J . C . ; S w a b , R . E . "Preparative H y d r o c a r b o n C o m p o u n d Type A n a l y s i s b y H i g h Performance L i q u i d Chromatography," J. Chromatogr. S c i . 1976, 14, 535. 8. Seifert, W.K.; H o w e l l s , W.G. "Interfacially A c t i v e A c i d s in a California C r u d e Oil," Anal. C h e m . 1969, 4 1 , 554. 9. Seifert, W.K. "Effect o f Phenols o n the Interfacial A c t i v i t y o f C r u d e Oil (California) C a r b o x y l i c A c i d s and the Identification o f C a r bazoles and Indoles," Anal. C h e m . 1969, 4 1 , 562. 10. Seifert, W.K.; Teeter, R.M. "Preparative Thin-layer Chromatography and H i g h R e s o l u t i o n M a s s Spectrometry o f C r u d e Oil C a r b o x y l i c Acids," Anal. C h e m . 1969, 4 1 , 786. 11. Snyder, L.R. " N i t r o g e n and O x y g e n C o m p o u n d Types in Petroleum. Total A n a l y s i s o f a 4 0 0 - 7 0 0 ° F Distillate from a C a l i f o r n i a C r u d e Oil," Anal. C h e m . 1969, 4 1 , 314.

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Surf octantsfromPolar Fractions


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In Oil-Field Chemistry; Borchardt, John K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.


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In Oil-Field Chemistry; Borchardt, John K., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1989.