Using Group Theory Character Tables in Lecture

copy. k:xtraneou.; marks are masked or rut uff and the r e d l used in a heat-pnxvss wrrhcad maker wrh as that of the. Thermofax copier system. Drew U...
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Using Group Theory Character Tables in Lecture In teaching the chemical applications of gmup theory, reducing the reducible representation into its irreducible components is performed again and again. To carry out the operation in detail requires that the character table be presented. The most efficient presentation uses a n overhead projection foil for each character table. The important addition of the reducible representation for the case a t hand may be added with a washable marker (and removed before the table is used again). Such efficient use of the student's time causes no hardship because he has a copy of the group character tables in the back of his textbook. To make the 8 X 10-in. overhead fail. use hieh contrast film (HC-135Kodak) e x ~ a s e dto the setting read from a 18% neutral The,resultine.. neestives &e overdevelo~edin Kodsk D-19 farmsximum contra; and fixed in the ~mev . test, ~ card. " ~ .. usual manner. Enlarge the prrnr lo 8 X 10 in. The print 1s xeru&~aphwally reproducrd to provide o cnrbon-haze full ~ i z e copy. k:xtraneou.; marks are masked or rut uff and the r e d l used in a heat-pnxvss wrrhcad maker w r h as that of the Thermofax copier system. ~~



Drew University Madison, New Jersey 07940

GregoryV. Nelson

Volume 50, Number 7, July 1973
