Vacuum is the Industrial Weapon Against Pneumonia and Mastoiditis

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Vacuum is the Industrial Weapon


Against Pneumonia and Mastoiditis

Stokes vacuum drying chambers in use at Abbott Laboratories, North Chicago, III., for the drying of crystalline penicillin and other antibiotics. Picture is taken through window of sterile drying room. Operator is masked and gloved t o maintain sterile conditions.

Remember when these were dreaded afflictions? N o w mastoid troubles are a rarity and pneumonia is no longer a dreaded ^ ^ killer, thanks to penicillin. Penicillin, doled I n ~ *f Stokes vacuum chambers at Abbott Laboratories, N o r t h Chicago, 111., is one of m a n y pharmaceuticals which m u s t be dried under vacuum because orily u n d e r vacuum are the destructive effects of air and heat avoided.

V a c u u m drying — i n many cases from th*e frozen state — is also the drying method for blood plasma, mycins, hormones, antibiotics, anti-venoms and biologicals. For m a n y industrial chemicals, vacuum diying i s the efficient, low-cost high production method for removing water and recovering valuable solvents safely. Stokes experts have 50 years of experiemce i n vacuum processing to share with interested manufacturers. S e n d for%any or all of the following informative broctaures: (1) Freeze-Drying in Industry, (2) Laboratory Freeze-Drying, (3) Vacuum Drying. F. J . S T O K E S M A C H I N E C O M P A N Y PHILADELPHIA 20, P A .



STOKES MAKES: High Vacuum Equipment. Vacuum Pumps and G a g e s / Industrial Tabtetting, Powder Metal and Plastics Molding Presses/ Pharmaceutical Equipment


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