Vacuum-ultraviolet photolysis of the C4H6 isomers ... - ACS Publications

Jun 25, 1971 - The major products observed were acetylene, ethylene, vinyl acetylene,. 1,3-butadiene, and hydrogen. Data are presented that suggest a ...
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Vacuum-Ultraviolet Photolysis of the C,H, Isomers. 111. Cyclobutene by A. DeLeon and R. D. Doepker* Department of Chemistry, University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida $3124

(Received June 25, 1971)

Publication costs assisted by The National Science Foundation

The photolysis of cyclobutene was investigated, using xenon (147.0 nm), krypton (123.6nm), and argon (106.7104.8 nm) resonance radiation. The major products observed were acetylene, ethylene, vinyl acetylene, l,a-butadiene, and hydrogen. Data are presented that suggest a (C4H6) diradical as the precursor for vinyl acetylene and a major fraction of the acetylene and ethylene.



+ hv +


* + CzH4 2H + C4H4 (C4Hs)* (C4H.d * +Hz + CzH2 + C2Hz (C4Ha) +CzH2 --j

The formation of 1,3-butadiene and minor amounts of ethylene were attributed to the reaction sequence H

+ C-(CdHe)






H c-(GHe) +CzHd CzBs Although ionization was established during both the krypton and argon photolysis and used as the basis of quantum yield determination at these wavelengths, no products could be identified as originating exclusively from an ion-molecule path.

Introduction Even though there has been a sharp increase of interest in vacuum-ultraviolet photochemistry during the past few years, a rapid scan of the recent reviems1-6 of the area still reveals a considerable lack of knowledge of the photochemistry of unsaturated hydrocarbon systems. With this in mind, an investigation of the vacuum-ultraviolet photolysis of cyclobutene is reported here as a continuation of studies to determine the modes of decomposition of electronically excited C4He molecule~.~*~ A previous study of the gas-phase photolysis of cyclobutene was conducted by Haller and Srinivasangas part of an investigation of the photolysis of 1,3-butadiene-l, 1,4,4-d4. The yields of ethylene and acetylene were reported as a function of cyclobutene pressure for the mercury-sensitized photolysis of cyclobutene. Of particular interest in the photolysis of cyclobutene is a comparison of its modes of decomposition with those of l13-butadiene7 and with its saturated counterpart, cyclobutane. 10

Experimental Section Materials. Cyclobutene was prepared from the pyrolysis of trimethyl cyclobiitylammonium hydroxide.” Cyclobutane carboxylic acid (Aldrich Chemcial Co.) was converted to the trimethylcyclobutylammonium hydroxide through the cyclobutylamine hydrochloride12 and the trimethylcyclobutylammonium iodide.13 The resulting cyclobutene was purified by gas chromatogThe Journal of Physical Chemistry, VoL 75, N o . 24, 1971

raphy, using a 15-ft, 30% squalane column. The purified material contained 0.006% 1,3-butadiene. No other impurities were observed. DzS, NDa, and Dz were obtained from JIerck Sharp and Dohme, Alontreal, Canada, and were used without further purification. Purification of other materials used has been described in previous s t ~ d i e s . 7 ’ ~ Irradiation. The irradiation procedure has been described p r e v i o ~ s l yexcept , ~ ~ ~ for one modification. The cold finger of both the xenon and krypton lamps was replaced by a ballast volume of about 250 cma. On the interior of this ballast volume was deposited a thin film of titanium. The const)ruction of these, as well as the

(1) J. R. McNesby and H. Okabe, Adcan. Photochem., 3, 157 (1964). (2) J. R. McKesby, Actions Chim. Biol. Radiat., 9 , 36 (1966). (3) P. Ausloos and S. G. Lias in “The Chemistry of Ionization and Excitation,” G. R. A . Johnson and G. Scholes, Ed., 1967, p 77. (4) P . Ausloos and S. G. Lias, Radiat. Res. Rev., 1, 75 (1968). (5) P. Ausloos and S. G. Lias, Be?. Bunsenges. PhUs. Chem., 72, 187 (1968). (6) L. W. Sieck in “Fundamental Processes in Radiation Chemistry,” P. Ausloos, Ed., Interscience, Kew York, N . Y., 1968, p 119. (7) R. D. Doepker, J . Phys. Chem., 72, 4037 (1968). (8) R. D. Doepker and K . L. Hill, ibid., 73, 1313 (1969). (9) I. Haller and R. Srinivasan, J . Amer. Chem. Soc., 88, 3694 (1966).

(10) R. D. Doepker and P. Ausloos, J . Chem. Phys., 43, 3814 (1965). (11) J. D. Roberts and C. W. Sauer, J . Amer. Chem. Soc., 71, 3925 (1949) I

(12) G. B. Heisig, (bid., 63, 1698 (1941). (13) M. Schlatter, ibid., 63, 1733 (1941).

VACUUM-ULTRAVIOLET PHOTO~YSIS OF THE C4H8ISOMERS argon Titanium Getter lamps, has been described recently by Ausloos and Lias.4 Quantum yield determinations in the photoionization region were carried out using a 290-cm3 cell equipped with a pair of 4.5-cm diameter nickel electrodes, positioned 4 to 5 cm apart. This cell was similar to the photolysis vessel described by Ausloos and Lias, except that this contained only one chamber. A Fluke Model 415A high-voltage power supply and a Victoreen Model 1002 picoammeter were used in conjunction with the photoionization cell. The ultraviolet photolysis reported in this study was carried out in a 500-cma Vycor reaction vessel, utilizing a Hanovia utility quartz medium-pressure lamp. All experiments were conducted a t room temperature, to about 0.5% conversion. A series of mercury-photosensitized experiments were carried out in a 1-1. Vycor reaction vessel using a Gelman-Camag low-pressure (253.7 nm) Universal uv lamp. Photolysis times were 2 min in duration, equivalent to about 1% conversion. Analysis. After irradiation, an aliquot of the sample was introduced into a dual flame gas chromatograph. Separation was achieved on a 25-ft, 30% squalane column, or a 35-ft, 15% dimethylsulfolane-8-ft, 30% squalane combination column. The latter column was used primarily to check the purity of the reported vinyl acetylene and l,&butadiene products. Noncendensable products were distilled a t - 210°, collected, and analyzed with a CEC-21-103 C mass spectrometer. Products of special interest were separated by means of vapor chromatography, trapped with liquid nitrogen, and also analyzed with the CEC21-103 C mass spectrometer.


cies for cyclobutene were 0.26 and 0.60, respectively. Table I reports the quantum yields of the major products as determined in these experiments. The product yields in Tables 11-V have been given relative to the yield of acetylene. No actinometry was carried out at 147.0 nm or in the 220.0-260.0-nm region. “Relative quantum yields” obtained at 147.0 nm verified the results obtained in Table I, that the quantum yield of acetyleq was independent of cyclobutene pressure from 0.5 to 30 Torr. Further experiments at 147.0 and 123.6 nm demonstrated that the quantum yield of acetylene was independent of additive with the exception of HzS or where abnormally high concentration of additives were used. Determination of “relative quantum yields,” when hydrogen sulfide is present, is extremely uncertain due to sulfur deposition on tho lamp windows.

Table I1 : Photolysis 147.0 nm of Cyclobutene in the Presence and Absence of Additives --Relative c-C~HO P , Torr

Additive P , Torr

1 .o

None None NO-0 . O l NO-0.05 NO-0 . 1 NO-0 . 5

5.0 0.1 0.5 1.0 5.0 10.0

1.d 5.0 0.05 0.14 Q

Using photoionization techniques the quantum yield for ionization (ionization efficiency) was determined for cyclobutene assuming a value of 0.77 for nitric oxide4 and 0.16 for ~yclopentene’~ at 10 eV, and a value of 0.37 for ~yclopentene’~ at 11.6-11.8 eV. The efficien-


NO-1.0 H2S-0.2 HzS-1.0

MAb-0.45 MA-0.45

Not det where (C4Hs) denotes a diradical species containing excess internal energy. Although there are two possible diradicals, separation of the species is but speculation. Vinyl Acetylene Formation. It is noted in Tables I-IV that vinyl acetylene is independent of cyclobutene pressure and unaffected by the prwence or absence of additives. The formation of vinyl acetylene in the vacuum-ultraviolet photolysis of 1,3-butadiene' and 1,2butadienex occurs through the elimination of two hydro-

+ (C4Hs)" H + C4H4

(C4Hs) +H


where (C4He) is a diradical species and (C4H5)*is a radical with excess internal energy. In order to be consistent with the data in Tables I-IV, the lifetime of the (C4Hs)*must be less than the collision interval at the pressure range used in this study. This mode of formation is also consistent with the observation that vinyl acetylene is not observed in the 220.0-260.0-nm photolysis of cyclobutene (Table V). The photon energies in this range are insufficient for this process. c-(CrHs)

+ hv +2H + CdH, (AH


142 kcal/mol)


Although the diradical formation is consistent with the majority of the experimental observations to be discussed in this work, the loss of an H atom followed by ring opening also must occur, especially at shorter wavelength. c-(C&)

+ h v +H + c-(CqHs)*

c - ( C ~ H ~+ ) * (CdHj)*

(lb) (24

The results of this reaction sequence may not be distinguishable from those of reactions l a and 2. For this reason this mechanism will be considered, in the discussions, as equivalent to the diradical concept. 1 $-Butadiene Formation. Cooper and Walters20 studied the thermal isomerization of cyclobutene a t 150". This isomerization was unimolecular with a calculated activation energy of 32.5 kcal/mol. The mechanism by which 1,3-butadiene was formed was described in terms of the breaking of the 3-4 carbon bond. Later, Elliot and FreyZ1corroborated this lt-orlr, finding an activation energy of 32.3 kcal/mol while invoking a 1-4 biradical as an intermediate. Such an isomerization process in the vacuum-ultraviolet photolysis of cyclobutene is inconsistent with the data presented. As is seen in Tables I-IV, the yield of 1,3-butadiene decreases with increasing cyclobutene pressure. The excited diradical species possesses in the neighborhood of 180-kcallmol excess energy (in the case of the xenon photolysis) which would be carried over to the isomer-


(16) C. L. Currie, H. Okabe, and M . R. McNesby, J . Phys. Chem., 67, 1494 (1963). (17) A. A. Scala and P. Ausloos, J . Chem. Phys., 49, 2282 (1968). (18) R. D. Doepker, J . Phys. Chem., 73, 3219 (1969). (19) R. D. Doepker, S. G. Lias, and 1'. Ausloos, J . Chem. Phys., 46, 4340 (1967). (20) W. Cooper and W.D. Walters, J . Amer. Chem. SOC.,8 0 , 4220 (1958). (21) C. S. Elliot and H. W. Frey, Trans. Faraday Soc., 62, 895 (1966).

The Jozkrnal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 76, N o . .94, 1971


3660 ized product. The resulting l,&butadiene molecule would indeed fragment,7 unless it could be deactivated through some collision process. This would predict an increase in the 1,3-butadiene with increasing additive pressure, which is contrary to observation. It has been noted that the formation of vinyl acetylene is accompanied by the elimination of two hydrogen atoms. The addition of a hydrogen atom to cyclobutene is exothermic and will result in the fragmentation of the resulting molecule, unless collisionally deactivated. c-(C&6)



(C4H7)" --f 1,3-C4Ha (CIH,) *




+ 31 + (C4H7)


The formation of 1,3-butadiene through this mechanism is consistent with the observed pressure dependency. Furthermore, the yield of 1,3-butadiene would be expected to decrease with an increase in the surface to volume ratio of the reaction vessel. This also was observed (see Results). When a deuterium-cyclobutene-mercury (D2/cC4H6 = 60) mixture was photolyzed with 253.7 nm (Table VI), ethylene and 1,3-butadiene were the major products. Mass spectral analysis of the 1,3-butadiene product produced nearly 90% C4H6D with the D atom located most likely in a terminal position. The predominance of the C4HbD molecule in the mixture indicates that addition of a deuterium atom to cyclobutene results first in a C&D molecule which then emits a hydrogen atom forming 1,3-butadiene. CHZ-CH

I/ +-[I


CHz-CH CH2--CHD [bH2--4H

















Thus the splitting of the 1-4 bond in the above mechanism would lead exclusively to C4H5D,while the splitting of the 3-4 bond should result in a ratio of C4H6Dt o C ~ H of S nearly 1, neglecting any strong isotope effect. The 10% light butadiene observed could arise from this process but may well be explained through direct Hgsensitization of cyclobutene since nearly 10% of the excited mercury molecules would be expected to be quenched by cyclobutene. I n the 147.0-nm photolysis of methylamine, Magenheimer, Varnerin, and TimmonsZ2showed that 80% of the primary process is involved in the elimination of a hydrogen atom. When methylamine was Photolyzed in the presence of 10% cyclobutene, 1,3-butadiene and The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 76, N o . 24, 1971

ethylene were the major products (Tables 11 and 111). Presumably, this is due to the addition of & hydrogen atom from the methylamine to the cyclobutene and its subsequent fragmentation. The experiments with NDs (Table VIII) are somewhat ambiguous but do demonstrate the importance of a hydrogen atom mechanism to the formation of 1,3butadiene. If the Hz/D2ratio could be used as an approximation of the relative photolysis of cyclobutene to ammonia-da, then a major portion of the C4H6 found in these experiments could arise through H atoms produced from the photolysis of cyclobutene. The remaining 1,3-butadiene, mainly C4HsD,x ould result through the 1-4 carbon split of the C4HaDmolecule as postulated for the Hg-sensitized study. This certainly would be expected unless the hydrogen atom generated in the vacuum-ultraviolet photolysis would contain considerable excess energy. Ethylene-Acetylene Formation. The formation of ethylene and acetylene presents a very interesting problem. I n the vacuum-ultraviolet photolysis of cyclobutanelo and methylcyclopropane18 the formation of ethylene and acetylene was explained through the following mechanism


c - C ~ H ~ h~ + (C4Hs)"




+ (czFI4)* Hz + CzHz



(CzH4)* +


+ AI -+CzH4




where (C4H8) represents a diradical species with large internal energy content and (CZH4)* also a molecule with excess internal energy. The pressure dependency on the C2H2/C2H4 ratio agreed with this mechanism. It was estimated that 172 kcal/mol has to be partitioned between the two ethylene moleculeslO formed in reaction 9. This value is based on the reasonable assumption that the dissociative lifetime of the (C4H8)* is to shorter than the collision interval of about 10-9 sec. A similar argument presented for cyclobutene would produce 166 kcal/mol to be partitioned between the ethylene and acetylene fragment. If a major portion of this energy would reside with the ethylene fragment, then reactions 10 and 11 should produce a pressure dependency that is not observed in this study. It becomes apparent in Table I that the quantum yield of acetylene is independent of cyclobutene pressure. This fact would preclude a mechanism parallel to that of cyclobutane. I t is interesting to note that in the case of the C4Hscompounds thus far r e p ~ r t e d , ~ ~ ~ as well as studies underway in our laboratory on other C4H6 isomers, all of these isomers show the absence of a pressure effect on the formation of acetylene and ethylene that would be predicted by the cyclobutane mech(22)


Magenheimer, R. E. Varnerin, and R. B. Tirnmons,

Chem., 73, 3904 (19691.



VACUUM-ULTRAVIOLET PHOTOLYSIS OF THB C4H6ISOMERS anism. It appears that only a fraction of the ethylene formed in dissociation of the excited (cyclobutene) diradical has sufficient energy to eliminate a hydrogen molecule. The lifetime of this species must be shorter than the collision interval a t the pressures used in this study. (C4Hs)


* +C2H2 + C2H4 CzHz

+ C2Hz + Hz

(12) (13)

I n comparing hydrogen and acetylene yields at all three wavelengths it can be concluded that the ratio of reaction 12 to reaction 13 increases with increasing photon energy. This would indeed be as expected. A secondary source of acetylene may be attributed to a process similar to that for the formation of vinyl acetylene (C4Hs)"


+ CzH3


Ethylene may also be produced by a process similar to vinyl acetylene (C4H.5)* ---+ CzH

+ CzH4


Since the ethynyl radical is not scavenged by nitric oxidez3but may abstract a hydrogen atom from an olefin,24additional acetylene may also arise from this reaction. A number of complicating features in the formation of ethylene must be considered. The experiments with mercury photosensitization (Table VI) clearly display that ethylene may be formed through a hydrogen atom mechanism. C-CdHe


+ H +(CdH7)*



+ CzH4

(16) (17)

If the fact is taken into account that there is incomplete scavenging of vinyl radicals even in the presence of 0 2 and NO in those experiments, it becomes apparent that the (C4H6D)* formed in reaction 16 leads to nearly equal amountsof C ~ H ~and D c ~ H ~via . reaction 17. This would Seem to indicate that the ( c ~ H ~ D* )molecule has an equal a priori probability to split perpendicular or parallel to the original double bond.

- + CH2-CHD [iH2-LH




If then the formation of ethylene by a hydrogen atom mechanism is superimposed on the reaction sequence 12-13, the observed pressure dependency of the C2Hz/ DzH4 may be explained. Although the major portion of the ethylene is expected t o arise from the dissociation of the diradical, reaction 12, an additional source re-


lated to the hydrogen atom must be included. The experiments containing methylamine (Tables I1 and 111) indicate increased ethylene production parallel with the formation of l,&butadiene. Radical Formation. The use of hydrogen sulfide as a diagnostic test for the presence of free radicals has been successfully used in the earlier studies of the C4H6 isomer^.^^^ The presence of vinyl radicals is established through an increase in ethylene when HzS is added to the system. Methane formation in the presence of HzS reflects the formation of a methyl or methylene radical. Small amounts of methyl radicals point to rearrangements that must occur within the diradical intermediate. The radicals, on the other hand, would be expected from diradicals formed through the scission of the 3-4 carbon-carbon bond in the excited cyclobutene, followed by the fragmentation of the diradical into two vinyl radicals. This has been shown t o be an important process in the photolysis of 1,3-butadienea7 Due to the unavailability of c-C~DB, it was necessary to photolyze c-C4H6in the presence of DzS. This system has many drawbacks related to the competitive kinetics inv01ved.l~ The results in Table VI1 clearly demonstrate the presence of vinyl radical, seen as C2H3D,but these experiments cannot be used as a quantitative measure of the radical. Small amounts of ethynyl radical may also be inferred through the relative increase in the CtHz/C4H4 ratio, when HzS is present. The origin of this radical would be expected from reaction 15. E$ect of Photon Enevgy. Unfortunately, it is extremely difficult to assess the relative importance of different dissociative processes from purely end-product analysis and the limited isotopic techniques that were employed. It can be seen in Tables I1 and I11 that an increase of photon energy from 8.4 to 10.0 eV has very little effect on relative product yields, with the exception of hydrogen. This increase in hydrogen coupled with small increases in vinyl acetylene and l,&butadiene would reflect increased hydrogen atom detachment and its subsequent reaction and an energy dependence associated with reaction 13. Increasing the photon energy to 11.6-11.8 eV appears t o have considerable effect on the quantum yield of acetylene. This may well be evidence for an increased importance of processes 13-15. The 220.0-260.0-nm photolysis is indeed complex. 1,3-Butadiene is formed both through a hydrogen atom reaction as well as through direct isomerization followed by pressure stabilization. Furthermore, rearrangements within supposedly the parent molecule is reflected by the unexpectedly large methane yield when HzS was (23) A. G . Sherwood and H. E. Gunning, J . Phys. Chem., 69, 1732 (1965). (24) A. M. Tarr, 0. I?. Soc., 6 2 , 1221 (1966).

Strausz, and H. E. Gunning, Trans. Faraday

T h e Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 76, N o . 247 1371


3662 added to the system. Since this table reports only a preliminary analysis of the 220.0-260.0-nm photolysis of cyclobutene, further discussJion would be unwarranted. Ion-Molecule Reactions. The ionization energy of cyclobutene is 9.16 eV. Although ion currents were measured using a photolysis cell of the type described by Ausloos and Lias4 for both the argon and krypton resonance radiation, no products could be identified as originating exclusively from an ion-molecule path. Attempts to include additives such as trimethylamine (I.P. = 7.82) failed to demonstrate any charge transfer process resulting in isomerization of the cyclobutene.



Studies in this area of photoionization of cyclobutene are presently under investigation in the laboratories

of A u s l o ~ s . ~ ~ Acknowledgment. The authors wish to thank Dr.

P. Ausloos for a preprint of his paper on cyclopentene and Dr. L. J. Stief for some timely conversation and a preprint of his work with propyne. Furthermore, the authors wish to aoknowledge the National Science Foundation which supported this investigation under Grant No. NSF-GP-11265 and NSF-GP-20878. (26) P. Ausloos and L. W. Sieck, private communication.

Quenching of Excited States of Fluorobenzene in the Gas Phase by Kh. Al=Ani and David Phillips* Department of Chemistry, The Unieersity, Southampton, SO9 6 N H , U . K . (Received June 88, 1871) Publication costs borne oompletely by The Journal of Phyaical Chemistry

The quenching of the first excited singlet and triplet states of monofluorobenzene vapor by 02, various olefins, and pentan-2-one is reported, and quenching parameters are tabulated. A comparison of the two methods available for measurement of the triplet-state quantum yield indicates that the triplet-state yield of fluorobenzene excited in the 0-0 transition is of the order of 0.82 =t0.05. This coupled with a fluorescence quantum yield of 0.22 f 0.04 shows that no other nonradiative decay process occurs from this level. Introduction The photochemistry of tKe fluorobenzenes has attracted much interest of late, and the subject has been reviewed recent1y.l Of the fluorine-substituted aromatics studied thus far, monofluorobenzene has received the most attention. The first study2 concluded that the quantum yield of fluorescence excited at 253.7 nm extrapolated to zero pressure was 0.235, a result which has been largely substantiated recently. * However, the original estimate of the triplet-state yield1 based on the sensitization of biacetyl phosphorescence under various conditions was shown to be in error in a later study.4 Moreover, the strong dependence of the quantum yield of fluorescence as a function of pressure of aromatic reported originally1 was later shown to be due largely to artifacts connected with the geometry of the viewing ~ y s t e m . ~Similar effects have been shown to oocur in other substituted benzenesn5 The difficulty in interpretation of data obtained using wide band-pass exciting radiation has been clearly pointed out, and to some extent this has been overcome in a recent study using excitation sources of narrower b a n d ~ i d t h . ~I n The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 76, No. 2?4>1971

the latest work it was concluded that although resonance fluorescence from fluorobenzene was strongly quenched by the addition of chemically inert gases such as CHI, C~HB, cis-but-2-ene, the total fluorescence yield excited by wavelengths longer than 255 nm was invariiant with pressure and with wavelength of excitation. It can be concluded therefore that under these conditions the initially excited fluorobenzene behaves as if it were a vibrationally equilibrated molecule. Triplet-state yields have been measured also by the method of sensitization of the cis-trans isomerization of but-2-enea6v7 It was originally observed that above a (1) D. Phillips, Chemical Society Specialist Periodical Report 8, Photochemistry, 2, 168 (1971). (2) I . Unger, J . P h y s . Chem., 69,4284 (1965). (3) K.Nakamura, J . Chem. Phys., 53, 998 (1970).

(4) M.E.MacBeath, G. P. Semeluk, and I. Unger, J. P h y s . Chem., 73, 995 (1969).

(5) D. Gray, Kh. Al-Ani, and D. Phillips, J . Chem. Soc., A , 905 (1971). (6) D. Phillips, J . P h y s . Chem., 71, 1839 (1967). (7) R. B. Cundall, A. S. Davies, and K. Dunnicliff, “The Triplet State,” A. B. Zahlan, Ed., Cambridge ‘University Press, Cambridge, 1867,p 183.