Valentine named editor of Accounts
he American Chemical Society's Since graduating magna cum laude Board of Directors has appoint- from Smith College, Valentine has reed Joan Selverstone Valentine, ceived several other honors and professor of chemistry and biochemis- awards. For example, she was chosen try at the University of California, Los as fellow of the American Association Angeles, as editor of the society's Ac- for the Advancement of Science in 1979 counts of Chemical Research. and as chairwoman of a Gordon ConValentine takes over the reins of the ference on Metals in Biology in 1986. monthly publication on Sept. 1, suc- Among awards she has received are an ceeding Fred W. McLafferty, professor Alpha Chi Sigma Faculty Research of chemistry at Cornell University, who Award in 1985 and the 1991 Smith Joan Selverstone Valentine has served as editor of Accounts since Medal, awarded to distinguished 1986. Serving with her as associate edi- alumnae of Smith College. tors will be Paul F. Barbara, of the UniRobert H. Marks, director of ACS's A member of ACS since 1967, she has versity of Minnesota (Minneapolis), been active in both the society Division of Publications Division, says, "ACS is and Christopher S. Foote, of UCLA. Inorganic Chemistry and the Division of delighted to have such a qualified and Valentine brings substantial editorial Biological Chemistry and currently serves accomplished chemist take over the journal responsibilities from the capaexperience to her new post. For in- on the latter^ Executive Committee. stance, she currently serves as associate She is also a member of the board of ble hands of Fred McLafferty, the edieditor of Inorganic Chemistry and as a directors for Research Corp. and tor responsible for today's high standmember of the editorial boards of Life served on the Advisory Committee for ing and prestige of Accounts of Chemical Science Reports; Structure, Energy & Re- Los Alamos National Laboratory from Research." activity in Chemistry; and the Journal of 1990 until earlier this year. Ernest Carpenter Inorganic Biochemistry. In addition, she is a consulting editor in inorganic chemistry for McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science & Technology, and recently served on the editorial boards of the Jourmi of the American Chemical Society and Molecular Structure & Energetics. She received an A.B. degree in chemistry from Smith College, Northampton, Mass., in 1967 and a Ph.D. degree in inorganic chemistry from Princeton University in 1971. Following a brief postTri methyl