Vapor-liquid equilibria of binary systems of methanol with anisole

Vapor–Liquid Equilibrium Data for Binary Mixtures of Acetic Acid + Anisole, Acetone + Anisole, and Isopropanol + Anisole at Pressure 96.15 kPa. Jour...
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Kudchadker, A.P., Zwolinski, B.J., J. CHEM.ENG. DATA11, 253 (1966). Lorenz, L., Herz, W., Z. Anorg. Chem. 115, 100 (1921). Lydersen, A.L., Uniu. Wis. Coll. Eng. Expt. Sta. Rept. No. 3 (1955). McMicking, J.H., Kay, W.B., Proc. Am. Petrol. Inst. 45 (111), 75 (1965). Pitzer, K.S., Lippmann, D.Z., Curl, R.F., Jr., Huggins, C.M., Petersen, D.E., J . Am. Chem. Soc. 77, 3427, 3433 (1955). Reid, R.C., Shenvood, T.K., “The Properties of Gases and Liquids,” pp. 6-42, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, 1966. Riedel, L., Chem. Ing. Tech. 35, 433 (1963). Rudkin, J., Chem. Eng. 68, No. 7, 202 (1961). “Selected Values of Properties of Chemical Compounds,” American Petroleum Institute Research Project 44, Thermodynamics Research Center, Texas A & M University, College Station, Tex., (loose-leaf data sheets, extant 1967). Somayajulu, G.R., Zwolinski, B.J., J . Phys. Chem. 70, 3498 (1966). Somayajulu, G.R., Zwolinski, B.J., Trans. Faraday Sac. 62, 2327 (1966). Somayajulu, G.R., Kudchadker, A.P., Zwolinski, B.J., Ann. Reu. Phys. Chem. 16, 213 (1965). Sondak, N.E., Thodos, G., A.I.Ch.E. J . 2, 347 (1956). Thodos, G., A.I.Ch.E. J . 1, 165, 168 (1955). Thomson, G.W., Chem. Reu. 38, 1 (1946). Wiener, H., J . A m . Chem. Soc. 69, 2636 (1947).

Greek letters ai,az,an,ffr, a;,a6 = w u


= acentric factor =

standard deviation - 1)]”2



(NO. of Points


i = isomer n = normal LITERATURE CITED Ambrose, D., Cox, J.D., Townsend, R., Trans. Faraday Soc. 56, 1452 (1960). American Petroleum Institute Research Project 42, “Properties of Hydrocarbons of High Molecular Weight,” Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pa., 1962. Camin, D.L., American Petroleum Institute Research Project 44 Report of Investigation, Thermodynamics Research Center, Texas A & M University, College Station, Tex., 1960. Felsing, W.A., Cuellar, A.M., Newton, W.M., J . A m . Chem. Soc. 69, 1972 (1947). Forman, J.C., Thodos, G., A.I.Ch.E. J . 4, 356 (1958). Greenshields, J.B., Rossini, F.D., J . Phys. Chem. 62, 271 (1958). Kobe, K.A., Lynn, R.E., Jr., Chem. Reu. 52, 117 (1953). Kreglewski, A., Zwolinski, B.J., Rocznihi Chem. 35, 1041, 1059 (1961) (in Polish).

RECEIVED for review June 30, 1967. Accepted January 8, 1968. Work supported in part by the program of the American Petroleum Institute Research Project 44. Paper presented at A.1.Ch.E. Salt Lake City Meeting, May 1967.

Vapor-liquid Equilibria of Binary Systems of Methanol with Anisole, Chlorobenzene, Nitromethane, and Pyridine KOlCHlRO NAKANlSHl Department of Industrial Chemistry, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan

HIDEKO SHlRAl and KOlCHl NAKASATO’ Department of Industrial Chemistry, Shinshu University, Nagano, Japan

Vapor-liquid equilibrium data are reported for binary systems of methanol with anisole (PhOMe), chlorobenzene (PhCI), nitromethane (MeNOz), and pyridine a t 730 mm. of Hg. Of the four systems studied, only methanol-MeN02 forms a minimum 64.4OC., near 95.0 mole % of methanol. The other three systems azeotrope-at are nonazeotropic. limiting values of the activity coefficients of each component in a n excess of methanol have been evaluated.

AS P A R T of a continuing study of phase equilibria involving alcohols, vapor-liquid equilibrium d a t a have been measured for four binary systems of methanol with anisole ( P h O M e ) , chlorobenzene ( P h C l ) , nitromethane ( M e N O ? ) , and pyridine, a t 730 mm. of Hg. These systems were chosen to obtain additional information on the azeotropic behavior of the solutions of various organic liquids with alcohols and to make a rough estimate of the limiting values of the activity coefficients of these liquids in excess methanol. EXPERIMENTAL

T h e sample liquids used in this study were purified by repeated distillations through a 30-plate column. T h e final purified samples gave no trace of impurity peaks with gas

’ Present address: 188

Hitachi Seisakusho Co. Ltd., Tokyo, Japan

chromatography with silicone D C 500 column and hydrogen carrier gas. Table I lists some physical properties of the final purified liquids as well as the Antoine constants used for vapor pressure calculation. A modified Colburn still (11, 22, 14) was used for vaporliquid equilibrium measurements. A thermistor was calibrated against a standard thermometer and used to measure equilibrium temperatures to within + 0.05’C. T h e barometric pressure varied between 720 and 735 mm. of H g during the measurements. T h e observed boiling points were corrected t o 760 mm. of Hg. Analysis of the equilibrium compositions was made by density measurement a t 25.0” C. Densities were determined using a 10-ml. pycnometer and were reproducible to within + 0.0001 gram per cc. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION

Table I1 lists the experimental t-x-y data for the four binary systems studied. Temperature-composition and x-y JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA

Table I. Some Physical Properties of Purified Liquids and the Antoine Constants Used






Boiling point obsd.












t, o c .

Density obsd.

























Refractive index n 't,

Antoine constants A

6.94504" 7.2615gb 8.07246" 7.3595" 1436.38 1413.12 1574.99 1718.7 226.670 216.0 C 238.86 230 'Literature values are taken from references (3, 7, 9, 15-17). bEvaluated from the available data (6, 10).


7.05947t 1386.14 216.46

Table 11. Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium Data

Methanol Concentration, Activity Mole "ir Temp.,O Coefficients Liquid Y2 Vapor OC. Yl METHANOLANISOLE 128.7 3.477 0.939 2.1 54.3 1.076 121.7 3.128 3.0 58.2 1.054 112.2 3.401 4.3 70.2 1.359 11.9 84.9 3.523 86.8 1.478 72.0 2.241 31.6 93.4 1.636 71.4 1.848 39.4 93.7 1.683 70.6 1.677 44.9 94.3 1.773 69.7 1.483 53.1 95.1 2.084 68.6 1.274 65.0 95.9 74.7 2.805 68.1 1.133 96.1 3.481 66.7 1.065 84.5 97.2 4.402 66.1 1.028 90.1 97.8 5.711 65.6 1.020 92.9 98.0 6.346 65.2 1.009 96.1 98.8

METHANOL-CHLOROBENZENE 1.6 2.2 16.1 38.7 44.8 53.9 67.1 78.6 88.2 95.4

37.2 47.2 84.4 87.2 89.0 89.2 90.2 91.8 93.7 96.7

4.660 5.090 3.958



1.047 1.077 1.222

68.0 67.7 66.9 66.1 65.4

1.752 1.475 1.239 1.106 1.037

1.540 1.830 2.411 3.190 4.582

113.6 107.7 72.1





"Corrected to 760 mm. of Hg. curves are shown in Figure 1, A - D . As Figure 1, C illustrates, t h e methanol-nitromethane system is azeotropic. T h e azeotropic mixture boils at 64.4"C. a n d contains 95.0 mole "C of methanol. T h i s is in good agreement with t h e results, 64.55"C. a n d 94.2 mole %, reported by Desseigne a n d Belliot (2). T h e other three systems a r e nonazeotropic. T h e activity coefficients were calculated b y t h e following relation:

VOL. 13, No. 2, APRIL 1968

Methanol Concentration, Activity Coefficients Mole 70 TemD.." Liquid Y2 Vapor C. Yl METHANOL-NITROMETHANE 1.005 13.3 96.9 2.902 1.5 1.020 3.236 22.8 93.1 2.6 1.024 89.1 2.921 33.4 4.8 1.041 2.772 42.9 84.8 7.5 1.052 2.669 48.4 82.1 9.6 1.082 57.0 77.9 2.303 15.2 1.116 72.9 1.944 67.3 25.4 1.176 1.753 70.4 71.1 31.4 1.334 74.7 68.2 1.534 42.6 1.480 1.399 76.1 67.3 49.3 1.892 81.8 65.6 1.168 67.8 2.178 83.8 65.1 1.104 74.7 2.490 86.4 65.0 1.053 81.3 3.015 90.1 64.6 1.023 88.6 3.187 1.013 92.1 64.5 91.4 3.840 1.007 95.6 64.4 96.0 4.055 99.3 64.5 1.006 99.4 METHANOL-PYRIDINE 1.008 0.826 13.8 111.0 3.6 0.952 106.7 1.172 30.3 6.3 1.027 0.981 49.6 97.4 16.3 1.093 57.7 92.2 0.985 22.2 1.085 0.960 69.9 86.8 33.0 1.169 74.1 83.4 0.947 39.8 1.070 81.0 80.7 0.961 47.0 1.166 82.1 78.7 0.960 50.9 1.294 86.4 75.0 0.960 61.4 1.314 88.7 73.3 0.968 66.4 1.170 93.4 70.6 0.989 75.6 1.065 1.000 96.7 68.0 85.2 1.089 98.0 66.5 1.009 90.7 1.053 1.015 98.9 65.5 94.5 .


T h e temperature range extends from 64.4" C., a value slightly lower t h a n t h e boiling point of methanol, t o 154"C., t h e boiling point of anisole. T h e vapor pressure of methanol was greater t h a n 10 a t m . at t h e highest temperature. For t h e closest fit to t h e experimental d a t a (ti, 1.5, 16) in this region, it is necessary t o use a set of t h e Antoine constants other t h a n t h a t given in Table I. However, t h e calculated values of vapor pressure using t h e present set of t h e cons t a n t s are in good agreement with t h e smoothed values obtained by t h e Ambrose a n d Townsend equation ( I ) and recent experimental d a t a (ti); therefore they are used throughout t h e present calculation. 189





" " " " I A N I SOLE


60' 0

I 02





60' 0



0 2


0 6






- 02 I








Figure 2. Activity coefficient vs. molar composition diagram log Y



log Y ?

Y calcd

Table Ill. Limiting Values of Activity Coefficients 1





0 6





60' 0








Figure 1. Vapor-liquid equilibrium diagrams for the binary systems A.




C. Methanol-nitromethane

D. Methanol-pyridine

T o evaluate the correction factor in Equation 1, the molar volume V and the second virial coefficient 8 must be determined. V was calculated by Fishtine's equation (4)and p was estimated by Wohl's generalized relation ( 5 ) . T h e critical constants and other d a t a necessary for these calculations are available in the literature (4, 1 3 ) . T h e calculated y values are also given in Table 11. I t may be concluded t h a t the methanol-pyridine system is nearly ideal and the other three systems show positive deviation from the ideal solution law, the degree of which increases in the order: nitromethane < anisole < chlorobenzene. T h e present data for the solvent-rich portion were difficult to obtain, because boiling temperature changes sharply with mole fraction of methanol in this region. T o test the thermodynamic consistency of the present d a t a , the van Laar equation,

System MeOH(l)-MeOPh(B) MeOH (1)-PhC1(2) MeOH ( 1)-MeN02(2) MeOH(l)-Pyridine(2)

(log Y ? ) * - 0 0.90 0.02 0.90 i 0.04 0.62 i 0.02

(logrli I - 0 0.70 i 0.05 0.85 i 0.05 0.55 ==I 0.04

0.03 i 0.02



is not too large. B u t those a t low methanol content deviate from the calculated line. T h e calculated values are based on Equation 2 and the estimated limiting activity coefficient values given in Table 111. KO calculated values were given for methanol-pyridine system, as the log y data scattered along the ideal solution line and a complete evaluation of limiting value was impossible. NOMENCLATURE

A , B = van Laar constants P = vapor pressure of pure liquid, mm. of Hg R = gas constant T = temperature, ' K. t = boiling temperature, C. molar volume of liquid, cc.! mole x.y> = composition of liquid and vapor molar fraction, respectively $ = second virial coefficient activity coefficient Y = 7 T = total pressure, mm. of Hg

v =


where A = (log ~ i ) . , , ~ and B = (log was used. Subscript 1 refers to methanol. Fitness of the isothermal log y d a t a to this equation indicates their consistency. As given in Figure 2, the experimental points for log y l and log y L agree with the calculated ones very well in the methanol-rich region, where boiling temperature change 190

Ambrose, D., Townsend, R., J . Chem. SOC.1963, p. 3614. Desseigne, G., Belliot, C., J . Chim. Phys. 49, 46 (1952). Dreisbach, R.R., Aduan. Chem. Ser. Nos. 15, 22, 29 (1955, 1959, 1961j . Fishtine, S.H., Ind. Eng. Chem. Fundamentals 2, 149 (1963). Hala, E., Pick, J., Fried, V., Vilim, O., "Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium," Pergamon, London, 1958. Herington, E.F.G., Martin, J.F., Trans. Faraday SOC.49, 154 (1953). Horsley, L.H., Aduan. Chem. Ser. No. 6 (1952). JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL A N D ENGINEERING DATA

(8) Kay, W.B., Donham, W.E., Chem. Eng. Sci. 4, 1 (1955). (9) Manufacturing Chemist’s Association, Research Project, Data Sheets, Chemical Thermodynamic Properties Center, Texas A and M Univ.. College Station, Tex. (10) McCullough, J.P., Scott, D.W., Pennington, R.E., Hossenlopp, I.A., Waddington, G., J . Am. Chem. SOC.76, 4791 (1954). (11) Iiakanishi, K., Nakasato, K., Toba, R., Shirai, H., J. CHEM. ENG.DATA12, 440 (1967). (12) Nakanishi, K., Shirai, H., Minamiyama, T., Ibid., 12, 591 (1967). (13) Reid, R.C., Shenvood, T.K., “The Properties of Gases and


(15) (16) (17)

Liquids,” 2nd ed., Appendix A , , McGraw-Hill, New York, 1966. Shirai, H., Iiakanishi, K., Kuguku Koguku (Jupan) 29, 180 (1965). Stull, D.R., Ind. Eng. Chem. 39, 517 (1947). Timmerman, J., “Physico-ChemicalConstants of Pure Organic Compounds,” Vols. I and 11, Elsevier, New York, 1950, 1965. Weissberger, A., Ed., “Technique of Organic Chemistry,” Vol. 7, 2nd ed., Interscience, New York, 1955.

RECEIVED for review July 24, 1967. Accepted Sovember 6, 1967.

Heat of Solution of Ammonium Bromide and the Entropies of the Aqueous NH: and Br- Ions CLARK C. STEPHENSON Department of Chemistry, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass. 021 39 PAUL G. ABAJIAN, RONALD PROVOST, and CLAUS A. WULFF Department of Chemistry, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vt. 05401

The heat of solution of NHtBr has been determined as 4 0 0 7 i 15 cal. per mole. This datum has been combined with literature data to calculate the partial molal entropies of the aqueous ammonium and bromide ions as 26.6 i 0 . 1 and 19.8 f 0.1 cal. per (mole K , ) , respectively. A thermochemical path has been devised to calculate AHo = 45.18 kcal. per mole for the reaction NH,Br(c) = NHi(g) HBr(g), in good agreement with a value derived from dissociation pressures.


THIS s t u d y was undertaken to provide a value for t h e

heat of solution of NH:Br-useful in the correlation of literature d a t a concerning this material a n d related substances. Thermochemical p a t h s were devised by which this heat of solution could be used to: confirm values for t h e partial molal entropies of t h e aqueous a m m o n i u m a n d bromide ions; confirm high temperature dissociation pressures of K H I B r ; calculate t h e heat of solution of N H , ( g ) in water; a n d determine a n indirect value for t h e Brl(liq): Br (aq) electrode potential. EXPERIMENTAL

T h e calorimeter a n d its a d j u v a n t electrical circuitry closely follow t h e design of W u , Birky, a n d Hepler (48). T h e reaction chamber is a silvered glass Dewar of ca. 950-ml. capacity, tapered a t t h e open end to seal against O-ring gaskets about its aluminum cover. T h e aluminum cover is suspended from t h e t o p plate of a brass submarine t h a t encloses t h e calorimeter. T h e submarine is, in turn, suspended from t h e t o p plate of a ca. 30-gallon water bath. Three brass chimneys pass from t h e b a t h t o p plate t o t h e submarine a n d are aligned over corresponding holes through t h e aluminum calorimeter cover. T h e chimneys are of sufficient length t o ensure t h a t t h e submarine lies completely beneath t h e water level of t h e 30-gallon bath. One of t h e chimneys contains t h e calorimeter stirrer, another t h e electrical leads, a n d t h e third t h e sample holding device. T h e calorimeter fluid is stirred by a glass spiral t h a t terminates in a four-bladed propellor. T h e stirrer is held fixed by two ball-bearing seals a n d is driven through a belt a n d pulley system by a R.M.S. SCPVBK motor. Within t h e calorimeter t h e stirrer lies along t h e axis of a cylinder formed by a glass tubing spiral. T h e spiral conVOL. 13, No. 2,APRIL 1968

tains t h e bifilarly wound calorimeter heater (250 ohms of No. 38 Manganin wire) and is filled with paraffin oil to facilitate heat exchange between t h e heater a n d t h e calorimeter fluid. Samples t h a t are not sensitive to air are contained in thin-walled glass bulbs of ca. 13-ml. capacity. T h e bulbs are fitted t o t h e end of a spring-loaded glass rod by a wax seal. T h e rod passes through t h e aluminum calorimeter cover a n d through one of t h e chimneys to t h e outside. T h e reaction is initiated by depressing t h e rod t o crush t h e bulb against a reinforced section of t h e calorimeter bottom. Temperatures are sensed by a multijunction (5 or 10) copper-constantan thermocouple fabricated from N o . 28 or KO. 30 wire. T h e thermocouple is contained in a n oilfilled well extending into t h e calorimeter fluid. T h e reference junctions are maintained in a n external slurry of distilledwater ice. T h e 50-gallon water b a t h is maintained a t a preselected temperature (usually 1.5“C. above t h e calorimeter temperature) by t h e compensating actions of a Sargent water b a t h cooler a n d a 750-watt immersion heater controlled by a Fisher proportional temperature control. Temperature uniformity is maintained to &O.O2”C. by a n additional circulating p u m p . T h e heat capacity of t h e calorimeter a n d its contents is determined separately for each experiment from t h e temperature rise caused by t h e passage of current through t h e Manganin heater. Power is supplied to t h e heater by a Kepco regulated d.c. power supply. T h e heater current is determined by monitoring t h e potential d r o p across a Leeds a n d S o r t h r u p 4025-B s t a n d a r d 10-ohm resistor. Typically a current of 80 ma. is passed through t h e heater for 2 minutes. T h e resistance of t h e heater is determined 191