Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium Curves of Petroleum Fractions1

X CAl,C6l.A'lYX(i tlie prfort~macc uf a rectifyiug coluinii iaed for the separation of biosry nrixtures, it tu ki~nv the relationship between eompt- a...
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Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium Curves of Petroleum Fractions' s. N .


X CAl,C6l.A'lYX(i tlie prfort~macc uf a rectifyiug coluinii iaed for the separation of biosry nrixtures, it tu k i ~ n vthe relationship between eomptand vapor ph:mes in eqiiililriiim over t,lii: range of eoiitlitioiis esisting in the ~ : o h i n i i i . This relatioirs l i i ~ irimy IE crpressed 11s a inatliematical funnoln (ir it may IEwed iti the form US :I diiLgriwi. 111tile littter ciiw :I ~ m p h i r a l m~tli