varian aerograph

California 94598; Zug,. Switzerland; Malton,. Ontario, Canada;. Crows Nest, N.S.W,. Australia;Tokyo, Japan. varían aerocraPH. WALNUT CREEK, CALIFORNI...
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i t ' s been more than a year since w e introduced our Moduline 1800 Series Gas Chromatographs and still nobody's been able to match their versatility or performance. Only the Moduline 1800 Series offers a choice of four solid state temperature programmers and five separate detectors. A uniquely designed JFET dual electrometer comes standard on every instru­ m e n t . So does a c o l u m n oven w i t h 1090 cubic inches of useable space. And a greatly simplified flow control system. For a rather c o n v i n c i n g d e m o n s t r a t i o n of our M o d u l i n e 1800 Series GC's, contact Varian Aerograph, Walnut Creek, Ours. California 94598; Z u g , Switzerland; Malton, ^ | Λ ^ I , f Ontario, Canada; C r o w s N e s t , N.S.W, Australia;Tokyo, Japan. varian aerograph WALNUT CREEK, CALIFORNIA 94598 Circle No. 89 on Readers' Service Card

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