varian - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

1 Jan 1979 - Chem. , 1979, 51 (1), pp 32A–32A. DOI: 10.1021/ac50037a726. Publication Date: January 1979. Copyright © 1979 American Chemical Society...
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Varian UV-Vis spectrophotometers for every need.

Choose Varian's UV-Vis spectrophotometer ...join thousands of happy users. The Series 634 Spectrophotometers offer outstanding value in low-priced instruments. Take a look at their versatility. Thousands have chosen to buy Series 634 over all competitors. Digital readout. This is standard on both instruments for all three operating modes: absorbance, transmission, and concentration. And there's automatic decimal positioning in the absorbance and %T modes. Versatile wavelength ranges. Series 634 covers the 190 to 900-nm range—unsurpassed in low-priced instruments. Choose the model that fits your needs and budget. All Series 634 spectrophotometers measure up to 900 nm so you can do those important analyses at higher wavelengths.

Recorder compatibility. Unlike some spectrophotometers, Series 634 is compatible with standard laboratory recorders that can also be used with other instruments. You're not locked in to a one-use recorder, an important feature for the budget-limited lab. And when it comes to a fine, all-round recorder to do best by your Series 634, Varian has that, too. Sample compartment versatility. The key is size The extra large compartment lets you handle a wide range of sample accessories of different sizes and shapes. Three sided access plus a large beam separation make it easy to use. With Series 634 you can measure many samples that other low-priced instruments can't handle. These are just a few highlights of this versatile, low-priced spectrophotometer. We haven't even touched on its outstanding performance, so you'll want to know more. Circle 220 for a Series 634 data package.

Choice of wavelength scanning. Both manual and automatic scanning are available. Automatic scanning is simple with pushbutton selection of four speeds. Automatic scanning is standard on the Model 634S and an integral part of the instrument.

Circle 221 if you'd like to see a representative.



Varian Instrument Division, 611 Hansen Way, Box D-070, Palo Alto, California 94303