Varian's new G-1000 recorders: If you want the same high performance as our G-2000, but need a 5-inch strip chart...
they're for you, Our new 5-inch Series G-1000 recorders are smaller (and cost less, naturally) than our recently introduced 10-inch Series G-2000, but that's about the only difference. When it comes to performance and specs, you can hardly tell them apart. For one thing, a G-1000 is just as easy to operate. You have one-step chart loading, positive 180° paper drive, and a chart-speed changer with 4 standard speeds (8 optional). Span change is fast and simple, too. There are several useful options, such as event markers, alarm controls, and integrator. As we said, the specs are about the same: 0 . 1 % sensitivity,
0.25% (or better) accuracy, and 0.35-second pen response. Take your pick: a new 5-inch G-1000, or a single or dual channel 10-inch G-2000 recorder. Our sales manager, Tom McKerlie, can help you make a choice if you write to 611 Hansen Way, Palo Alto, California 94303.
varian recorder division palo alto / California / 94303 zug / Switzerland · Sydney / australia
Circle No. 186 on Readers' Service Card -See ACS Laboratory Guide for All Products/Sales Office -Circle No. 134 on Readers' Service Card
VOL 39, NO. 4, APRIL 1967