varian - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

May 31, 2012 - varian. Anal. Chem. , 1980, 52 (4), pp 563A–563A. DOI: 10.1021/ac50054a817. Publication Date: ... View: PDF | PDF w/ Links. Article O...
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For gas chromatography yo

For price Iperformance, versatility and reliability you can't beat the Varian 3700 series. In addition, every 3700 comes with full service and applications support to assure your success.

an't beat the Varian 3700 series The Varian 3700 series is a family of powerful gas chromatographs that puts the emphasis on performance. On chromatography. On giving you the greatest capability to handle your specific application plus unmatched flexibility to meet changing needs. You can choose the right gas chromatograph. The 3700 is modular so you can easily choose a chromatograph that is exactly right for your laboratory. All components —injectors, detectors, temperature programmers, flow controllers and automation systems—are upgradeable and interchangeable. You can begin with a basic dual column unit and add capability as you need it. Or, you can start right now with the world's most powerful, versatile and fully automatic GC system. And the 3700 continues to grow so you can always have the newest and best gas chromatograph. You have better control of the analysis. The 3700 controls, with ESP monitor and self-diagnostic display, give you more clear information about operating parameters and better control of injectors, column oven, detectors and flows. You don't have to interrogate the system and wait for a printout. You always know what is going on so you can take timely action. Large dual-column oven makes it easier to do more. It gives you more room to install columns side by side. Greater freedom to use any columns your application demands: packed or capillary, single or multiple, with column switching and valving inside the oven. You can use the best detector for your application. TCD, FID, ECD, FPD, TSD and multidetector models are offered. Each of these new detectors is designed to Drovide excellent performance for its range of applications. See Figures 1, 2, and 3. Universal ionization detector bases let you interchange FID, ECD, FPD, and TSD detectors yourself in minutes.

Figure 1. Benzene in Working Environment. The 3700 is widely used in industrial hygiene for detection and quantitation of solvents in the working environment.

Figure 4. Coal Hydrogénation Product. In the analysis of very complex samples such as this coal hydrogénation product the 3700's capillary system gives high resolution of sample components. The capillary effluent splitter permits detection of the sulfur compounds with the FPD and the organics with FID.

Figure 2. Haloforms in Drinking Water. Analysis of drinking water injected directly onto a porous polymer column. Trihaloforms atppb levels can be detected with this technique.

Figure 3. Volatile Nitrosamines. The 3700 equipped with a TSD, which is very selective for nitrogen, is excellent for screening food and cosmetics products for nitrosamines.

You can choose the best injection technique for your sample. The versatile 3700 injector system permits you to choose: (1) heated or unheated true on-column injection right into the column packing, (2) heated, flash-vaporization with replaceable glass inserts, (3) two all glass capillary injectors with a choice of modes, or (4) valve injection using gas and liquid sampling valves. You can use all the speed and power of capillary GC There are two high resolution, easyto-use capillary systems to choose from. The new low cost system makes the power of capillary available to everyone. In both systems columns can be installed in minutes without tedious end straightening. A new capillary effluent splitter lets you detect your capillary separation with any two different ionization detectors. See Figure 4.

Proven, powerful automation., For total automation Model 3700 Gas Chromatograph combines with the proven Model 8000 AutoSampler™ and the powerful CDS-111 Chromatography Data System. These components can be purchased and used separately, or they can be combined in many different configurations to meet individual requirements. Result, you can choose the automation you want and you don't have to buy anything that you don't need. Let us give you detailed information about an unbeatable 3700 system that will do great gas chromatography for you. Circle Reader Service Numbers: 244 3700 Series Gas Chromatographs, 245 CDS-111 Chromatography Data System, 246 Model 8000 AutoSampler, 247 Model 3711 Automatic Gas Chromatographs, 248 Have a representative call.

varian 611 Hansen Way, Palo Alto. CA 94303 · Florham Park Ν J (201) 822-3700 · Park Ridge, IL (312) 825-7772 · Houston, TX (713) 783-1800 · Los Altos, CA (415) 968-8141

Varian announces training courses in gas chromatography Schedule for April through June 1980

from those formed under ion bombardment. This question is of considerable importance in the area of catalysis, where even limited success with SIMS would fill an evident need. T h e chemistry possible when reactive primary ions are used instead of inert gases, or when the surface is treated with a reactive gas before or during the analysis has barely been considered. T h e few published results, though, indicate t h a t even nitrogen molecular ions undergo chemical reactions with surfaces (22, 23). Clearly the potential for combining in situ chemical manipulation with mass spectroscopy is attractive and represents a probable growth area in this subject. Interpreting SIMS Spectra While parent ions such as (M + Ag) + and (M - H)~ are not yet familiar ionic species, the dissociation reactions which they and other secondary ions undergo can be inferred from other forms of mass spectrometry. T h e detailed interpretation of SIMS

spectra is quite straightforward. To illustrate this the six major ions in the S I M S spectrum of butyrylcholine are rationalized in Scheme 1. New Directions T h e first systematic studies on S I M S as a method of characterizing organic compounds commenced recently and much has been accomplished since then. There is an entire chemistry to be learned in seeking to optimize the applications of SIMS to analytical problems. Some of this is surface chemistry as in experiments where spectra are recorded under reactive conditions. Much of the chemistry, however, lies in the province of mass spectrometry, and a base is already established. T h e gas phase chemistry of closed shell, of organometallic and of solvated ions is particularly germane to secondary ion mass spectrometry. These subjects are currently the focus of scrutiny in many forms of mass spectrometry. Parallel with the development of S I M S , exciting progress has been

Basic Gas Chromatography Apr. 16-18, Park Ridge, IL Apr. 28-30, Houston, TX May 7-9, Baton Rouge, LA May 28-30, Florham Park, NJ Lecture & Lab, 3 days, $250 Lecture only, 2 days, $175

Glass Capillary Gas Chromatography May 1-2, Houston, TX May 12-13, Baton Rouge, LA June 5-6, Florham Park, NJ Lecture & Lab, 2 days, $250

Automatic Gas Chromatography* Apr. 21-23, Park Ridge, IL June 2-4, Florham Park, NJ Lecture & Lab, 3 days, $250

Model 3700 GC Troubleshooting Maintenance Apr. 24-25, Park Ridge, IL May 15-16, Baton Rouge, LA Lecture & Lab, 2 days, $250 To enroll please contact the Varian Instrument Division Training Department 2700 Mitchell Drive Walnut Creek, CA 94598 Telephone (415) 939-2400, ext. 365 "One tuition-free course per Model 37111 purchase.

Scheme 1



Introducing: the DMS Series. Spectrophotometers that make UV-Vis news.

If you have been waiting for great things to happen in UV-Vis, the Varian DMS Series richly rewards your foresight. They are new, low-priced, easy-to-operate microprocessorcontrolled UV-Vis spectrophotometers, rugged and reliable to handle the routine jobs, but with technical elegance and versatility to spare for your out-of-the-ordinary photometric analyses—the DMS 80 and the DMS 90. You'll find operating either DMS a joy. Touchkeys let you fingertip-program operating parameters with ease, instantly reset photometric readout to zero. With the DMS 90, you can additionally preselect up to eight wavelengths, select repeat scans at chosen intervals and preset the wavelength range to be scanned. Communicating with the DMS is a revealing two-way street. With each touch of a key, the instrument acknowledges your command with an audible beep. Select an erroneous mode, and the DMS gently reminds you of your forgivable slipup. During the run, the DMS keeps you informed about

each action it takes. And the analytical answers come back authoritatively on a large, clear LED display—in absorbance, %T, concentration, or first and second derivative, whichever you command. The DMS 90 even offers log absorbance values at the touch of a button. The DMS Series' list of fine photometric features fills pages. Its low price tag, on the other hand, speaks for itself. The DMS is a new kind of UV-Vis spectrophotometer, because it puts sophisticated technology within reach of even the modestly funded laboratory. Circle Reader Service Number 240 to get all the good news first-hand (or better yet, circle number 241 to have a Varian representative deliver it in person)! DMS 80

varian For immediate assistance contact: 611 Hansen Way, Palo Alto, CA 94303 · Florham Park. NJ (201) 822-3700 · Park Ridge. IL (312) 825-7772 Houston,TX (713) 783-1800 · Los Altos. CA (415) 968-8141. In Europe: Steinhauserstrasse. CH-6300 Zug, Switzerland.