varian analytical instrument division - Analytical ... - ACS Publications

varian analytical instrument division. Anal. Chem. , 1967, 39 (3), pp 88A–88A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60247a781. Publication Date: March 1967. ACS Legacy Ar...
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Wanted: organic chemist for M-66 mass spectrometer. No experience necessary.

You don't have to be a specialist in mass spectrometry to operate the double-focusing M-66. We made sure of that by designing the M-66 for organic c h e m ists to use on a day-to-day basis. To make it easy for you to obtain data, we provide a linear mass scan. The built-in recorder gives you permanent records on precalibrated chart paper. You get mass spectral data in conventional graphic form without the need for replotting. And to further simplify operation, you have direct sample introduction, total ion current monitor, and an oscilloscope for tuning, setup, and calibration. In the design of the inlet and vacuum systems and solid-state electronic circuits, we took the same

user-approach to assure ease of maintenance without the need for a highly skilled technician. You'll find the price of the M-66 easy, too. Especially since its double-focusing capability gives you data obtainable only from the more expensive highresolution mass spectrometers. For all the facts and figures on the M-66, write to 611 Hansen Way, Palo Alto, California 94303.

Circle No. 102 on Readers' Service Card

88 A



varian analytical instrument division