varian anaspect - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

Feb 1, 1971 - varian anaspect. Anal. Chem. , 1971, 43 (2), pp 89A–89A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60297a763. Publication Date: February 1971. ACS Legacy Archive...
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VARIAN'S $5,000 NMR SYSTEM: the teaching machine that moonlights as a chemical analyst 1.1. Past experience plus new design technology yields EM-300 system.Thanks to the efforts of Varian Anaspect, a moderate performance, 30 megahertz NMR system in the $5,000 price range is now a reality (Fig. 1, below). Varian Anaspect is a natural extension of the fine work carried on by Varian's Analytical Instrument Division, long recognized as a world leader in the design and manufacture of highly sophisticated research instrumentation. 1.2. Inherent value of such a low cost, moderate performance N M R system. A system such as Varian Anaspect's EM-300 serves two important purposes :

Figure 1. Photograph of Varian Anaspect's new 30 MHz EM-300,aS5,0O0 moderate performance NMR system designed for both instruction and routine chemical analysis applications. Shown here with optional recorder.

First, as a viable, simply designed and highly dramatic training tool for instruction in both basic chemistry and experimental method, which performs an analysis in less than five minutes (Fig. 2, above); and... Secondly, as a highly stable, minimum-adjustment tool for routine analysis which frees sophisticated machines for more complex chemical problems.









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Figure 2. Spectrum for p-methoxyacetophenone shows performance for a typical compound of Varian Anaspect's low cost 30 MHz NMR system, the EM-300.

Understandably, it is no small task to translate the electronics of systems ranging from $20,000 to $100,000-and-up into a moderate performance, low price version such as the EM-300. It requires not only a complete understanding of the technique, but a keen sensitivity for the needs of student, instructor and chemical analyst who will be the end users. 1.3. Spectra, design information available. Complete information on the new EM-300 NMR system as well as typical spectra are yours for the asking. Simply write on your letterhead to : Varian Anaspect, 611 Hansen Way, Palo Alto, California 94303.

varian anaspect


Figure 3. Varian Anaspect, which has made Jow cost moderate performance instrumentation available to students, instructors and analytical chemists, is a natural extension of the fine work being carried on by Varian's Analytical Instrument Division.

See and operate the new EM-300 for yourself at the ACS Show, booth 49.

Circle No. 181 on Readers' Service Card



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