Varian announces training courses in gas chroma tography

THE LC CONNECTION COMPANY. CIRCLE 183 ON READER SERVICE CARD. 7) Third Annual Field Desorption Mass. Spectrometry Workshop, Burroughs-...
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Little things mean a lot in HPLC Inlet filters. R h e o d y n e inlet filters c a n be c o n n e c t e d b e t w e e n t h e sample i n ­ j e c t i o n valve a n d t h e c o l u m n t o protect the column from plugging. The 2 micron filter e l e m e n t p r e v e n t s p l u g g i n g caused by particles in t h e samples or by i n j e c t i o n valve wear particles. Pressure rating of t h e filter assembly is 7 0 0 0 psi (500 bar). O n l y t y p e 316 stain­ less steel and PTFE c o n t a c t t h e stream. U.S. prices are $ 4 5 for t h e M o d e l 7302 C o l u m n Inlet Filter a n d $ 2 0 for a package of 5 2μΐτι filter e l e m e n t s and gaskets. Pressure Relief Valve. R h e o d y n e s M o d e l 7 0 3 7 Pressure Relief Valve protects y o u r e q u i p m e n t against d a m a g e f r o m o v e r - p r e s s u r e . You can set it a n y w h e r e in t h e range of 2 0 0 0 t o 7 0 0 0 psi (140 t o 5 0 0 bar). U.S. price is o n l y $270. S o , w h e n y o u c o n s i d e r t h e fact that y o u can b l o w a pressure g a u g e in less than 1 s e c o n d , it's a real bargain. Teflon Rotary Valves. Type 5 0 R h e o d y n e Valves a r e real w o r k h o r s e accessories for y o u r LC e q u i p m e n t . Use t h e m for sample injection, c o l u m n s w i t c h i n g , r e c y c l i n g , reagent s w i t c h i n g , fraction c o l l e c t i o n , stream sampling and q u a n t i t i v e reagent i n j e c t i o n . A v a i l ­ able in four d i f f e r e n t versions, t h e s e valves are c h e m i c a l l y inert w i t h z e r o d e a d v o l u m e , o p e r a t e at 3 0 0 psi. T h e y are o f f e r e d in 0.8 or 1.5 m m b o r e and in either manual or automatic versions. U.S. p r i c e of 0.8 m m b o r e 3 and 4-way valves is $80. T h e 6-position a n d sample injection valves are p r i c e d at $95. Cost of 1.5 m m b o r e valves is $2 more.

7) Third Annual Field Desorption Mass Spectrometry Workshop, BurroughsWellcome Corp., Research Triangle Park, N.C., Feb. 2-3, 1976. 8) H. D. Beckey, "Principles of Field Ion­ ization and Field Desorption Mass Spec­ trometry," Pergamon, London, England, 1977. 9) E. W. Muller, Ζ. Phys., 131,136(1951). 10) M. G. Inghram and R. J. Gomer, J. Chem. Phys., 22, 1279 (1954). 11) F. Speier, H. J. Heinen, and H. D. Beckey, Messtechnik, 80 (6), 147 (1972). 12) H. D. Beckey, A. Heindrichs, E. Hilt, M. D. Migahed, H.-R. Schulten, and H. U. Winkler, ibid., 78 (9), 196 (1971). 13) D. M. Taylor, F. W. Rollgen, and H. D. Beckey, Surf. ScL, 40, 264 (1973). 14) B. Ajeian, H. D. Beckey, A. Maas, and U. Nitschke, Appl. Phys., 6, 111 (1975). 15) E. Muller and S. V. Krishnaswamy, Surf. ScL, 36, 29-47 (1973). 16) H. D. Beckey, "Field Ionization Mass Spectrometry," pp 3, 207-10, 228-38, Pergamon Press, Elmsford, N.Y., 1971. 17) C. B. Duke, "Tunneling in Solids," pp 39-45, Academic Press, New York, N.Y., 1969. 18) F. W. Rollgen and H. D. Beckey, Z. Naturforsch., 29a, 230-38 (1974). 19) G. W. Wood, E . J . Oldenburg, P. Y. Lau, and D. L. Wade, Can. J. Chem., 56, 1372-7 (1978). 20) F. W. Rollgen and H.-R. Schulten, Org. Mass Spectrom., 10, 660 (1975). 21) W. D. Lehmann and H.-R. Schulten, Angew. Chem. (Int. Ed.), 16, 184 (1977). 22) W. D. Lehmann, H. D. Beckey, and H.-R. Schulten, Anal. Chem., 48, 1572 (1976). 23) W. D. Lehmann and H.-R. Schulten, Biomed. Mass Spectrom., 5, 208 (1978). 24) H.-R. Schulten, R. Ziskoven, and W. D. Lehmann, Z. Naturforsch., 33c, 178 (1978). 25) H.-R. Schulten and F. W. Rollgen, Angew. Chem. (Int. Ed.), 14,561 (1975). 26) Κ. L. Rinehart, J. C. Cook, Jr., H. Meng, K. L. Olsen, and R. C. Pandev, Nature, 269,832(1977). 27) H.-R. Schulten and H. M. Schiebel, Naturwissenschaften, 65, 223 (1978). 28) J. Asante-Poku, G. W. Wood, and D. E. Schmidt, Jr., Biomed. Mass Spec­ trom., 2, 121 (1975). 29) G. W. Wood, P. Y. Lau, G. Morrow, G.N.S. Rao, D. E. Schmidt, Jr., and J. Tuebner, Chem. Phys. Lipids, 18, 316 (1977). 30) H.-R. Schulten and D. E. Games, Biomed. Mass Spectrom.. 1, 120 (1974). 31) K. L. Rinehart, Jr., and J. C. Cook, Jr., J . Antihiot., 27, 1 (1974).



Schedule for February, March and April 1979: Basic Gas Chromatography Feb. 21-23, F l o r h a m Park. NJ M a r c h 7-9, H o u s t o n , T X April 10-12, C h i c a g o , IL Lecture & Lab, 3 d a y s , $225 Lecture only, 2 d a y s , $155

Gas Analysis by Gas Chromatography March 12-13, H o u s t o n , T X Lecture & Lab, 2 d a y s , $225

Automatic Gas Chromatography* M a r c h 14-16, H o u s t o n , T X April 18-20, C h i c a g o , IL Lecture & Lab, 3 d a y s , $200

Glass Capillary Gas Chromatography Feb. 13-14, Denver, CO M a r c h 1-2, F l o r h a m Park, NJ L e c t u r e & Lab, 2 d a y s , $225

Maintenance of the Gas Chromatography Feb. 26-27, F l o r h a m Park, NJ April 16-17, C h i c a g o , IL L e c t u r e & Lab, 2 d a y s , $225

Write for more data. For full i n f o r m a t i o n , please address R h e o d y n e , Inc., 2 8 0 9 Tenth Street, Berkeley, C A 9 4 7 1 0 . Phone (415)548-5374.


Varian announces training courses in gas chroma­ tography

Warren D. Reynolds is chief, Bioanalytical Methods Branch, NCTR. His interests include high-pressure liquid chromatography, gas chromatogra­ phy, and computerized instrumenta­ tion development.

To enroll in Chicago. Denver and Houston courses, please contact the Varian Instrument Division Training Department, 2700 Mitchell Drive. Walnut Creek, CA 94598: Telephone (415) 939-2400. ext. 225. Enroll in Flor­ ham Park courses at Varian Instru­ ment Division Training Department, 25 Hanover Road, Florham Park, NJ 07932; Telephone (201) 822-3700.

V a r i a n

O n e tuition-free course per Model 37m purchase.