VARIAN associates - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

May 16, 2012 - VARIAN associates. Anal. Chem. , 1960, 32 (8), pp 108A–108A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60164a827. Publication Date: July 1960. ACS Legacy Archiv...
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VARIAN Potentiometer RECORDERS A preferred size for many uses because . . .


Recorders. Details on "ElectroniK" gas chromatography recorder. 67 Recorders. Specs on new graphic re­ corder design. 69 Recorders. Details on versatile poten­ tiometer recorder. 98 Recorders. recorder.

Specs on new, low cost lab 126

Recorders. F o r densitometry in paper electrophoresis. Bulletin. 184 Rotators. Details on A C - D C variable speed rotator. 30 Safety Enclosures. Folder describes 22 types of safety enclosures. 4


GIVES mimtd^en


Sampling Systems. 6X reduction ultra-micro sampling system. 80 Sampling Systems. Bulletin on new low background automatic changer.

140 Scales. units.

Folder on line of stainless steel 141

Scanners. Provides routine chromatograph scanning of tritium. 96


Shakers. Catalog on " G y r o t o r y " wa­ ter b a t h shaker. 71 Spectra Standards. D a t a file on samples of s t a n d a r d spectra. 87


Spectrometers. Bulletin on auto­ matic, transistorized gamma system. 75

A 50% savings in paper can mean hundreds or thousands of dollars in the life of a record­ er. Five-inch charts are hand­ ier too for notebooks, reports orfiles. And in round-the-table conferences, smaller charts can be set side by side, giving more data and less clutter.

1 & 2 c h a n n e l v e r s i o n s use same 5-inch chart paper; 1% limit of error and 1 or 2% second full-sea le balanc­ ing time; chart speeds from H inch per hour to 16 i n . / m i n . ; prices from $ 3 6 5 ; numerous options described in Varian literature. Write the Instru­ ment Division.

Spectrometers. For analysis of ele­ ments below atomic number 22. 84 Spectrometers. Technical info on N M R and E P R units. 97 Spectrometers. Transistorized 200channel unit with differential d a t a ac­ cumulation. 100 Spectrometers. Bulletin on doublefocusing type mass spectrometer. 156 Spectrometers. Bulletin on new mass unit for analytical labs. 157 Spectrometers. Bulletin on double spectrometer/monochromator. 131 Spectrophotometers. Info on new I R double-beam recording unit. 21 Spectrophotometers. New unit cords in U V and visible ranges. Spectrophotometers. Details French unit, 3500-7500 A.

re­ 23 on 51

Spectrophotometers. D a t a on doublebeam I R recording unit. 78 Spectrophotometers. Details on prism-grating I R unit with automatic gain control. 79

VARIAN associates PALO ALTO 4 ,


Circle No. 83 on Readers' Service Card

Spectrophotometers. New doublebeam unit. 320 to 770 ιημ range. 1 6 6 Spectrophotometers. Bulletin de­ scribes absorption spectroscopy. 154 Spectropolarimeters. For rotatory dispersion and optical rotation kinetics.


The ILLCO-WAY Throw-Away Cartridge De-Ionizer consists of a clear plastic column containing mixed-bed ionXchange resins. The mixed-bed ionXchange process will re­ move all dissolved solids (including, in our Research Model, silica and CO2) so that the effluent is pure enough for the finest analytical purposes. The Cartridge is used also to reduce the interfering ions often found in distilled water. The column is clamped in a bracket, as shown, with tubing and valves to connect to any tap or other water supply. ILLCO-WAY Resins used contain a color indicator which changes from purple to yellow as the resins become exhausted, showing when a fresh Cartridge is needed.

RESEARCH MODEL Removes all ionizable solids including silica and CO2. Average in ef­ fluent less than 0.5 ppm. total solids. Capacity, 450 grains as CaC03. Flow Rate, 5 gph. max. Price, $12.50 Bracket, extra, $7.50

UNIVERSAL MODEL Removes all ionizable solids, except silica and CO2. Suit able for general pure water needs. Capacity, 900 grains as CaCCh. Flow Rate, 5 gph max. Price, Î9.75 Bracket, extra, J7.50

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