VARIAN associates - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

May 17, 2012 - VARIAN associates. Anal. Chem. , 1961, 33 (10), pp 57A–57A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60178a725. Publication Date: September 1961. ACS Legacy ...
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NIH EXHIBIT Forma Scientific, Inc. Box 649 M a r i e t t a , Ohio

Exhibiting: Newly designed small cold chamber.


J. Melvin Freed, Inc. 306 N. 5th St. Perkasie, Pa.

Exhibiting: Corning brand optical cover glass. Pre-cleaned microscopic slides. Culture slides. Gardner Laboratory Inc. P. O . Box 5728 5521 Landy Lane Betheida 14. M d .

Exhibiting: Lourdes centrifuges Models LCA-2, BLC-2 & Multi-Mixer, Sartorius Selecta balance, micro laboratory glass­ ware, Haake thermostats, Gardner color difference meter. Grass Instrument Co. 101 O l d Colony A v e . Quincy, Mass.

Exhibiting: Model 5 polygraph, unit inte­ grator, oximeter control circuit, physio­ logical stimulators, physiological pre­ amplifiers, square wave calibrator, trans­ ducers, and other related equipment for research and teaching. Emil Greiner C o . 2 0 - 2 6 No. Moore St. N e w York 13. Ν. Υ.

Exhibiting: Precision Chronofrae gas •hromatograph vacuum glove box, Acoropet, ball joint clamps, See-Thru in­ cubator, and micro buret. William J . Hacker & Co., Inc. P. O. Box 646 West C a l d w e l l , N. J .

Exhibiting: Reichert microscopes, Jung and Reichert microtomes. H a r v a r d Apparatus Co. Dover, Mass.

Exhibiting: Complete line of artificial respiration pumps, infusion pumps, peri-t ;dtic pumps. Heinicke Instrument Co. 2035 Harding St. Hollywood, Fla.

Exhibiting: Laboratory glassware wash­ ers, disposable hypodermic needles. Heinicke Heigun for needle-less hypo­ dermic injections. Herman Associates, Inc. 941 Rollins A v e . Rockville. M d .

Exhibiting: Varian G-10, G - l l , and G-14 recorders; Hewlett-Packard 1 mc tran­ sistor counter, 412A voltmeter, 428B



clip-on D C milliammeter, 456A AC cur­ rent probe, 160 oscilloscope with display scanner; Dymec digital system with 2540 driving typewriter tape punch; Sorensen Q M power supplies; John Fluke nuclear supply, 710A universal impedance bridge, and potentiometers; Kin-Tel 121 ampli­ fier. H y d r o Therm Co. 7301 Melrose St. Philadelphia, Pa.

Exhibiting: Water stills, water and scientific apparatus.


Instrumentation Associates, Inc. 17 West 60th St. N e w York 23. Ν. Υ.

Exhibiting: Freeze drying equipment, MSE-Mullard ultrasonic disintegrator, Godard pulmo-analysor, Propipettes, microtitrator for serial dilution technique, Fiske osmometer, accessories for cardio­ pulmonary investigation. International Equipment Co. 1284 Soldiers Field Rd. Boston 35, Mass.

Exhibiting: Laboratory centrifuges, mi­ crotome-cry ostat. Isomet C o r p . 433 Commercial Ave. Palisades Park, N. J .

Exhibiting: Stable isotopes, mass spec­ trometer analytical services, optical crys­ tals and scintillation crystals, infrared cells and accessories, X-ray analyzer crystals, custom grown crystals. W i l l i a m B. Johnson and Associates P.O. Box 415 Mountain Lakes, N. J .

Exhibiting: Radiation safety devices, portable survey meters (transistor), counting room equipment, and fixed mon­ itoring stations. Keithley Instruments, Inc. 12415 Euclid A v e . Cleveland 6. Ohio

Exhibiting: Electrometers, micro-microammeters, microvoltmeters, power sup­ plies, AC amplifier, D C amplifier, megohmmeters, milliohmmeter. Kimble Glass C o . P. O . Box 1035 Toledo 1 . Ohio

Exhibiting: Complete line of scientific laboratory glassware including beakers, Erlenmeyer flasks and Petri dishes, LubriFlo stopcocks having Teflon plugs, square volumetric flasks, and Kimax boiling flasks. Clinical apparatus will include Kimax color-coded pipets, centrifuge tubes (standard and heavy d u t y ) , and color-coded culture tubes. Circle No. 215 on Readers' Service Card

A message & of importance t o . . .


The study '>t Ν Mi-.' us a part ni basit chemistry eurm ui ·. ii :s ϊκ•; ι me mare practical, us .veil as en m necessary, '.vitii t i i e m i t . s h e 11 ·. > r ; o ! t h e new VuM.iu A- (••(; ' .| •>-τ!ti i m n D r Sin; t- ! ' i i ' Λ > ·(: ι . '•ieuT • :< · operate .1111] p r o v i d e h ι s ; 111 \ ι e ρ ι e 1111 :' i b ί e spec! ra, i!! ui . ] . : u . ] ' i . , η ] m.i ey uu l o e y a d s a ' e ι iieini'.It·, students new :i i t i u u tv to l.iei o m e fa­ milial vvitii the anaDln ul capabilities •t [-JMl-; ivut !",'(. ii UU 0 tius niu(ie N M R analyse routine fer proet-s; m o n i t o t i n p and i;n,ility eon trol - - as '.veil us in D I S H reseun Ii unu anaiytk ul laboratories. I or ( ornplete data on |D> new Α ί -('ι write the I NS 1 k'UMb N"T D I V I S I O N .


