VARIAN associates - ACS Publications

Land O'Lakes, Wis. Sponsor: University of Wisconsin. Contact: R. S. Strommen,. Pharmacy Bldg., University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. Page 54 A, April...
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Aug. 14 to 18

Gordon Research Conference on Analytical Chemistry, New Hamp­ ton School, New Hampton, N. H . Contact: Dr. W. G. Park?, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, R. I. Page 75 A, March.

Aug. 14 to 18

Gordon Research Conference on Instrumentation. Colby Junior College, New London. N. H. Contact: Dr. W. G. Parks," Univer­ sity of Rhode Island, Kingston, R. I. Page 75 A, March.

Aug. 23 to 26

19th Annual Meeting, Electron Microscope Society of America, Pittsburgh Hilton Hotel, Pittsburgh, Pa. Contact: A. R. Taylor, Program Chairman, Parke Davis Co., Detroit 32, Mich. Pages 42 A, Feb.; 50 A, May.

Aug. 28 to Sept. 1

Gordon Research Conference on High Temperature Chemistry— Molten Salts, Kimball Union Academy, Meridan, Ν . Η. Contact : Dr. W. G. Parks, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, R. 1. Page 75 A, March.

aept. i to a—i"»utn n a t i o n a l meeting, American t.nemical Society, Chicago, 111. Pages 56 A, M a y ; 58 A, J u n e ; 35 A, August. Sept. 5 to 8—11th National Chemical Exposition, ACS Chicago Section, International Amphitheatre, Chicago, 111. Contact: National Chemical Exposition, 86 E. Randolph St., Chicago 1, 111. Sept. 6 to 8—Joint Nuclear Instrumentation Symposium, North Carolina State College, Raleigh, N . C. Sponsors: Instrument Society of America, Institute of Radio En­ gineers, American Institute of Electrical Engineers. Contact: ISA, 313 Sixth Ave.. Pittsburgh 22, Pa. Sept. 11 to 15—ISA 16th annual meeting and ISA Fall Instrument-Automation Con­ ference and Exhibit, Biltmore Hotel (Conference) and Memorial Sports Arena (Ex­ hibits), Los Angeles, Calif. Sponsor: Instrument Societv of America. Contact: ISA, 313 Sixth Ave., Pittsburgh 22, Pa. Sept. 12 to 15—Mass Spectrometry Conference, Oxford, England. Sponsors: ASTM Committee E-14 and Mass Spectrometry Panel of British Institute of Petroleum. Contact: \V. J. Brown, A.E.I. (Manchester) Ltd., Trafford Park, Manchester 17, England. Sept. 17 to 20—First Annual Conference on Pharmaceutical Analysis, King's Gateway, Land O'Lakes, Wis. Sponsor: University of Wisconsin. Contact: R. S. Strommen, Pharmacy Bldg., University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. Page 54 A, April. Sept. 18 to 20—Eighth Ottawa Symposium on Applied Spectroscopy, Ottawa, Canada Sponsor: Canadian Association for Applied Spectroscopy. Contact: Roland Lauzon, National Research Council, Ottawa, Ontario. Page 71 A, March. Sept. 25 to 30—International Conference on Magnetism and Crystallography Includ­ ing Symposium on Electron and Neutron Diffraction, Kyoto, Japan. Sponsor: International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry and International Union of Crystallography. Contact: T. Nagamiya, Science Council of Japan, Ucno Park, Tokyo, Japan. Sept. 28 to 30—Fifth Annual Conference, Chemical Division of American Society for Quality Control, Daniel Boone Hotel, Charleston, W. Va. Contact: R. \Y. Gl.idwell. P. O. Box 8004, South Charleston 3, W. Va. Page 56 A, August.



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Section II 9:00 a.m. Very Small Fractions of Two-Level Factorial Designs. J. S. Hunter, University of Wisconsin. 10:30 a.m. Sequential Experimenta­ tion by Complementary Factorial P a t h s . E. C. Harrington, Jr.. Monsanto Chemi­ cal Co. Friday afternoon Section I 2:00 p.m. Graphical Analysis of 3 Factor Statistical Experimental Designs. M. E. Westcott, Rutgers University. 3:30 p.m. Statistical Techniques for Laboratory Approval. O. Willner, Westinghouse Electric Corp. Section II 2:00 p.m. Statistical Mechanics—Use­ ful Tools. J. S. Dahler, University of Minnesota. 3:30 pan. Development of Alternate Mathematical Models from the Coeffi­ cients of Linear Models. T. D . Higgins and S. P. Hersh, Union Carbide Chemi­ cals Co. Saturday morning, September 30 Section I 9:00 ajn. Warehouse Simulation. G. S. Morgan, Union Carbide Chemicals Co.

10:30 a.m. Engineering Applications. Mr. Jaeck, General Electric Co. Section II 9:00 a.m. Useful Method for Kinetic Model Building. G. E. P. Box and Wil­ liam Hunter, University of Wisconsin. 10:30 a.m. General Models for Analy­ sis of Qualitative Variables. H. M. Truax, Atlas Powder Co.

Water Study




Development of adequate standards for testing taste and odor in public water supplies is now being carried out a t the Franklin I n s t i t u t e . T h e project is sponsored by the Manufacturing Chemists' Association. This is p a r t of an over-all program by MCA's W a t e r Pollution A b a t e m e n t Committee. T h e Franklin I n s t i t u t e re­ cently completed a critical evaluation of the technical literature in this field. T h e new project will include chemi­ cal, biological, physiological, and psy­ chological aspects. Circle N i . 133 η Healers' Service Card

A message j of importance So...

Fast quantitative analysis of H1 in or­ ganic functional groups...tracing the amount and location of deuteration ...quantitative measurements of cistrans isomerism.. .'these are typical of the varied analyses made by Ν MR Spectroscopy. Now, simplifications introduced by Varian's A-60 Spec­ trometer enable technicians with brief training to operate the instrument. By producing fasi, economical and reproducible spectra, the A-60 can be profitable for independent analytical laboratories. Ν MR is already highly productive for company analytical groups serving various departments. (There are known cases where an NMR Spectrometer has paid for itself with a single result). For complete data on the new A-60 write the INSTRUMENT DIVISION.


