VARIAN associates | Analytical Chemistry

Co-Editors David R. Clarke (University of California, Santa Barbara) and Manfred Rühle (Max-Planck Institute, Stuttgart) and ... Annual Reviews: ...
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Varian STRIP CHART Recorders

Product Capsules Pumps. Circle 27A for bulletin on model 75 v a c u u m p u m p . 75 liters p e r minute. Vacuum to 0.1 micron. C o m ­ pact, portable. Precision Scientific Co., 3725 W . Cortland St., Chicago 47, 111. 27A


Pumps. Circle 85A-2 for folder on centrifugal and posith-e pressure p u m p s and variable speed stirrers. E a s t e r n Industries, Inc., 100 Skiff St., H a m d e n , Conn. 85A-2 Radioactive Analysis Instruments. Circle 8A for a technical description of procedures used in mixing evaluation b y radioisotopic analysis. NuclearChicago Corp., 251 W . Erie St., Chi­ cago 10, 111. 8A Radioactive Analysis Instruments. Circle indicated numbers for instru­ m e n t s t h a t provide t h e following: p r e ­ cision pulse height analysis, 20A-1 ; reliable scaling, 20A-2; power source for scintillation counters, 20A-3 ; com­ plete recording spectrometer system, 20A-4; a n d liquid phosphor "soft b e t a " counting, 20A-5. Technical Measure­ m e n t Corp., 441 Washington Ave., N . H a v e n , Conn. 20A-T t o 5

Unique combination of performance, size and price OVER 1000 TIMES AS SENSITIVE as galva­ nometer recorders... and Varian's nullbalance potentiometer needs no power from the source being measured. Rugged, stable mechanism allows ink or inkless recording-easy-to-read rectilinear c h a r t source impedances of up to 100,000 ohms. LESS THAN HALF AS WIDE as a standard 19-inch rack. Two Varian G-llA's mount side by side on a rack panel 10% inches high. Or as a portable, the G-11A is an easy-to-handle 15 pounds. The G-10 sits on less than one square foot; its horizon­ tal chart is handy for jotting notes. MORE VERSATILE AND ADAPTABLE than any similar recorder — adjustable zero, adjustable span (from 9 tq.100 mv on the G-11A), multiple chart speeds (up to four on the G-11A), and plug-in input chassis for different recording requirements. PRICES THAT BEGIN AT $340 for the G-10 and $450 for the G-11A. Because unneeded performance costs money, Varian has intentionally designed for 1 % limit of error and 1-second balancing time. Thus, Varian provides needed ruggedness, dependability and operating fea­ tures at moderate cost. WRITE TODAY FOR COMPLETE SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARD OPTIONS






Refrigerated Freeze-Mobile Unit. Self-contained, all purpose unit with in­ frared heaters, condenser, vacuum d r u m , p u m p and gauge, and mechan­ ically refrigerated unit. Automatically refrigerated as low as —60° C. Scien­ tific Products, D i v . of American Hos­ pital Supply Corp., 1210 Leon Place, E v a n s t o n , 111. 91A S a f e t y Enclosures. Circle 95A-1 for illustrated folder describing 22 differ­ ent kinds of safety enclosures for han­ dling hazardous substances. S. Blickm a n , Inc., 9612 Gregory Ave., Weehawken, N . J. 85A-1 Spectrographic Equipment. Informa­ tion available from t h e combined facili­ ties of Bausch & L o m b and Applied Research Laboratories on a most com­ plete line of spectrographic equipment and service. Includes 24 B&L instru­ ments. Bausch & L o m b Optical Co., 60936 St. Paul St., Rochester 2, Ν . Υ. OBC

Spectrographic Sample Grinders. T h e " W i g - L - B u g " provides fast, homo­ CALIFORNIA geneous, reproducible grinding of sam-

Circle No. 98-1 on Readers Service Card, page 89 A 98 A

Radioactive Analysis Instruments. W i t h complete systems for p r o p o r ­ tional, scintillation a n d geiger counting, t h e "University Series" instrument handles alpha, beta, gamma, a n d x-rays. Circle 44A for info. Baird-Atomic, Inc., 33 University Rd., Cambridge 38, Mass. 44A


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with the POLAROTRACE* you have the ultimate in Polarographic technique, without undue c o m p l e x ^ of control. Suitable for research or routine, it is supplied complete with its Electrode Stand, which includes a thermostaticallycontrolled tank. Camera attachments are also avail­ able. *TRADE MARK

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sindak E Q U I P M E N T FOR C A L C U L A T I O N AND ANALYSIS Circle No. 98-2 on Readers' Service Card, page 89 A