VARIAN associates

subsidiaries. The new organization, re- flecting the company's long-range policy of diversification, will have major facilities in Minneapolis, Chi- c...
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eated a t 3433 B a t h u r s t St., T o r o n t o 12, Ontario, C a n a d a .

a new approach to laboratory viscosity measurements

F o x b o r o C o . , Foxboro, Mass., has completed a new 40,000 square foot instrument manufacturing a n d assem­ bly building a t t h e Foxboro (Nederland) N . V. plant in Soest, Holland. T h e new plant will supply t h e E u r o ­ pean Common M a r k e t .

G e n e r a l Mills is combining all activ­ ities related to electronics a n d allied fields with two wholly-owned subsidiar­ ies to form a new General Mills Elec­ tronics G r o u p . Magnaflux Corp., Chicago, a n d T h e Daven Co., Living­ ston, N . J., are t h e two wholly-owned subsidiaries. T h e new organization, re­ flecting the company's long-range policy of diversification, will have major facilities in Minneapolis, Chi­ cago, Los Angeles, Livingston, N . J., and Manchester, N . Y., plus a nation­ wide field service network and labora­ tories in key cities across t h e coun­ try. Initially, personnel at all lo­ cations will total approximately 3200 with more t h a n 1000 of these in Min­ neapolis. Products include laboratory a p p a r a t u s and instruments for chemical, metallurgical, physical, a n d spectrographic testing.

BENDIX LAB-VIS T h e Bendix Lab-Vis h a s been developed specifically to meet t h e needs of lab­ o r a t o r y personnel m a k i n g liquid vis­ cosity m e a s u r e m e n t s . Designed to p e r m i t investigation of a very wide r a n g e of liquid samples, t h e method is based on t h e viscous d a m p i n g of a m a g n e t o s t r i c t i n g probe pulsing a t 28 kc/second. The Bendix Lab-Vis is ideally suited for a wide v a r i e t y of applications in petroleum, polymer a n d medical lab­ o r a t o r i e s . E i g h t viscosity r a n g e s a r e available a t t h e flip of a switch, 0-10/50/100/1000/10,000/50,000 centipoises. T h e sensing element can be used a t t e m p e r a t u r e s t o 650° F a n d from vacuum to 1000 psi. Three viscosity sensing probes a r e available, designed to facilitate t h e application of t h e Lab-Vis to labora­ tory, pipeline a n d medical a p p a r a t u s . Bendix Lab-Vis, complete with r e ­ corder, c h a r t paper, line voltage r e g ­ ulator, probe ( a s selected) and cable. Catalog No. 22286 3085.00 F o r complete information w r i t e W. H. Curtin a n d Company, P. O. Box 118, Houston 1, Texas.


Circle No. 45 on Readers' Service Card

f ^ ^ ' l w j NEWS


H a z l e t o n L a b o r a t o r i e s , I n c . , Falls Church, Va., lias been awarded a $124,000 contract from the National Insti­ tutes of H e a l t h t o establish and oper­ ate a drug quality control laboratory and a facility for the receipt, storage, and distribution of cancer chemotherapeutic compounds. U n d e r this pro­ gram physical constants a n d chemical compositions of anticancer agents will be determined

J a r r e l l - A s h C o . , 26 Farwell St., Newtonville, Mass., is exclusive repre­ sentative of t h e new Polarlog in the United States. T h e Polarlog, a polarographic instrument, features a sensi­ tive, built-in AC circuit which provides results in the form of peaks rather than the conventional step type polarogram.

L a n d s v e r k E l e c t r o m e t e r Co., Glendale, Calif., maker of instruments for measuring radiation, has acquired t w o Los Angeles companies in t h e medical nucleonics field. C. W . R e e d Co., manufacturers representatives, and A t o m a t i o n . T n c developers of nucleCircle No. 140 on Readers' Service Card — ->•

A message; of importance t o . . .

For observing differences in crudes...; for analyzing distillation fractions..;; for the monitoring of alkylation prod-, ucts...and for many other analyses of I petroleum derivatives, Ν MR Spectro-'; scopy provides invaluable chemical insights. As an analytical tool, NMR:!; can, for example, make rapid deter-J minations of the presence or relative; number of aliphatics, olefinics and . aromatics', and can be used to study ' features such as degree of branching ...facts long recognized by petroleum • chemists in basic research. Now with the practical advances of the new; Varian A-60 Spectrometer, NMR is; broadly applicable at numerous points ' throughout petroleum refineries and petrochemical operations. For complete data on the new A-60 ; write the INSTRUMENT DIVISION. ! REFERENCES: ! 1 > Varian NMR at Work N o . 2 2 & 3 6 : S

