VARIAN associates

PORTABLE. The Varian G-l 1A weighs only ... 31 on Readers' Service Card and Deveraux (Anal. Chbm. ... Varian's portable versions be- cause they add so...
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NEW PRODUCTS and Deveraux (ANAL. C H E M . 31, 1932

VARIAN Potentiometer RECORDERS Used by the thousands because . . .

(1959)). Remote electrical ignition is featured in the unit, which is used for determination of halogens, sulfur, phosphorus, and traces of metals in organic compounds. F&M says that analytical results are equivalent to those using hand ignition and that samples up to 0.3 gram can be analyzed. P-5

VARIAN Potentiometer RECORDERS Used by the thousands because...

NMR Analyzer


PORTABLE The Varian G-11A weighs only 15 pounds and can be carried anywhere i n the laboratory, plant or field. And because it is a potentiometer recorder, it is highly sensitive and can be adapted t o extremely varied recording requirements. Varian recorder prices from $365; full-scale balancing time 1 or 2\seconds; ranges from 0-9 millivolts to 0-100 volts, wide choice of speeds, accessories and charts. Full specifications and description available by writing the Instrument Division.

Fluorescence Microscope Four new series of fluorescence microscopes are being offered by the American Optical Co. The Fluorcstar Series 12 and 14 are designed for dark field fluorescence as well as ordinary bright field microscopy or photomicrography.


LOW COST As little as $365 f o r a sensitive, rugged potentiometer recorder. Varian Recorders are accurate to 1% and rugged enough to do r o u n d - t h e - c l o c k productionline checkout or round-the-calendar monitoring of long-term laboratory experiments. Full-scale balancing time lor2% seconds; weight 15 pounds; ranges from 0-9 millivolts to 0-100 volts; wide choice of speeds, accessories and charts. Full specifications and description of models available by writing the Instrument Division.





PALO ALTO 4 , C A L I F O R N I A Circle No. 31 on Readers' Service Card

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The Model 106 NMR analyzer being offered by the Schlumberger Well Surveying Corp. results from the company's modification of its Model 104 instrument to enable fluorine analysis. The 104, a "broadline" instrument, was originally designed for hydrogen analysis. The new unit, found capable of determining fluorine in high energy fuels in 30 seconds, is said to have three definite advantages over wet chemical methods. One, of course, is the already mentioned rapidity of analysis for elemental fluorine. In addition, it has good sensitivity and can be used on small samples—down to 0.20 ml. The low limit of detectability of elemental fluorine is about one milligram. The third strong advantage claimed is that the method is nondestructive. In the quantitative analysis, the analyzer produces a spectrum which is the derivative of energy absorption on a strip chart recorder. Double integration of the derivative or curve gives a measure of total fluorine content. Schlumberger points out that the 106, which measures both hydrogen and fluorine, does the integration electronically and automatically. P-6





Circle No. 32 on Readers' Service Card


VARIAN Potentiometer RECORDERS Used by the thousands because ...

Series 16 and L16 can be used for dark field fluorescence, phase and ordinary bright field microscopy and photomi­ crography. Both series have trinocular body with Bertrand lens and slide-out prism, quadruple revolving nosepiece, 10 X wide field eyepieces, built-in base illuminator with variable transformer, double piano mirror with pedestal fork mount for use with Merc-Arc Osram HBO-200 illuminator for fluorescence microscopy, and cabinet with accessory drawer. Series 12 and 14 have gradu­ ated mechanical stages, and 10X, 20x, 43X, and 9 7 x (with funnel stop) achromatic objectives. Series 16 and LI6 have glide stages, 10X, 43X, and 97χ (with funnel stop) achromatic ob­ jectives, and 43 X dark-medium con­ trast phase objective. P-7

VARIAN Potentiometer RECORDERS Used by the thousands because ...

Automatic Filling Balances


SAVE SPACE Equipment manufacturers praise the Varian G-11A be­ cause it fits neatly into instru­ ment panels, occupying hih the space of a conventional-sized recorder. Lab men appreciate Varian's portable versions be­ cause they add so little clutter to bench or table.

The DWA series of filling balances offered by Mettler Instrument Corp. is designed for automatic dispensing of granular or powdered substances. Two standard models of different capacities are available. The DWA-10 has a ca­ pacity of 10 grams, and is said to have an accuracy of ±20 mg. The DWA100 has a capacity of 100 grams and a ±0.2-gram accuracy. The balances feature several automatic actions. Overweight samples are automatically sensed and rejected; an automatic alarm is given when the feeder control is out of adjustment or when the sup­ ply is empty; and there is automatic timing and programming for transport of containers.

associates PALO ALTO


Circle No. 33 on Readers' Service Card

NOTE-ABLE The Varian G-10's open, hori­ zontal chart is the delight of any man who writes notes. And this recorder is so compact that i t can be moved right in close to the work, letting you keep your eyes on the e x p e r i m e n t and your pencil on the chart. Prices from $365; 1% accuracy; 1 or 2J£ second full scale balancing time; adjustable or fixed spans 10 to 100 millivolts; wide choice of speeds and accessories. Full specifications and description in Varian literature. Write the Instrument Division.

1% limit of error; 1 or ZH second fullscale balancing time; ranges from 0-9 millivolts to 0-100 volts; wide choice of speeds, accessories and charts; prices from $365. Forall the facts, write the Instrument Division.



Mettler says that a particularly in­ teresting feature of the units is that they can be used in conjunction with automatic chemical analyzers requiring preweighed samples. To help make this possible there is a step switch con­ trol for selecting the number of samples to be weighed from each batch. A dis­ charge timer and control empties the hopper after each batch is completed. All operations for continuous stream analysis can be made automatic, the company points out. P-8



Circle No. 34 on Readers' Service Card VOL. 32, NO. 1, JANUARY 1960


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