Varian Instrument Division

control provides optimum analytical reproducibility. Ask for a copy of the CRA-90 brochure and wall chart and see how easily the new carbon rod atomiz...
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Flameless A A made easy

ROUTINE trace element analysis for your lab with the N E W CRA-90 carbon rod atomizer Now it's E A S Y to adjust any temperature program using the temperature control meter. E A S Y to establish your analytical programs using the detailed 'recipes' i n the comprehensive CRA-90 methodology book. E A S Y to switch between flame and flameless - i n about a minute. E A S Y to r u n fast repetitive analyses - often at one a minute. E A S Y to integrate the CRA-90 w i t h almost any A A instrument i n the world.

The CRA-90 gives controlled temperatures up to a genuine 3000° C for the rapid analysis of more t h a n 50 elements. Even the difficult ones like M o , V , Si are now easy. I t provides sensitivities often below ppb levels, and its precise feedback control provides o p t i m u m analytical reproducibility. Ask for a copy of the CRA-90 brochure and wall chart and see how easily the new carbon rod atomizer can make a real contribution to your lab.

Varian Instrument Division 611 Hansen Way, Palo Alto, CA 94303

VA varian

See it in our laboratory at Pittsburgh Conference 1976. CIRCLE 2 2 6 O N




VOL. 48, NO. 3, MARCH 1976 · 303 A