varian instruments

Page 1 ... almost blind. They operate at only one or a few ... cepts as many as 50 samples on plan- chettes up to 2 in. in ... adapted to the company'...
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Variscan™ that lets you se Variscan permits you to detect and analyze compounds tr 210nm







Variscan detector, front center, can be used with liquid chromatograph models 4000, 4100 and 4200 (shown here).

New Products Accessories Ultraviolet Instruments: Accessories Two new accessories for P-E UV spectrophotometers include a magnetic tape comparator which corrects for uneven base line variations in recording difference spectra or derivative spectra and a new rapid-mixing cell for stopped-flow reactions. The latter facilitates the study of reaction mechanisms and permits the observance of short-lived intermediate compounds. Perkin-Elmer 417

PDP-11 Minicomputer: Memory Model 11 is said to be the fastest add-on memory available for DEC's PDP-11 Series minicomputers. The new units use a 650-nsec field-proven core memory system; data access time is 250 nsec. Core memory storage can be up to a full 124K words. Fabri-Tek, Inc. 421

C o m p a r e d to Variscan, other LC detectors are almost blind. They operate at only one or a few wavelengths.

Variscan can be used with gradient elution and is compatible with a wide range of chromatographically useful solvents.

Variscan operates over the entire UV-Vis spectral region, from 210 to 780 nm, with no sacrifice in efficiency. At the turn of a dial you can set Variscan at the maximum absorption wavelength of virtually any compound.

Minimum detectable quantities are nanogram amounts. Cell volume is small, only 8 microliters, so that peak spreading is minimized; and the cell p a t h is long, 1 centimeter, so that response to low concentrations is increased.

And whenever you wish, you can quickly stop flow, push a button and obtain absorption spectra of individual peaks in your chromatogram.

T h e Variscan LC detector is basically a unique Varian UV-Vis spectrophotometer. The spectrophotometer flow cells are a matched pair.

Spectrophotometers: Thermal Programmer A plug-in module provides precise temperature control and linear temperature scans for company spectrophotometric systems. The Model 2427 permits four samples to be thermoelectrically heated or cooled to a preset temperature, or scanned at one of three rates, while displaying sample temperature. Gilford Instrument Laboratories, Inc. 423

Nuclear Counting: Sample Changer

IR Spectrophotometer: Gas Cell

A new automatic sample changer accepts as many as 50 samples on planchettes up to 2 in. in diameter. Samples may be filters, solids, or evaporated liquids. The unit can be used with gas flow proportional counters, end window Geiger-Mueller tubes, scintillation counters, and solid state detectors. $9000. Nuclear Measurements Corp. 425

A variable-path 20-m gas cell can be adapted to the company's infrared spectrophotometers for vapor-phase or gas analysis in the low ppm range. The cell has optical pathlengths of 0.75 to 21.75 m in steps of 1.5 m. $2300. Beckman Instruments, Inc. 420

TLC: Applicator For more information on listed items, circle the appropriate numbers on one of our Readers' Service Cards


A thin-layer chromatography applicator will spot up to 19 different samples in a single motion. For preparative work, the spotting pipets can be used in making 37 spots. Analabs 424

îe LC detector ne hell of a lot more sorb at any UV-Vis wavelength from 210 nm to 780 nm. 550 L_



700 —1


780 nm

ν VIS Water-jacketed, they maintain stable temperature equilibrium between the cell and the solvent, even with flow programming. T h e carefully matched optical paths of the spectrophotometer also minimize noise and drift. Overall system noise is s>±5 χ 10 -4 absorbance unit from 210 to 780 nm; drift is lower than 10 2 absorbance unit/hour—performance specifications which ensure that you will see more with Variscan than with any other L C detector. L C is no longer detector-limited.

N o w it is possible to detect and analyze a m u c h broader range of compounds. Pardon our French, b u t you really can see one hell of a lot more with Variscan.

For complete details see your Varian representative or write: Varian Instrument Division, 611 Hansen Way, Box D-070, Palo Alto, California 94303.


Infrared Spectrometers: Reflection A new multiple internal reflection accessory for all company infrared spectrophotometers consists of a basic optical unit and a universal sample holder. Three crystal positions (30°, 45°, and 60°) are offered as well as three different angled crystals for user flexibility. Perkin-Elmer Corp. 422

Digital Printer Techtron Model 36 digital printer can be used with Techtron digital spec­ trophotometers, both atomic absorp­ tion and UV-VIS spectrophotometers. With the instrument, readout is re­ corded on a paper tape at a maxi­ mum rate of one line every 2 sec with 14 columns for sample identification and analytical data. $1850. Varian 419

Chemicals Radioactive Isotope Gadolinium-153 with a 242-day halflife and principle energy of 100 keV can be supplied in bulk as GdClg in liVHCL solution: concentration, >50 mCi/ml; radiopurity, 99.99%. Sources up to several curies can also be pre­ pared. Atomic Energy of Canada, Ltd. 429

Mass Spectrometry: Ion Source A field desorption ion source for mass spectrometry incorporates two addi­ tional ion generation methods: field ionization and electron impact. Heart of the FD source is the ion emitter: a wire covered with microneedles of carbon. This emitter can be dipped into a solution and inserted into the combined ion source through a vacu­ um lock. Sample molecules absorbed on the surface are then ionized in a strong electrical field but at lower temperature than usually required for vaporization. This system is especial­ ly useful as a tool in such areas as studies of drug or pesticide metabo­ lites, antibiotic studies, and cancer research. Varian 418 ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 45, NO. 13, NOVEMBER 1973 · 1149 A