varian instruments

Page 1 ... word for it. Make your own comparison. Check all the gas chromatographs ... Only the 2440 givesyou 1 X 10-12 a.f.s. sensi- tivity, which en...
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• Dual glass c o l u m n s • Dual metal c o l u m n s • Dual electrometer • 1 χ 10-12 AFS sensitivity • 4 ionization detectors • 3 c o l u m n oven t e m p e r a t u r e controllers Model 2440 Gas Chromatograph No. 1 in its class-By any criterion Don't take our word for it. M a k e your own comparison. Check all the gas chromatographs in the 2 4 4 0 ' s price range. Here's what you'll find: Only the 2440 gives you 1 X 10~ 12 a.f.s. sensi­ tivity, which enables you to perform even difficult trace analyses. Only the 2440 has dual columns and a dual electrometer. You can run both columns inde­ pendently and simultaneously. ( T h i n k of how m a n y samples a day t h a t will let you turn out. ) And you can use either dual capillary, high performance V& " metal, or Vi " o.d. X 2 m m i.d. glass columns. Only the 2440 gives you a choice of four highly sensitive ionization detectors t h a t all fit on the same base. You can easily interchange t h e m yourself in 5 minutes, or less.

And there's more. A glass system from the injector to the detector — ideal for pesticide, biomedical, or toxicological applications. You c a n choose from t h r e e c o l u m n oven t e m ­ perature controllers. Independently controlled injector, column, and detector temperatures are standard. So is the most useful accessory panel you've ever seen. It lets you install acces­ sories quickly, and without modification to t h e instrument. T h e compact 2 4 4 0 provides research-grade performance routinely, day in and day out. Yet it is so rugged and reliable, it is also ideal for routine or quality control applications. You owe it to yourself to take a close look at t h e 2 4 4 0 . N o other GC in its price range has as m a n y features or provides such high per­ formance.

varian instruments l ? 2 ? H . u ! J ? J ^ i v E S . / « ^ A , L £ , , H T C , R -I E J5 ' C A L I F O R N I A / USA 9 4 5 9 8 Π 6 3 5 8 V I S C O U N T RD / M A L T O N / O N T A R I O / C A N A D A S T E I N H A U S E R S T R A S S E / 6 3 0 0 / Z U G / S W I T Z E R L A N D Π 6 7 9 S P R I N G V A L E RD / N. S P R I N G V A L E / V I C T O R I A / A U S T R A L I A CIRCLE 204 ON READER SERVICE CARD



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