varian recorder division - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

May 22, 2012 - varian recorder division. Anal. Chem. , 1968, 40 (6), pp 96A–96A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60262a793. Publication Date: May 1968. ACS Legacy ...
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This new idea ended an era in data recording. August, 1967, Varian introduced to the world the electrostatic recorder: Statos™, first significant advance in its field in over 10 years. At a stroke, it obsoleted all other methods of graphic data recording. statos wn.n i gheads have up to 100 da.a sytM per 40 mm A simple thing. Statos has no moving parts except the paper drive. The signal is impressed on paper by a fixed recording head driven by transistorized preamps and IC digital logic. There is no arcing, burning or post-fixing of paper, nothing to introduce inertia into the writing system. Think what this does to operation. And reli­ ability. With no pens to adjust, ink to spill, solutions to mix, Statos sets up in one minute. You have no galvanometers to calibrate or replace, and off-scale signals have no adverse effect on Statos iimMmii'mimmimiimiHiiiiii»muM· 11 • < • • > Μ t whatsoever. And it uses blank paper. J U M f l H I H Prints its own chart as it records data. f|^ You change chart formats by switching: "À^^à^^^^^^^^^^^m^m^^^^^^J rollers, and never have to stock more than one kind of paper. τ„ Ρ ,„. s™. c. rt Br,d „•,.,. Frequency response and rise time. Compare response curves for pen/thermal recorders with > 40Ο Statos' full-scale amplitude past 1500 Hz. LBOs g 30HALF SCALE go higher, of course, but at the expense of accuracy TYPICAL P E N / T H E R M A L I 20—a parameter that remains constant in Statos. And . RECORDER RESPONSE < while direct-writing recorders claim about 4 ms rise < 10tr time between 10% and 90% of full scale, we go from 0 Ο 100 200 300 400 500 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 0% to 100% in 0.2 ms. F R E Q U E N C Y (Hz) Accuracy, anyone? About the closest you get to an accuracy spec for a direct-writing recorder is "linearity." Here's what we say. At any frequency from DC to 1500 Hz, our written record shows the input signal's value within 1 % of full scale, including effects of paper movement, plus nonlinearity, plus hysteresis, plus overshoot... you name it! 50-



Resolution. Statos has a digitized readout, but don't let that fool you. With over 50 styli to the inch, our writing head's pattern is fine enough to show any signal within our frequency limits. And our 50 cm/sec chart speed (250% that of direct-writing recorders) gives you the time-base resolution you need at higher frequencies Actual size sine wave recorded on Statos. (for instance, 25 cycles per inch of chart at 500 Hz). One last word: versatile. With IC digital logic an integral part of its nature, Statos interfaces with computers as real­ time output device (no D/A converter or buffer needed) or input monitor for either digital or analog data (since it accepts analog and/or BCD inputs). Its variable recording speed DC motor lets you slave paper speed to external test equipment. And more, much more. That's why we said all those other recorders are obsolete. They are. Statos did it. Send for data from Sales Manager, Varian Recorder Division, 611 Hansen Way, Palo Alto, California 94303. International offices in Zug, Switzerland and Sydney, Australia. recorder division


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