varian techtron

simple determinations on air-bome particulate material ready interchange of cups and tubes allows high-speed analytical routines for batch processing ...
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the sensitive one nickel in dried leaves 4.6 mg leaf

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nickel in dried leaves 4.6 mg leaf + 10·* g. Ni


lead in air 5x1Q-"gmsPb

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lead in air/carpark


lead in air suburban road


lead in air/indoors


The Model 63 Carbon Rod Atomizer is the latest practical development in flameless atomic absorption spectroscopy. It has outstanding advantages over conventional flame techniques — particularly in clinical and pollution areas. sensitivity and detection limits are considerably • better than those obtained by orthodox flame methods sample volume requirement — the Model 63 can handle • any sample volume between 0.5 μ I and 20 μ\ little or no sample prepara­ tion — for example, with • whole blood all you need is a syringe and a .5 μ\ sample simple aqueous standards can be employed for most • analyses two types of atomizer (cup or tube) for flexibility and • analytical versatility I I solid sample capability simple determinations on air-borne particulate material ready interchange of cups and tubes allows high-speed • analytical routines for batch processing of samples inter-element interferences either eliminated or strictly • controlled The Model 63 solves many analytical problems in clinical chemistry, agriculture, metal­ lurgy, water analysis, foodstuffs, petroleum products, toxological studies, quality control.

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