The atomic absorption spectrophotometer for chemists who frustrate easily. T h e new Varian Techtron AA-5 was designed for a special kind of chemist. T h e kind who loves to outwit a spectropho tometer with a never-tried-before technique. O r who always pushes an instrument to its performance limits. Yet gets an noyed when it doesn't perform. For you, the AA-5 will be a welcome relief. It's as flexible as your imagination. Because the AA-5 is completely modular, it readily adapts to emission or fluorescence studies, or to new sampling require ments and accessories. Each module is a story in itself: AC AMPLIFIER AND READ OUT. In the normal mode, the six-inch meter scale represents a linear a b s o r b a n c e range of 0-1.00 or a transmission range of 0-100%. T h e absorbance scale expansion can be continuously varied by as much as a factor of 10, thus making it possible to read concentration directly. With the new digital indicator accessories or a I m V recorder, expansions up to 20χ and lOOx are possible. Using the expansion feature and zero suppression, any portion of the scale can be expanded to full scale. And the new a u t o m a t i c baseline corrector feature re-establishes the baseline between readings. Easily, precisely.
LAMP POWER SUPPLY. Oper a t i n g c u r r e n t for e a c h of the four hollow c a t h o d e lamps is 1 independently controlled and metered with all channels modu lated and regulated. T h e solidjt s t a t e u n i t is s y n c h r o n o u s l y ^β^ρβ^ββΒββββΜΜβββϊΙΕ» modulated with the amplifier to assure "lock-in" amplification and drift-free operation. T h e lamps themselves mount on a convenient rotating turret. Installing and aligning a l a m p takes only a few seconds. THE GAS CONTROL UNIT. Two separate 2-way valves per ft mit rapid selection of the fueloxidant mixture. You can safely switch between air and nitrous "5" 1 oxide. An auxiliary support gas control is convenient for stiffen ing the flame or for working with organic solvents. Fine meter ing valves, along with the fuel and support gas flow meters, are used to precisely adjust flame conditions. T h e grooved titanium burner can be positioned in three planes by external controls to obtain the best sensitivity. And, an electric flame igniter is built-in. If you'd like to see and test the new Varian Techtron AA-5 in your own l a b j u s t ask us. We'll arrange for a free demonstration. For a bulletin on the instrument, plus a current 64-page biblii"i ipli. nil ii'inii ι1 '-i'l-ption, write Cary Instruments, 2724 s l ' . i k k - l \1 .m., H Calif. 91016. Ask for data file number \ " l - i '*> ( r ι- ι \ lian subsidiary and sales and service i'-" n1 .ii \ •[] m I i . luron Pty. Ltd., Melbourne, Australia.
varian techtron
Circle No. 62 on Readers' Service Card