varian techtron

129 on Readers' Service Card the group that can ... and digital curve correctors. Just introduced, our ... subsidiary and the United States sales and ...
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This atomic absorption spectrophotometer does everything but fly. -



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The new Varian Techtron AA-120 (left) is the finest medium-priced, all-purpose AA spectrophotometer ever built. It was designed for chemists who want the best possible performance for their money. But who don't especially plan on using the sometimes-far-out techniques being employed by today's research chemists. The new AA-120 is completely modular in design and almost embarrassingly easy to operate and install. Its monochromator (0.25 meters, 1274 lines/mm grating) is smaller than that found on our research-oriented AA-5, but it takes a backseat to nothing in performance. The new monochromator also comes with variable slit height a n d slitwidth adjustments; and its selectable optical filters reduce the effects of unwanted source radiation. Other AA-120 (and AA-5) features include direct concentration readout, being

This one does everything.

linear in % transmission or absorba n c e ; variable a b s o r b a n c e scale expansion; zero suppression and automatic baseline correction. Separately encased Readout, Amplifier and Power Supply modules are identical (except for some nice new convenience features) to those found on the AA-5. The AA-120 holds four lamps in the same mounting as the AA-5 and any two may be operated in the s t a n d a r d instrument (or all four operated simultaneously when the supplementary power supply is included) . As in the AA-5, burner adjustment has been simplified since the grooved titanium burner head may be positioned in three planes by external controls to obtain the best sensitivity. Finally, flame emission may be used on the AA-120 when the accessory chopper (provision built-in) is activated by the flick of a switch.


Introduced late last year, theVarian Techtron AA-5 is the most versatile AA spectrophotometer ever made. It was designed for the research chemist who demands highest performance and the facility to let him experiment with anever-before-tried technigue when he feels the urge. The AA-5 is completely modular and electronically identical to the AA-120. And, with its optical rail, it readily adapts to emission or fluorescence studies. COMPLETE, VERSATILE LINE

We now have the best research instrument (AA-5) and the best mediumpriced, all-purpose instrument (new AA-120) in the industry. And to complete the line, we've got the AA-100: a low-priced, not-sofancy-looking, but good performance spectrophotometer (the only one in Circle No. 129 on Readers' Service Card

the group that can operate from a 12 volt battery). To back up these instruments is a complete line of accessories, including more than 65 single and multi-element hollow cathode lamps, digital indicators, digital printers, and digital curve correctors. Just introduced, our automatic sample changer (capacity 60-200 samples) helps to automate routine analyses. If you'd like to see and test any of theVarian Techtron A A instruments in your own lab, just ask us. We'll arrange for a free demonstration. For a catalog which describes the Varian Techtron line in complete detail, write Cary Instruments, 2724 South Peck Road, Monrovia, California 91016. Cary is a Varian subsidiary and the United States sales and service agent for Varian Techtron Pty., Ltd., Melbourne, Australia. Ask for data file A903-59.

varian techtron VOL. 4 1 , NO. 6, MAY 1969

