Vern Berry Memorial Award - ACS Publications - American Chemical

May 30, 2012 - Vern Berry Memorial Award. Anal. Chem. , 1990, 62 (24), pp 1239A–1239A. DOI: 10.1021/ac00223a710. Publication Date: December 1990...
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NRC Associateships T h e National Research Council (NRC) is requesting applications for its 1991 Resident, Cooperative, and Postdoctoral Research Associateship Programs. These programs provide opportunities for scientists, ranging from recent Ph.D.s to distinguished senior scientists, to engage in research with any of 115 participating laboratories operated by 30 federal agencies or research institutions. T h e awards cover u p to t h r e e years of research on problems largely of the researcher's own choosing t h a t are compatible with the sponsoring laboratory's interests. Awards are open to U.S. and non-U.S. nationals. Financial support is also provided for relocation and limited professional travel. For more information, contact Associateship Programs (GR430/D3), Office of Scientific and Engineering Personnel, N R C , 2101 Constitution Ave, N.W., Washington, DC 20418 (FAX: 202-334-2759). Deadlines for application are J a n u a r y 15, April 15, and August 15 for award announcements in April, July, and November, respectively.

Procter & Gamble Summer Jobs Procter & Gamble will again sponsor a S u m m e r Analytical Research Program for graduating college seniors majoring in chemistry. S t u d e n t s who enter this program will work full-time for 10-12 weeks during t h e summer in an analytical research laboratory a t one of Procter & Gamble's four Cincinnati-based corporate technical centers. Applicants m u s t be senior-year undergraduates who intend to work toward a P h . D . in analytical chemistry and must either be U.S. citizens or hold p e r m a n e n t resident visas. For more information, write Coordinator, Summer Analytical Research Program, T h e Procter & Gamble Co., Miami Valley Laboratories, Room 1D42, Cincinnati, O H 45247. Deadline is March 1, 1991.

Vern Berry Memorial Award Nominations are requested for a new annual award t h a t honors chromatographer Vern Berry, who recently died. T h e Vern Berry International G r a d u a t e S t u d e n t Prize will go to a graduate s t u d e n t who has demonstrated outstanding achievement in separations sciences. T h e 1991 winner will receive $1500 and travel expenses to the H P L C '91 meeting in Basel, Switzerland, J u n e 3-7. In addition, the research group will receive $1000. For more information, contact T h e Vern Berry Memorial Foundation, 326 Reservoir Road, Boston, MA 02167. Nominations m u s t be postmarked by February 28, 1991.

Hirschfeld Award Announcement Nominations are requested for t h e 1991 T o m a s Hirschfeld Student Awards, which will be given for the most outstanding papers submitted by analytical chemistry graduate students. Nominees will present 20-min papers a t a joint meeting of the Federation of Analytical Chemistry and

Spectroscopy Societies/Pacific Conference to be held October 6-11 in Anaheim, CA. To be considered for t h e award, s t u d e n t s must submit paper titles, two letters of nomination, any reprints or preprints, and 250-word abstracts to J a m e s Holcombe, FACSS/Pacific Conference Program Chair, D e p a r t m e n t of Chemistry, University of Texas, Austin, T X 78712. For additional information on the awards, contact F. Monte Evens, Conoco, Inc., P.O. Box 1267, Ponca City, OK (405767-3850) or Ivan Glaze, American Cast Iron P i p e Co., P.O. Box 2727, Birmingham, AL 35202 (205-325-7988). Deadline for submission is March 25,1991.

Merck Award to Bidlingmeyer and Niessner T h e 1990 Heinrick E m a n u e l Merck Award was presented jointly to Brian Bidlingmeyer of Millipore Corporation and Reinhard Niessner of the Technical University of Munich. T h e two chemists share the D M 25 000 ($16 077) award. Bidlingmeyer (right) was cited for his work in developing an H P L C technique for rapid and sensitive amino acid analysis. T h e method employs precolumn derivatization with phenyl isothiocyanate. Niessner (left) was honored for his work on the analysis of heavy-metal aerosols using photoelectric sensor arrays.

ASTM Round Robin T h e A S T M D20.70.02 T a s k Group on size-exclusion chromatography is sponsoring a round robin to establish inter and intralaboratory statistical d a t a for a test method entitled "Molecular Weight Averages and Molecular Weight Distribution of Polystyrene by High-Performance Size-Exclusion Chromatography." If your organization is interested in participating, please contact G. L. Hagnauer (617923-5121) or L. A. Papazian (203-321-2622).

For Your Information T h e Genome D a t a B a s e (GDB), a repository for all hum a n gene-mapping information, has gone online. Anyone wishing to use the database should call 301-995-7058 to receive a free communications package, user manual, and password. Initially there will be no charge for using GDB. H. M i c h a e l Wehr has been e l e c t e d president of t h e Association of Official A n a l y t i c a l Chemists (AOAC) for 1990-91. Wehr is t h e administrator of the Oregon Departm e n t of Agriculture's Laboratory Service Division.