Vern Currier sometimes tells customers not to use one of our products

Nov 6, 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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Vern Currier sometimes tells customers not to use one of our products We're speaking of N-Ethylmorpholine in filled urethane foams. "For instance," Vern Currier (supervisor of our Urethane Technical Service Section) explains, "in a foam system based on THANOL® F-3002, b a r y t e s filler, a n d a triethylenediamine-stannous octoate catalyst combination, the use of THANCAT® NEM is not recommended." The above indicated catalyst combination for this filled foam system already has the proper balance in gelation and gas blowing reac-

tions . . . NEM is used widely in other formulations, however, and is very effective in promoting the gas blowing reaction. We have a healthy investment in urethane research and have given top priority to providing the right performance answers for all our THANOL polyols and THANCAT catalysts. You'll find the top urethane hands on the Rising " J " speak with straight tongue. Jefferson Chemical Company, Inc., P. O. Box 53300, Houston, Texas 77052.

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