Versatile is the Word for CITRIC ACID - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

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For many years this non-toxic acid has served as the leading organic acidulant in foodstuffs ...beverages, candies, jellies, desserts. Now, more and more industries are finding Pfizer Citric Acid and its derivatives ideal for a variety of processes far-removed from the "kitchen." Take metal finishing for example. Because it removes oxide films with a minimum loss of virgin metal, you'll find Citric Acid used in polishing and cleaning processes. Di Ammonium Citrate is finding increasing use in the removal of iron contamination from stainless steel and rust scale from iron surfaces. Because it forms water soluble complexes with metallic ions such as iron and aluminum, Pfizer Citric Acid serves as an excellent sequestering agent in processes where metals precipitating out of solution cause trouble..".industrial water treatment, leather tanning, edible oil production, 2,4-D formulations. Since it contains one hydroxyl and three carboxyl groups, Citric Acid as an intermediate for organic synthesis offers many interesting possibilities. And, esters of Citric A c i d . . . several of them marketed commercially by Pfizer...offer the plastics industry non-toxic plasticizers with a range of desirable characteristics. These varied applications may suggest mild, versatile citric as an acid or intermediate in your processing. For additional information, write:

Check These Industrial Uses

CHAS. PFIZER & C O . , I N C .

Versatile is the Word for

630 Flushing Ave., Brooklyn 6, N.Y. Branch Offices: Chicago/ I I I . ; San Francisco, Calif.; Vernon, Calif.; Atlanta, G o .



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