Versatility is the word for PLIOLITE S-5 - C&EN Global Enterprise

Nov 5, 2010 - Chem. Eng. News , 1951, 29 (5), p 362. DOI: 10.1021/cen-v029n005.p362. Publication Date: January 29, 1951. Copyright © 1951 AMERICAN ...
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To Help Y o u E v a l u a t e PLIOL3TE S - 5

Versatility is the w o r d for


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General Properties Composition . . . . . H i g h styrene-hutadiene copolymer Form White unmilled pellet or amber milled granule Color of film Clear Clarity of Elm Excellent Color None Taste None

Physical Properties

_Dest i n d i c a t i o n of the v e r s a t i l i t y of S-5 is its outstanding success in c o n c r e t e floor enamels, cheniicallyresistant coatings, traffic marking paints, stucco paints, wall sealers, machinery enamels, aluminum paints. It has been used in label coatings, silk screen inks and paper coatings. PLIOLITE

Maybe you could use it B u t t h e s e u s e s of t h i s G o o d y e a r developed synthetic copolymer resin only serve to indicate the wide possibilities of this use-proved p r o d u c t . W h e r e v e r you need a h a r d , t o u g h , c h e m i c a l l y resistant resin which is readily soluble and dries rapidly to an easily-maintained clear film of high gloss and excellent a d h e s i o n , it will pay you to c o n s i d e r PLIOLITE


Check over the table of characteristics on PLIOLITE S-5. Then write for a sample for your evaluation and for full infor­ mation t o : Goodyear, Chemical Division Akron 16, Ohio

Specific Gravity Index of refraction Dielectric constant (1000 cycles) Power factor ( 1000 cycles) Spec. Surface Resistivity . . . . 10 χ 10 16

1.04 1.585 2.56 0.116 ohms

Chemical Resistance Acids, weak Acids, strong Alkalies weak Alkalies, strong Alcohol Water, hot

Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Good (softens at elevated temperature) Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent

Water, cold Mineral oil Grease Vegetable oil



Solubility Readily soluble in aromatics, esters and ^ketones. Solutions will tolerate high per­ centages of aliphatic dilutents.

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Pliolite —Τ Μ . Tbe Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company. Akroa. Ohio