VG INSTRUMENTS - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

May 29, 2012 - VG INSTRUMENTS. Anal. Chem. , 1986, 58 (4), pp 517A–517A. DOI: 10.1021/ac00295a726. Publication Date: April 1986. ACS Legacy ...
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VG PlasmaQuad T h e Production ICP System for Elemental j m d Isotopic Analysis

HlasmaQuad - ^ h e |Gp*Wn5 that meets the needs of a production environment as a reliable analytical tool. A tool that performs routine elemental and isotopic analysis. Better-quality Data VG's strong user base attests to the fact that the PlasmaQuad delivers superior analytical data with sensitivity in the sub-ppb range. Minimum matrix effects and fewer spectral interferences are characteristics of the VG ICP-MS concept of providing better-quality data. Faster Analysis Time With PlasmaQuad, data acquisition can be monitored in real time using TRANSCAN, VG's multichannel analyzer. Mass range of 0-250 amu can be obtained in under 100 milliseconds.

Standardless Analysis Good reliable results can be achieved even when you don't have proper standards available, thereby saving you both time and money. VG, the ICP-MS Company VG has merged two analytical techniques and made them work for you. The key to making the system work is the mass spectrometer. We build our mass spectrometers to operate with maximum uptime and high resolution while providing you with the highest-quality analytical software package to enable you to get the best results. That's why the PlasmaQuad meets the challenge of your production environment. Quality Results Through Technical


VG I N S T R U M E N T S VG Instruments, lnc./300 Broad Street/Stamford, CT 06901/(203) 322-4546

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