VG INSTRUMENTS - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

May 30, 2012 - VG INSTRUMENTS. Anal. Chem. , 1990, 62 (9), pp 535A–535A. DOI: 10.1021/ac00208a716. Publication Date: May 1990. Copyright © 1990 ...
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VG TRIO-2... combining LC separation with MS specificity. In many cases liquid chromatography alone just doesn't deliver sufficient information, and incomplete data can lead to expensive mistakes. If you need greater specificity in your HPLC, bring the full power of mass spectrometry to your analysis and complement your data with structural and molecular weight information. VG's Trio-2 research grade mass spectrometer is available with a variety of LC-MS interfaces to cater for a wide range of applications. With LINC, VG's particle beam LC-MS interface, LC samples can be compared with standard or customized libraries giving automatic identification of each component. And particle beam is complementary to each of the other LC-MS techniques: dynamic-FAB, plasmaspray and classical thermospray. MS data may be combined simultaneously with multiwavelength UV information, making Trio-2 the complete LC-MS instrument. For more information on LC-MS instrumentation - or to find out how VG can help if your interest is with bio-molecules in the kiloDalton mass range - contact your local VG representative. Τήο-2's LINC particle beam LC-MS interface

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UNITED K I N G D O M . VG BioTech, Tudor Road. Altrincham, WA14 5RZ. England. Tel: 061-929 9666. USA. VG Instruments Inc. 32 Commerce Center, Cherry Hill Drive, Danvers. MA 01923. Tel: (508) 777 Θ034. CANADA. VG Instruments Canada Inc. 5929Transcanadienne, St. Laurent, Quebec H4T 1A1, Tel: (514) 744 5519. WEST GERMANY. VG Instruments GmbH. Hasengartenstrasse 14, Postfach 5869, 6200 Wiesbaden. Tel: (6121 ) 71090. FRANCE. VG Instruments. 5 Avenue Gallieni, 94250 Gentilly. Tel: (1 ) 47406160. ITALY. VG Instruments. Vtale DellAssunta 101, 20063 Cernusco Sul Naviglio. Milano. Tel: (2) 924 8808 T H E N E T H E R L A N D S . VG instruments BV. PO Box 171, 1380 AD. Weesp. Tel: (2940) 80484 BELGIUM. VG Instruments NV. Excelsiorlaan 1 Box 2. 1930 Zaventem. Tel: 322 725 2410 SCANDINAVIA. VG Instruments AB. Box 45199, S-104 30 Stockholm Tel: 08-311035 C H I N A . VG Instruments Ltd. PO Box 2724, Lan Qi Ying, Cheng Fu Lu, Beijing. Tel: 256 4609. Telex: 222 453 KOREA. VG Instruments Korea. Dong-il Building, 58-6 Nonhyun-dong, Kangnam-Ku, Seoul. Tel: (01)548 2983. Telex: 28523. J A P A N . Jasco International Co. Ltd. 2-4-21 Sennin-cho, Hachioji City, Tokyo 193. Tel: 010813 42666 1321. Telex: 2862515.