VG Instruments, Inc

that made VG the industry leader,and keeps you ahead of your analysis by incorporatingthe latest ... spectrometers in operation, call or write VG Inst...
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The 7070S MS keeps you ahead of your analysis VG has made the world's bestselling line of magnetic sector mass spectrometers even better. The 7070S gives you the unmatched flexibility, resolution and sensitivity that made VG the industry leader, and keeps you ahead of your analysis by incorporating the latest technology for providing more information more quickly in one system. The 7070S features a new magnet, a new source based on the successful ZAB-E design, and improved Ζ focusing. You get the benefits of resolution to 40,000, mass range to 16,000 and sensitivity that's more than doubled for El and CI and increased by more than a factor of 8 for FAB. With its enhanced capa­ bilities, the 7070S represents a design advance for solving your problems now and in the future. For more information on the proven performance of the more than 300 VG 7070 Series mass spectrometers in operation, call or write VG Instruments, Inc.

VG INSTRUMENTS VG Instruments, Inc. 300 Broad Street Stamford, CT 06901 (203) 322-4546 CIRCLE 220 ON READER SERVICE CARD

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