hardware and software content of the. VG Multichrom package, together with the MicroVAX II and VMS brings all the benefits of a VG VAX ... 64 channels...
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Why do Chromatographers buy the VG VAX Chromatography system? Simply because it's the best system available. No other system offers as many options, selected from easy to use menus, for great flexibility. A combination of the superior hardware and software content of the VG Multichrom package, together with the MicroVAX II and VMS brings all the benefits of a VG VAX chromatography system into your

laboratory in a small, compact and affordable package. The VG VAX Multichrom can acquire and process data from up to 64 channels via the VG Remote A/D interface — and still provide support for the LIMS data base and over 20 users. Designed for the needs of today's laboratory, the standard package

accommodates all GLC and HLPC applications with the necessary flexibility within calibration and peak processing. Choose a VG Multichrom and you choose a practical expansion route for the future. Ask to see a VG VAX Multichrom today and see why our existing users come back for more.

VG INSTRUMENTS Laboratory and industrial data systems

A VG I N S T R U M E N T S GROUP C O M P A N Y S e e US at the Pittsburgh C o n f e r e n c e Booth # 8 4 4 - 8 5 1 .

USA. VG Instruments Inc., 300 Broad Street, Stamford, CT. 06901. Tel. (203) 322-4546. VG Laboratory Systems Ltd., Tribune Avenue. Altrincnam, Cheshire WA14 STP, England. Tel. 061 941 6159 WEST GERMANY. VG Instruments GmbH, Gustav-Nachtigal-Strasse 4, 6200, Wiesbaden. Tel. (6121) 713030. FRANCE. VG Instruments, 3 Rue du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny, 78150 Le Chesnay. Tel. (1) 3955 5120. ITALY. VG instruments Limited, Viale Dell'Assunta 101, 20063 Cernusco Sul Naviglio, Milano. Tel. (2)924 8806. THE NETHERLANDS. VG Instruments bv, PO Box 171,1380 AD, Weesp. Toi. (2940) 80484. CHINA. VG Instruments, Room 7059, Xi Yuan Hotel, Erligou, Xijiao, Beijing. Tel. 890721 Ext 759. HONG KONG. VG Instruments Asia Limited, GPO Box 217, Hong Kong. Tel. (5) 8613651. JAPAN. Jasco International Co. Ltd. 2-1-21, Sennin-Cho, Hachioji City, Tokyo 193. Tel. (426) 661321.

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