THE NETHERLANDS. VG Instruments bv. PO Box 171 1380 AD Weesp. Tel: (2940) 80484. CHINA. VG Instruments. Room 7059. Xi Yuan Hotel. Erligou...
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What's the difference between profit and loss to a Contract GC-MS Laboratory? Our target compound algorithm (TAS) utilizes full spectrum and retention time data instead of just a few peaks. Less Time reviewing data. • More Samples Run.

Our system features rapidchange source, 'never-clean' rods, 'ten-year' collector and unparalleled tune stability. Less Time maintaining hardware. More Samples Run.

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VO Masslab Limited. Tudor Road. Altrincham. Cheshire. WA14 5R2. ENGLAND. Tel: 061 -941 3552. USA. VG Instruments Inc. 300 8road Street. Stamford. CT. 06901. Tel: (203) 322-4546. WEST GERMANY. VG Instruments GmbH. Gustav-Nachtigal-Strasse 4. 6200 Wiesbaden. Tel: (6121 ) 713030. FRANCE. VG Instruments. 3 Rue du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny. 78150 Le Chesnay. Tel: (1) 3955 5120. ITALY. VG Instruments Limited. Viale Dell'Assunta 101. 20063 Cernusco Sul Naviglio. Milano. Tel: (2) 924 8808. THE NETHERLANDS. VG Instruments bv. PO Box 171. 1380 AD. Weesp. Tel: (2940) 80484. CHINA. VG Instruments. Room 7059. Xi Yuan Hotel. Erligou. Xijiao. Beijing. Tel: 890721 Ext 759. HONG KONG. VG Instruments Asiâ Limited. GPO Box 217. Hong Kong. Tel: (5) 8613651. JAPAN. Jasco International Co Limited. 2-4-21 Sennin-Cho. Hachioii City. Tokyo 193. Tel: 010813 42666 1321.