Vibrational spectra and assignments for isotopic species of

Feb 16, 1971 - bond moment of 0.5 D will nicely raise po and lower pccc ... Vibrational Spectra and Assignments for Isotopic Species of Tetraborane(1O...
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2508 Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 10, No. 11, 1971

bond moment of 0.5 D will nicely raise po and lower pccc to the observed values only if the negative end is directed to the phosphorus with the fluorine substituents. This value suggests an inductive effect from the fluorines, and the direction of the bond dipole is consistent with the greater Lewis basicity toward borane of the phosphorus with the attached fluorines. I t is interesting to note that the same value for the PP bond moment fits both ,ua and ,uc for HzPPF2, implying that the bond dipole moments in PF3, PH3, and H2PPF2 are internally consistent. This investigation shows that the stable conformation is trans with no evidence for appreciable amounts of a gauche conformer. This is particularly interesting for two reasons. First, there appears to be no tendency for the lone pair on the PH2 group to form a d,-p, bond to the PF2 end since this would make the PH2 group planar. This effect can be invoked to rationalize the planar arrangement around the nitrogen in H2NPF212 and ( C H ~ ) P N P F An ~ . ~ analogy ~ to this result has been observed with N(SiH3)3which is planarz4 while P(SiH& is pyramidaLZs Second, the stability of the trans form is interesting in view of the electrical asymmetry in HzPPFz; apparently an internal attraction between the hydrogens and (24) B. Beagley and A . K. Conrad, Tvans. Fovnday Soc., 66, 2740 (1970). ( 2 5 ) B. Beagley, A. G. Robiette, a n d G. M. Sheldrick, J . Chein. Soc., 601 (1967).

ALTONJOE DAHLAND ROBERT COOPERTAYLOR fluorines is not influential enough to stabilize the gauche isomer. There is, however, some suggestion of an interaction involving the hydrogens since the P P H angle is a “small” 90”. Since H2PPF2 readily decomposes to HPF2, i t seems preferable to call the interaction an attraction presumably toward the lone pair on the adjacent phosphorus. The data now available indicate that all gaseous diphosphines have the trans conformation except H4P2. A trans conformation seems readily justified invoking steric repulsion and/or lone pair interactions. These two effects should be the smallest in H4Pz so a gauche conformation would be more likely ; nevertheless some stabilizing interaction must still operate to give the gauche conformation. The results of this investigation certainly suggest that further studies of the molecular and electronic structure of H4Pz and its potential function for rotation about the PP bond are warranted. Acknowledgment.-This research was supported by a grant (GP 11388) from the National Science Foundation, Washington, D. C . We are also grateful to Professor R. H . Schwendeman for helpful discussions concerning the Stark effect. The sponsorship of H . W.S. by the Civilian Institutions Program, Air Force Institute of Technology, is gratefully acknowledged.


Vibrational Spectra and Assignments for Isotopic Species of Tetraborane(1O)l BY ALTON JOE DAHL



Received February 16, 1971 Four isotopically enriched species of tetraborane(l0) have been prepared involving hydrogen, deuterium, boron-10, and boron-11. The infrared spectra of these compounds have been investigated in the gas and solid states in the spectral region from 400 to 4000 cm-1. Low-resolution Raman spectra in the liquid and solid states have been obtained and qualitative polarization measurements made. Vibrational modes of this molecule have been described on the basis of a symmetry analysis and a group vibration approximation. Tentative vibrational assignments have been made for 34 of the 36 fundamentals.

Introduction Despite the extensive chemical interest in the boron hydrides and the intriguing nature of the hydrogen bridge bond which these compounds contain, spectroscopic attention has been focused almost entirely upon the simplest member of the series, diborane. Experimental difficulties caused by the reactive nature and general thermal instability of the higher hydrides, together with spectroscopic complications inherent in their relatively large size and the lack of isotopic purity of natural boron, seem to have been effective deterrents to study. These compounds clearly deserve considerably more attention than they have been accorded. In the present work, the vibrational spectra of four (1) Based o n a dissertation submitted by A. J. Dah1 in partial fulfillment

isotopic varieties of tetraborane (lo), B4H10,have been investigated in the gas, liquid, and solid states under low resolution in order to arrive a t a preliminary set of vibrational assignments. The infrared spectrum of this compound prepared from boron containing the natural isotopic abundance has been reported in the literature, the most detailed results being those of Spielman and Burg,3who published the infrared spectrum of the vapor for both the hydrogen and deuterium compounds. Qualitative assignments were given based on frequency shifts and analogies with the spectra of other compounds. No Raman data have been found. A few infrared frequencies for the mixed isotopic species, B4HsDz, have also been r e p ~ r t e d . The ~ only other higher boron hydride which has been given any signifi-

of t h e requirements of t h e P h . D . degree t o t h e Horace H . R a c k h a m School of

G r a d u a t e Studies of T h e University of Michigan. (2) Author t o whom correspondence should be addressed.

(3) J. R . Spielman and A. B. Burg, Inovg. C h e w , 2, 1139 (1863). (4) A. D. N o r m a n and R. Schaeffer, J . Ameu. Chem. S o c . , 88, 1143 (1966).


Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 10, No. 11, 1971 2509

cant amount of spectroscopic study is pentaborane(9) .6*6

Experimental Section The isotopic composition of natural boron, which has a 4 : l ratio of boron-I1 to boron-10, introduces a number of complications into the vibrational spectra of boron hydrides prepared from natural material. Since most of the molecules in such a sample will have an actual symmetry less than the geometrical symmetry, selection rules will be relaxed and splitting of bands or isotopic satellites will occur. Under low resoltitioh, the latter effects may result only in a general broadening of the bands, but asymmetric line shapes and unresolved shoulders fray also be observed. Further effects may be greater difficulties in distinguishing overlapping fundamentals and signifikant shifts in the positions of apparent band maxima. Since the mass diffefence for the two boron isotopes is nearly lo%, the problenis are not insignificant. To minimize such effects and aid the interpretation of the results, hydrogen and deterium species of tetraborane isotopically enriched in boron-10 and also boron-11 were synthesized for the present investigation. The extent of isotope mixing in molecular species based on the overall isotopic composition is indicated in Table I which compares natural boron with the enriched compositions used in the present work.



92% O 'B 80% "B 99.470 "B

------Boron-enriched 1oB1 lOBgllB (1)a (2)

0 716 0.002 0.000

0 249 0.026 0 000

compounds------. 1OB~llBZ lOBllB, (3) (2)

0.033 0.154 0.000

0 002 0 409 0 024

11Ba (1)

0 000 0.409 0.976

resolution using a Bausch and Lomb 1.5-m grating instrument. For the liquids, a Toronto type mercury arc source was used with which the temperature of the samples could be maintained a t about Sample volumes were in the range of 0.1-0.3 ml. Details of the experimental apparatus and arrangement for the solid samples are available elsewhere.8 Briefly, two Type AH-4 mercury arc lamps were used to supply Hg 4358 k radiation. High spectral purity was obtained by passing the light through two narrow band pass multilayer filters after which it was focused on the sample contained in a 5-mm 0.d. Pyrex tube. This tube was in good thermal contact with two heavy copper supports attached directly to a liquid nitrogeh reservoir. Thermocouple measurements indicated that sample temperatures were below - 160". To reduce the high intensity of incident radiation scattered from the polycrystalline samples, the scattered light was passed into the spectrograph via a discrimination unit which greatly reduced the relative intensity of the exciting radiation. This unit corisisted of two parallel multilayer dielectric interference filters having a band pass maximum i t 4358 A. The scattered light from the sample was multireflected between the parallel faces before entering the spectrograph. A t each reflection, approximately 70% of the 4358-k radiation was removed by transmission through the filter surface, but, due to the interference nature of the filters, better than 9870 of the Raman radiation was reflected. On the basis of six reflections, it was calculated that less than 0.1% of the 4358-k light entering the discrimination unit reached the spectrograph slit whereas the Raman radiation was attenuated only to about 75% of the incident. The use of dielectric filters for this purpose has been described previously9~10but fewer reflections were employed. This technique not only made it possible to obtain good-quality spectra from polycrystalline samples but also markedly reduced the width of the Rayleigh line in the spectra of the small liquid samples (Figure 1).

7 - D e u t e r i u m - e n r i c h e d compounds----. D ~ (I)* Q DsH (4) DsHz (17)

97% D 0.737 0.228 0.032 Numbers in parentheses indicate the number of nonidentical species which have the given mixture of isotopic atoms. a

Preparation of Compounds.-Boron trifluoride enriched to 99.4 atom % IIB or to 92 atom % l0B was prepared by the thermal decomposition of the correspondingly enriched potassium fluoroborate and converted to the ethyl ether complex. The latter was then reduced by a mixture of LiH and LiAlH4 in ether solution to give the enriched diborane. Ninety-seven per cent enriched LiD plus AlCla was used for the deuterated material. The diborane was converted into an approximately equimolar mixture of tetraborane and pentaborane(l1) by circulating it continuously through a thermal reactor held a t 125" followed by a trap maintained a t -78". After 1 hr, during which time the pressure in the system slowly increased to nearly 2 atm from the production of hydrogen, the - 78" trap was replaced with one a t -196" and the hydrogen pumped off. The trap was then rewarmed to -78" and circulation continued. After four such cycles, a typical preparation produced 5 mmol of a mixture of tetraborane(l0) i n d pentaborane(l1) from an initial 17 mmol of diborane. The product mixture was separated by repeated trap-to-trap distillations and the purity of the tetraborane established by vapor pressure measurements and infrared spectra. Purified samples were stored a t liquid nitrogen temperatures until used. Spectroscopic Equipment and Procedures.-Infrared spectra were recorded with a Perkin-Elmer Model 21 spectrophotometer equipped with CaF2, NaC1, and KBr prisms using indene lines for calibration. Gases were examined in a 10-cm cell with KBr windows. Solids were in the form of thin nonscattering films deposited from the vapor on a KBr plate maintained near liquid nitrogen temperatures in an evacuated cell. Raman spectra of the samples were recorded photographically using a Gaertner two-prism instrument having a dispersion of about 180 cm-l/mm in the blue region. Under the conditions of the experiments, the resolution attained was about 10 cm-'. The most intense bands were also photographed under higher

Frequencies of the Raman bands were determined from measurements on both the plates and microphotometer tracings using a fourth-degree polynomial fitted to standard argon lines. Esti-

(5) H . J. Hrostowski and G. C. Pimentel, J . Amer. Chem. SOC.,7 6 , 998 (1954). ( 6 ) S. R. Coriell and W.J. Taylor, Symposium on Molecular Structure and Spectroscopy, The Ohio State University, June 1964.

(7) G. L. Vidale and R. C. Taylor, J. Amev. Chem. Soc., 78, 294 (1956). (8) A. J. Dahl, Dissertation, The University of Michigan, 1963. (9) J. Brandmuller, Z Angew P h y s . , 5, 95 (1953). (10) R.L.Amster and R . C. Taylor, Spectrochtm. Acta, 20, 1487 (1964).

I 0

Figure 1.-Polarized


I 1000


I 2000



Raman spectra of liquid 'OB,Hlo at -80".

2510 Inorganic Chemistry, VoZ, 10, No. 11, 1971



2588 2570 2486 2436



Gas Solid -

2495 v v s

vs vvs vvs w,sh



2595 v v s 2583 v v s ( p ) 2585 v s , s h 2494 v v s ( p ) 2495 v v s 2439 vvw

2268 m

2150 vs

2138 v v s 2126 v v s 2091 s

2149 vvs

2070 s h

2071 w



2570 v v s

2575 v v s 2550 v v s 2475 v v s

2485 vs

1750 vvw,br

1407 s

1461 1435 1424 1410 1380


2136 vs


2107 v v s ( p ) 2106 s

sh sh

2069 m

2073 w

1850 vvw

1747 vvw

1762 vw

1279 1219 1209 1173 1156 1142

vvw vw vw

1269 1218 1211 w 1171 w 1157 vs(A,C)1152 1. 1. -7 8 1124 1071 m 1071

974 v s 916 vw 905 w 854 vs(A,C) 800 w

1553 v w ( p )

1373 v u

1375 vvw

1296 v u

1297 vvw

1219 vvw

1228 vvw

vs vs

1156 m

1155 w

vs vs

1.127 m 1071 m

1129 m 1075 m

1038 m

1037 w

1361 vvw 1343 s 1318 m vu m

s s

-c h..

1042 vs 989 vvw 964 v v s 917 vs 906 VI 872 V I 854 v v s

vvw vw vw sh

1690 1670 1651 1625 1618 1599 1578 1561 1531 1515 1475 1445 vk 1,C) 1444 1422 1403 395 s ( A , C ) 1388

br vw sh vvw

w m

1465 vvw 1439 v w ( p )

1351 1343 1324 1308

vw vvw m

1353 vw

1288 1255 1217 1196 1154 1145


258 w(A,C)

975 s(P) 901 vw 882 vw 850 v s ( p )



906 vw 885 vw

805 s ( p ) 748 vvw

806 s 750 vvw

682 vvw

672 m

680 m

575 vs

579 s ( p )

584 m

483 409 366 238

vw vvw vvw jn

196 m,sh 153 s , s h


vu vvw vvw Sh w

w m vs

1529 v w ( p )




s m


1149 m

1144 w

1121 w 1065 m 1041 w

1118 w 1062 w 1041 vw

140 v s ( A , C )

1134 m 1116 w,sh 1117 s io70 S(A,C) 1064 v s 1023 s 966 v s g i n vw 895 w

848 s ( A . C )

853 m

805 s h 802 5 754 s

474 5 415 vvw

2133 m

sh vw vw. sh vvw w

1783 1750 1730 1720

1766 vvw

1456 vw 1433 vvw

vu vw vu vvw

2490 v v s ( p ) 2488 v s

1825 vvw 1815 s h

1485 vw 1454 w ( p ) 1430 vvw




2095 2085 2060 2040 1985 1970 1944 1924 1870 1854

2066 m

1594 vw 1540 w,br

2566 v v s ( p ) 2562

2150 vs

1810 vvw vu w vw,sh vw


vvw w vvw

1996 vw 1956 vvw

1774 1753 1735 1697


2285 2255 2205 2165 2130

2116 v v s ( p ) 2116 vvs

1894 vvw 1868 w 1845 vvw



2270 w

2285 w

1870 vvw 1850 vvw

l0B4HloAND llBaHlo



2590 vvs


780 w,sh



470 w

mated uncertainties are about 2 cm-l for the more intense peaks and somewhat greater for the weaker ones. The uncertaintles in the maxima of the infrared absorption bands are approximately the same.

Results Observed vibrational frequencies for the four isotopic varieties of tetraborane in the gas, liquid, and solid 'I and 'I1' "larized Raman states are listed in spectra of lnR4Hloand 'OB4Dloare shown in Figures 1

959 929 908 898 868 846 824 798 783 737 703

vvs fW

vs vs vs vvs vvw

965 s ( P ) 940 vvw

964 w

898 vw 867 vw 827 v s ( p )

825 m

785 S ( P )


659 m

650 w


m m vvw 662 w 617 v v w 559 v5

480 s

558 497 472 413 372 236

S(P) vvw vw vvw vvw


557 w


and 2 in the form of microphotometer tracings. Figure 3 shows the vapor and solid spectraof the hydrogen and deuterium compounds prepared from boron-1 1. X-Ray diffraction studies on the solidll have shown that the boron skeleton of tetraborane consists of two triangles of boron atoms which share a common edge (11) C E. Nordman and W N Lipscomb, J . Chem P h y s , 11, 1856 (1953) See also E B Moore, R E Dickerson, and W S Lipscomb, ,bid , 17, 209 (1957)

Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 10, No. 11,1971 2511



2597 sh 2568 m 2528 w 2 1 3 7 vw 1946 vvs

1 8 2 6 vs

-S-o l i d 2540 2530 2500 2285 2135 2055 1956 1940 1900

sh m vvw m vvw vvs sh


1876 s 1 8 6 9 sh 1 8 3 4 vs

1544 1536 1529 1508 1496 1478 1461 1442 1419 1410 1390 1370 vvw,br 1370 1350 325

w sh sh vvw vvw sh vvw vvw

1310 1299 1286 1263 1258 1218 1192 1175 1157

1035 m

,855 s ( A . C )



737 w 725 m

650 s

1097 1055 1032 997 977 963 952 942 923 901 911 893 850 827 801 820 806 794 773 753 736




Ramsn Sol i d


2 5 2 5 vw

2 1 4 2 vvw

2 1 2 0 vvw

2130 vvw,br

1953 v v s ( p ) 1950 yvs

1946 vvs

1932 vvs


2 8 4 5 vvw


2 5 0 9 vvw



1 8 8 3 vw

1 8 3 4 v v s ( p ) 1 8 3 2 vs 1 7 7 1 vvw

1 5 9 4 sh 1598 vvs 1568 V V S ( P ) 1567 vvs

1 8 2 6 vs 1 7 2 0 vvw,br

1583 vs

. .

2 4 9 8 vvw 2 1 2 9 vvw 1934 vvs

1 8 9 4 vw,sh 1 8 8 5 vw 1 8 5 5 vvw


Solid 2 5 8 7 vvw 2544 vvw

vvw sh vw vvw vvw

2583 2546 2535 2511 2498

2596 vw


1933 vvs

1 8 5 9 vw

1821 vvs 1 7 7 8 vvw 1 7 3 6 vvw

1825 vvs

1821 vv*

1572 vvs 1 5 5 9 sh 1 5 3 5 vw

1585 vvs

1582 1 5 5 7 vw

1517 w

1 4 5 7 vvw 1 4 2 5 vvw


vvw vw

1 3 7 5 vvw,br


w vw

1 2 8 1 vvw

1 1 8 1 vvw 1166 1 1 5 1 vvw I 1 3 8 vvw



m s,br

s s

9 7 9 vvw 9 4 8 vvw



9 2 4 vvw 910 m 8 4 9 vw


sh w

1046 1029 986 969 958 946 928 901 894

1030 m

1035 vvll


w w vw vw vw

8 8 5 vvw 856 m 8 2 8 sh

816 s

850 s ( A , C )

795 m

vs m vvw m

vw vvw vvw w w sh

vs vw

sh m

7 3 7 vvw 724 m 692 m 656 m

582 w 534 s 489

728 m

720 w

6 8 0 vw 670 w

648 R(A,C)

585 w 540 m 49 5

4 3 0 vvw 195 w

and two atoms as shown in Figure 4. Two terminal hydrogens are attached t o each of the end (unshared) boron atoms and a single terminal hydrogen is attached to each of the central borons. Four bridging hydrogen

884 872 842 806 801

m w

w vw,br vvw vu sh sh sh

vs sh sh

794 I 781 m 763 m


6 9 3 vw 678 vvs 655 vvs

1 3 8 2 vvw 1 3 6 0 vw 1 3 3 3 vvw 1 3 1 1 vvw

vvw vvw vvw rh vvw vvw,br vvw vw

718 m 704

630 602 589 532 515 503 494 463 438 433



m sh sh m sh vvw

1 5 8 3 vs


2 5 8 5 in

1767 1707 1702 1697 1683 1667 1582 1570

1 7 7 5 vvw



Infrared Gas



730 726 714 697

m sh

670 651 643 628 622

s s

519 505 497 487


m w 683 vvw

888 m ( p )


8 4 2 vw

8 4 3 vvw

795 s ( P I

801 m

739 w 715 m

717 vs

667 m

669 m

648 m

656 m

570 w 516 s

580 m 528 s

Sh Sh


vw vvw vs

426 m



atoms are located around the periphery of the boron skeleton. On the basis of the X-ray results, the free molecule is presumed t o have CZ,symmetry and is expected t o be an



Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 10, No. 11, 1971






Figure 2.-Polarized


1 2000