Vibrational spectrum and force constants of the SF-O-anion

M. I. Scullane , R. D. Taylor , M. Minelli , J. T. Spence , K. Yamanouchi , J. H. Enemark , and N. D. Chasteen. Inorganic Chemistry 1979 18 (11), 3213...
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Christe, et al.

620 Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 12, No. 3,1973

Contribution from Rocketdyne, a Division of North American Rockwell Corporation, Canoga Park, California 91 304, and the Abteilung fur Anorganische Chemie, Universitat, Ulm, Germany

Vibrational Spectrum and Force Constants of the SFSO- Anion KARL 0. CHRISTE,* CARL J. SCHACK, DONALD PILIPOVICH, E. C. CURTIS, and WOLFGANG SAWODNY Received August 30, 1972

The CsF*SF,O adduct has been prepared and characterized by infrared and Raman spectroscopy. All eleven fundamental vibrations expected for a pseudooctahedral anion of symmetry C, have been observed and are assigned. A modified valence force field has been computed for SF,O- and suggests an SO bond order of approximately 1.5.

Introduction The existence of a CsF.SF40 adduct has been reported' in 1960 by Smith and Englehardt and in 1964 by Ruff and Lustig.2 However, no details were given regarding its preparation or properties. In a subsequent paper Lustig and Ruff described3 the synthesis of Cs+SFSO-from CsF and SF40 in CH3CN solution. The ionic formulation of this adduct was substantiated3 by its 19F nmr spectrum which showed a characteristic AB4 pattern. The vibrational spectrum of this interesting compound is essentially unknown, since only four infrared absorptions were p u b l i ~ h e d . ~In this paper we wish to report the complete vibrational spectrum of the SFSO- anion and the results from a force constant computation. Experimental Section Materials and Apparatus. Volatile materials used in this work were manipulated in a well-passivated (with ClF,) stainless steel vacuum line equipped with Teflon FEP U traps and 316 stainless steel bellows-seal valves (Hoke, Inc., 425 1F4Y). Pressures were measured with a Heise Bourdon tube-type gauge (0-1500 mm 2 0.1%). Sulfur oxide tetrafluoride was prepared by the method' of Ruff and Lustig from SF,O and F, and was purified by fractional condensation. Cesium fluoride was fused in a platinum crucible and powdered in a drybox prior to use. The purity of the volatile starting materials was determined by measurements of their vapor pressures and infrared spectra. Solid products were handled in the dry nitrogen atmosphere of a glove box. The infrared spectra were recorded on a Perkin-Elmer Model 457 spectrophotometer in the range 4000-250 cm-' with an accuracy of +2 cm-' for sharp bands. The spectra of gases were obtained using 304 stainless steel cells of 5-cm path length fitted with AgCl windows. Screw-cap metal cells with AgCl or AgBr windows and Teflon FEP gaskets were used for obtaining the spectra of solids as dry powders at ambient temperature. The quality of the infrared spectra could be somewhat improved by pressing two small singlecrystal platelets of either AgCl or AgBr to a disk in a pellet press. The powdered sample was placed between the platelets before starting the pressing operation. The Raman spectra were recorded with an accuracy of ?2 cm-' using a Coherent Radiation Laboratories Model 52 Ar laser as a source of 1.3 W of exciting light at 5145 A. The scattered light was analyzed with a Spex Model 1400 double monochromator, a photcmultiplier cooled to --25", and a dc ammeter. Pyrex-glass tubes (7-mm 0.d.) with a hollow inside glass cone for variable sample thicknesses or melting point capillaries were used as sample containers. For the conical tubes the axial viewing-transverse excitation technique and for the capillaries the transverse viewing-transverse excitation techniques were used. Preparation of CsSF,O. A prepassivated (with ClF,) 30-ml 316 stainless steel cylinder was loaded with dry, powdered CsF (9.93 mmol). Purified SF40(16.1 mmol) was added to the cylinder at - 196'. After warming to ambient temperature overnight, the cylinder was heated at 90" for 5 days. Upon recooling to room temperature, all volatiles were removed in vacuo and trapped at

* Address correspondence t o this author at Rocketdyne. (1) W. C. Smith and V. A. Englehardt, J. Amer. Chem. SOC.,82, 3838 (1960). (2) J . K. Ruff and M. Lustig, Znorg. Chem., 3 , 1422 (1964). (3) M. Lustigand J . K. Ruff,Inorg. Chem., 6,2115 (1967).

-196". The recovered SF,O (7.32 mmol) indicated that 88.5% of the CsF had been converted to CsSF,O. Confirmation of this was obtained by pyrolyzing a sample of the complex at approximately 250" for 10 min while pumping the evolved gas through a trap cooled to -196". The evolved gas was identified as SF40and the amount found corresponded to an 82% conversion of CsF to CsSF,O. A similar experiment exposing KF to SF40at temperatures up to 125' for several days did not result in any complexing.

Results and Discussian Synthesis and Properties. In the absence of a solvent, heating was required to achieve a significant conversion of CsF to CsSF50. The conversion obtained in the present study is comparable to that of 76% previously achieved3 by the use of CH3CN as a solvent. The reversibility of the formation reaction was demonstrated by the pyrolysis experiment which resulted in SF40 as the only volatile product. CsSF50 is a white, crystalline solid and does not show any detectable dissociation pressure at ambient temperature; attempts to synthesize the analogous potassium salt failed under similar reaction conditions. This is not surprising since the stability of salts of this type generally decreases with decreasing cation size. Vibrational Spectra. Figures 1 and 2 show the Raman and the infrared spectra, respectively, of CBF50. The absorption between 300 and 250 cm-' in the infrared spectrum is due to the AgBr window material. The observed frequencies are listed in Table I. Analogy with isoelectronic SF5C14>'and the typical AB4 19F nmr pattern previously reported3 for SF50- suggests the following square-bipyramidal structure of symmetry C4" for SFSO.I

:0 -

For this ion of symmetry C4, 11 fundamentals are expected. These are classified as 4 AI 2 B1 B2 4 E. All 11 modes should be Raman active, whereas only the A1 and E modes should be infrared active. The assignment of the observed bands to the individual modes is given in Table I and is supported by the following arguments. The very intense infrared band at 1154 cm-' must be due to the SO stretching mode. As expected for an Al mode it was also observed in the Raman spectrum. Its high frequency rules out any alternate assignment. Comparison with the cor-


+ +

(4) L. H.Cross, H. L. Roberts, P. Goggin, and L. A. Woodward, Trans. Faraday SOC.,56,945 (1960). (5) J. E. Griffiths, Spectrochim. Acta, Part A , 2 3 , 2145 (1967).

Inorganic Chemise, Vol. 12, No. 3, 1973 621

The SFSO- Anion Table I. Vibrational Spectrum of CsSF,O Compared to Those of SF,Cl and IF,O


Ir 1154vs 735 vs 697 m 506 s

Assignment in .point group

Obsd freq, cm-', and intens SF.Cla

R 1153 (1) 722 (0.2) 6g7 (10) 506 (1) 541 (3.3) 472 (0.2) 452 (0.9) 780 (0.1) br 607 (2.2) 530 (2)

Ir 402 s 855 vs 707 s 602 s

R 403 (10) p 833 (0.2) p 704 (3.0) p 603 (0.2) p 625 (0.7) dp


Ir 927 s 680 s 640 w 360 s


cam -1

Approximate description of vibration

R 928 (4) p 680 (10) p 640 ( 9 + ) p












6sym(out-of-plane XF,) vsym(out-of-phase XF,) 6 asym(out-of-plane XF,) 6 symCin-plane XF,) vasym(XF4) 6 (YXF,) 6 (FXF,) G,,(in-plane XF,)

(275)d '6 505 (0.2) dp 305 (1)dp B, v, 785 vs, br 909 vs 927 (0.2) dp 710 vs 700(0+)sh E us 606 s 287 vw 271 (0.6) dp 369 s 374 (1) dp V9 579 mw 584 (0.1) dp 342 s 340 (4) dp VlO 530 sh 325 mw 441 m 442 (0.8) dp e 205 (O+) VI 1 a L. H. Cross, M. L. Roberts, P. Goggin, and L. A. Woodward, Trans. Faraday SOC.,56,945 (1969); J. E. Griffiths, Spectrochim. Acta, Part A , 23, 2145 (1967); K. 0. Christe, C. J. Schack, and E. C. Curtis, Inorg. Chem., 11,583 (1972). b D. F. Smith and G. M. Begun, J. Chem. Phys., 43, 2001 (1971). C Band masked by v g and vl0. d Not 0bsewed;value estimated from combination band. e Below frequency range of spectrometer used.






Figure 1. Raman spectrum of solid Cs+SF,O-. A indicates spectral slit width.


1300 ' 1100 900 ' 700



F REQUE NCY Figure 2. Infrared spectrum of solid Cs+SF,O- as an AgBr disk.

responding mode in SF30' (1 538 cm-1)6 and SF40 (1380 cm-')' shows the expected frequency decrease with an increasing formal negative charge. The SFSO- anion should have four additional stretching modes. Three of these belong to the approximately square-planar SF4 part and one involves the unique fluorine ligand. Of these, the totally symmetric SF4 stretching mode of species Al should result in the most intense Raman line and is consequently assigned to the Raman band at 697 cm-' . As expected for species AI, this Raman band has an infrared counterpart. The antisymmetric SF4 and the SF stretching modes in SF&l are both of very high intensity in the infrared and of very low intensity in the Raman spectrum4ysand occur at fre(6) M. Brownstein, P. A. W. Dean, and R. J. Gillespie, Chem. Commun., 9 (1970). (7) P. L. Goggin, H. L. Roberts, and L. A. Woodward, Trans. Faraday SOC.,57, 1877 (1961).

quencies higher than that of vWm(SF4)(Al). Consequently. for SFSO- these two modes are assigned to the two weak Raman lines at 780 and 722 cm-' , respectively. Of these two, the 780-cm-' line is attributed to vASF4) owing to its width, lower Raman intensity, and larger frequency separation from vWm(SF4)(AI). Both Raman bands show as expected a very intense infrared counterpart. Owing to the broadness of v,(SF4), these two bands are poorly resolved in the infrared spectrum. The broadness of v, was also observed for several other approximately squareplanar XF4 grou s, such as B T F ~ -ClF4-,9 ,~ or those in SFS- and SeFs-,' and hence appears to be quite general. The remaining, yet unassigned, stretching mode, v,,(outof-phase SF4) (B1), should be of medium Raman intensity, should ideally have no infrared counterpart, and should occur in the range 500-600 cm-' . Since both the 506and 607-cm-' Raman lines show very intense infrared counterparts, only the 530- or the 541-cm-' line might belong to vwm(SF4) (B1). Based upan its higher Raman intensity and frequency, we prefer to assign 541 cm-' to vwm(SF4) (B1). There are six frequencies left for assignment to the six deformational modes. Of these, the 0-SF4 wagging mode (E) should have the highest frequency since it involves a motion of the oxygen atom which has partial double-bond character (see below). Furthermore, this mode should result in a relatively intense band in both the infrared and Raman s ectra. Consequently, this mode is ascribed to 607 cm- . By comparison with SFSC1?,' SF'-," and


SeF5C1" one would expect G,,(in-plane SF4) (E) to have the lowest frequency of the SFS group deformational modes and to be infrared active. Consequently, this mode is assigned to the 325-cm-' infrared band. Of the remaining two yet unassigned infrared-active deformational modes, the G,,(out-of-plane SF4) or umbrella mode (Al) should result in a very intense infrared band of relatively high freq u e n ~ y ? ~ ~ Jconsequently, ~J~ this mode is assigned to 506 cm-' ,leaving 530 cm-' for assignment to the F-SF4 wagging mode (E). The two remaining, yet unassigned in(8) K. 0. Christe and C. J. Schack, Inorg. Chem., 9, 1852 (1970). (9) K. 0. Christe and W. Sawodny, Z . Anorg. Allg. Chem., 374, 306 (1970). (19)K.0. Christe, E. C. Curtis, C. J. Schack, and D. Pilipovich, rnorg. Cheh., 11, 1679 (1972). (11) K. 0. Christe, C. J. Schack, and E. C. Curtis, Inorg. Chem., 11, 583 (1972).

622 Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 12, No. 3, 1973

Christe, et al.

Table 11. Symmetry Force Constants of SFSO-a *I


V2 V3

v4 BI

v5 '6




VS v9 VI 0

VI 1

1154 733 697 5 06 541 472 452 785 607 530 325

FII= f D Fn = f R F33

= f , + 2fm + frr'





+ 2fpfj + f p i + f y + 2fy7 + f7y' - 2fpr - 4pr' - 2fp.y")

F55 = fr - 2frr + frrl F66


= l/z(fp - 2fpp + [pp' = f a - 2fpa + faa

= f r -f r r , F,, = f y - f y y , F8s

= fOr-fcU$

FIOIQ Fl111 F89



F 8 1 ~


Fsii = f r p - f r p a

+ fr - 2f77 + fy7' - 2fpr + 4fp7' - 2fpy")

; frat)

6.46 3.75 5.43 2.52 0.66 3.28 3.19 1.46 2.84 2.22 2.62 1.21 0.40 0.50 0.28

Stretching constants in mdyn/A, deformation constants in mdyn/A radian', and stretch-bend interaction constants in mdyn/A radian.

frared-inactive modes of species B1 and B2, respectively, belong to the Raman lines at 472 and 452 cm-'. Since, for numerous structurally related species, G,,(out-of-plane SF,) (B,) either has not been observed or was of very low this mode is assigned to the very weak Raman line at 472 cm-' . Hence, the last yet unassigned Raman line at 452 cm-' should represent G,,(in-plane SF4) (B2). Comparison of the SFSO- assignment with that made for SFSC14" (it should be noted that the assignment given in ref 7 for vll (E) is likely to be incorrect") shows satisfactory agreement (see Table I). The slight discrepancy in the relative Raman intensities observed for vl0 (E) between the two species might be ascribed to increased coupling between v9 and vl0 in SF50- due to 0 being more similar in mass t o F than C1. This might result in a symmetric and antisymmetric rather than in a characteristic F-SF4 and OSF4 wagging motion. This assumption appears to be supported by the s p e c t r ~ m 'of ~ isoelectronic IF5O (see Table I) for which the Raman intensity of vlo is higher than that of v9. Of the four infrared bands previously reported3 for CsSF50 only the two weaker ones agree with our observations. Furthermore, the previously suggested3 assignment of the SO stretching mode to a broad band centered at 718 cm-' is obviously incorrect. In summary, all 11 fundamentals of SF50- have been observed and an assignment is offered. The observed vibrationd spectrum definitely supports the proposed structural model of symmetry C4". Force Constants. A normal-coordinate analysis was carried out to aid the spectral assignment. The kinetic and potential energy metrics were computed by a machine method,14 assuming the following geometry and coordinate definitions: RsF' = rSF = 1.60 8,Dso = 1.47 8,CY (FSF) = p (F'SF) = y (OSF) = 90°,where F' refers to the axial (unique) fluorine ligand. The symmetry coordinates used were identical with those r e p ~ r t e d 'for ~ IFSO. The bond lengths were estimated by comparison with similar molecules using the c o r r e l a t i ~ n 'noted ~ by Gillespie and Robinson between stretching frequencies and bond lengths. The deformation coordinates were weighted by unit (1 A) distance. The force constants were calculated by trial and error with the aid of a time-sharing computer to get exact agreement between the observed and computed frequencies using the simplest possible modified valence force field. Unique (12) G. M. Begun, W. H. Fletcher, and D. F. Smith, J. Chem. Phys., 42,2236 (1965). (13) D. F. Smith and G. M. Begun, J. Chem. Phys., 43,2001 (1 965). (14) E. C. Curtis, Specrrochim. Acta, Part A , 27, 1989(1971). (15) R. J. Gillespie and E. A. Robinson, Can. J. Chem., 41, 2074 (1963).

force constants could not be computed since the general valence field has 36 constants and there are only 11 observed frequencies. It was found, that for the A l block the values of Fll and F 2 2 were strongly influenced by the value of the interaction constant F12. Since in isoelectronic SF5C116 and in IF50l3 the equatorial and axial fluorine atoms do not significantly differ in their stretching force constants and since in SFSO- the equatorial SF stretching force constant f r is about 3.6 mdyn/A, we prefer for SFSO- a force field with F2? = F R = f , . Surprisingly, the interaction constant F13 = 2frD had little influence on the frequencies of v1 and v3. Hence, its value might be comparable to that of F12 although it is not required for obtaining a fit between the computed and observed frequencies. The computed symmetry force constants are listed in Table 11. The interaction constants not listed were assumed to be zero. The following values were obtained for the more important internal force constants: f D = 6.46, f R = 3.75, f , = 3.60, f R D = 0.66, f, = 0.54, and f r r ' = 0.75 mdyn/A. Significantly larger values of about 4.6 and 7.7 mdyn/A are possible for f R and f D , respectively, by assuming a much smaller value for f R D . However, the resulting large difference betweenfR andf, renders such a force field less likely. In spite of these uncertainties in the force constants, certain conclusions can be reached. The value of the SO stretching force constant f D (6.5 mdyn/8) is much lower than those of 10-12 mdyn/A generally found for S=O double bond^."^'^ Its value is com arable to that found for the SOO2-anion (7.44 mdyn/A' B) indicating for SFSOa SO bond order of about 1.5. Furthermore, the values of the SF stretching force constants, f R andf,, are somewhat lower than those generally found for covalent SF bonds (4.5-6 mdyn/816) indicating significant ionic contributions to the SF bonds in SFSO-. These results are best interpreted in terms of the resonance structures

These structures together with orbital-following effects could also account for the unusually strong coupling between the SO and SF stretching modes suggested by the force constant computation. Registry No, CsF*SF40,37862-1 1-6.

Acknowledgment. We are indebted to the Office of Naval Research, Power Branch, for financial support. (16) W.Sawodny, Habilitationsschrift, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany, 1969.